A 45yo roastie I know wants a baby. Should I do it anons?

a 45yo roastie I know wants a baby. Should I do it anons?

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Make her have a miscarriage? What the fuck are you going to do?

>Having a baby with chromosomal abnormalities (your chances of having a baby with Down syndrome at age 45 are about 1 in 35)

45 years old?? If you want a baby that looks like this then go ahead. That scheming roastie is going to be sucking financial support out of you until your potato kids is 18. Plus you'll have to pay extra due to the special needs. Good luck loser.

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oh.. oh.. okay

The thing is that I'm 48 and this might be my last shot.

What the world really needs is either another down's baby. Or a future schizophrenic.

And that is if she's able to get pregnant at that age.
Then again, it could be quite a nice time waster, fucking her time and time again for no real result.

It's up to you, make sure to get a karyotype of the baby though.

Are you just doing this because you want to get laid, or would you want to be involved in this child's life?

As the biological father, she may end up seeking to make you legally compelled to support the child.

Basicy being a sperm donor also sounds like a bit of a shitty thing to do to a child. I wouldn't want to be a child to a single mother.

lol I gave my landlady a baby, she turned 50 by the time she managed to get and stay pregnant and have the kid.

Although surprisingly and probably miraculously, the kid came out alright.

I want to have a kid, but I don't particularly want her to be my gf because you can't trust women. I wouldn't mind seeing the kid once a month

>I want to have a kid, but I don't particularly want her to be my gf
well that's good to hear. girls tend to do better when they have non-romantic relationships with their fathers.


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don't do it she's gonna take all your money and leave you don't be stupid just fuck prostitutes

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I do like to fuck prostitutes but because of chinese virus the govt has shut all the brothels

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Don't do it, user. That baby will probably post here in 18 years

You good there mister Fritzle? You should only have a kid with her if you are committed or you went through safe sperm donor channels, that is a really bad idea otherwise.

i'd say do it, as long as you know you can provide and help occasionally for it.
you are pretty old... but probably old enough to deal with it. as long as you have a job.
like other anons said, possibility of it being disabled is higher than normal.

You can probably still father kids at 75. You have time. 48 is not old, go online at Date in Asia, make a nice profile and meet a 29 or 30 yo Filipina. Go and fuck her and make a few kids. Keep her in Philippines if you don't want to pay child support or have dramas. Give her what support you can afford and visit your kids regularly. Or live with them there for a while, if it works out then bring her to your country.
I'd rather a younger, healthy flip than an old, past the wall roastie.

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Then just do it, kids are great and the chance for disability is still low.

ps pic in my previous post is of an actual single 29yo Filipina looking for a relationship. I bet she looks a damn sight better than your 45yo roastie. She's still young and fertile too.

a 45 yo wants "child support" money until she turns 63.

Should you waste your money on her instead of vidya, gaming pc, a good shotgun and other tech stuff?

I have a job but I don't make that much money
no thanks, mix race people have a lot of health problems, plus I don't want a kid which looks like it's been smeared with poo all the time and you can't wash that off

I already have all that stuff
at this point I'm going to die alone with a huge pile of money and no heir

dude, im sure there are bunch of dude's here who'd love you giving them your stuff and monney, anyways, it's better then giving the fat roasty the money, and the people here would actualy appreciate it

this girl worked as a prostitute from 15 to 26 quite likely. a lot of filipina girls do that kinda stuff

use ur money and binge heroin or crack, or travel or do a shooting, just don't do it

Don't have children. People that bring in more children are a scourge on this world and are part of the problem

hello Rabbi Shekelberg

you any closer with deciding?

Consider how mentally sane the roastie is, too.

ive been prospected by female friends who want to be single moms but im afraid of getting a lawsuit or being pursued by this kid later on

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