Tfw no beta finsub bf

>tfw no beta finsub bf

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tfw no socially ostracised, depressed and retarded robot for you to exploit*


noone cares my man

Well, yes I guess so. Some guys are into that though.

what is finsub

Have you heard of findom, user?

This is me, except I actively enjoy it lol

>tfw a finnish finsub on neetbux but no non-finnish findom
it turns me on so much just being on welfare which is not much at all but still having it taken away...

I thought rope with a weight-bearing limit of 300lbs was only about five bucks...

Here you go [$(5)$]

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So which of you wants to be owned by me?

Do you want an actual bf? Or just a guy who gives you money without anything in return

A bit of both, if I'm honest. I want an actual connection with someone, but I want it to be someone pathetic enough to be into giving me money and being my bitch.

I do! Do you have discord? I am

If I had a girlfriend I would absolutely be ok with spending a lot of money on her, a although I would rather buy stuff she wants for her rather then just giving her money.

I do. If you post yours, I'll think about adding you.


Good boy, request sent

Roastie whore DIE

I love this kind of thing!

You guys are so stupid, bitches (fat neck beards) post this shit all the time. Outside of about a dozen girls on Twitter, this shit never works.

>tfw too many beta boys to choose from

Are you a fellow femdom femanon? Or just another sad beta?

Well I am not a girl, but I aint a sad beta either hoe. I was just saying

Thankfully, at least one of you beta's can follow instructions :)

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>doing this for 18 pounds
you must be ugly or a terrible dom, honestly.

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I cannot believe you got someone here. Lmao wtf how easy is it?

Doing what, starting a thread and letting a beta find me? I'll admit, I'm quite an inexperienced girl, nonetheless good little betas turn me on.

i personally have no time for 'good' betas, if theyre not completely submitted to me, what's the point? your inexperience shows, but we all start somewhere i guess.

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I think this is bullshit and even I agree with this. It could have been $5 and it would have been worth it. Basically free money for nothing, right?
>also fuck women who do this or say they are hard done by in any while this shit exists

that's a good point. I'll have to put this little beta boy to the test. Thanks for the advice

I've seen literal catfish, like in the fucking profile it says catfish, findom twitters and they still get paid. which makes me wonder the legal ramifications of that kinda thing