Why do so many plebs on this board worship 3DPD?

Why do so many plebs on this board worship 3DPD?

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because they're just pathetic incels.
unlike us 2D-only chads.

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>realized he's just a pathetic loser that he completely gave up real women and replaced it with drawings
>is somehow an elitist about it and claims he's the "chad"
The absolute state of cope

2Dpill takes a certain way of thinking that a lot of people just don't comprehend. I've heard it said before from plenty of people that one day I'll want a real woman, but I counter that that's projecting their own ways of thinking onto other people. If this were a hundred years ago of course I wouldn't be doing this, but that doesn't mean I would be chasing 3D pussy, I'd be living alone as a lighthouse keeper.

2D isn't for everyone. It's not, and it's an error to think that everyone should think like you just like it's an error that everyone thinks you shouldn't. But 2D is what's for you, and that's the most important thing here.

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he acsenced from the real world he has no need for 3d he realized how superior 2d is its not about the body its about the soul thats the ultimate giga chad move

>aka completely gave up
>2d has a soul and 3d doesn't
Like I said, the cope is too powerful.

>gave up
The only giving up there is in life is killing yourself. 2D is saying you don't like the game that everyone else is playing, so you're going to play a different one. That's not giving up.

Serious fucking cope.
>hurr giving up doesnt exist let me just rationalize it with my personal rhetoric which I use to try to convince myself I'm not a complete fucking loser

>the only reason you don't like the game is because you're bad at it
now that's cope

It's not cope, it's true and you know it.

>It's true and you know it!
>[citation needed]
cope response

>citation needed
>he wants a scientific study that proves that we both know he's coping
Extreme denial and mega cope.

Doesn't need a scientific study to show what you're arguing. What I say is that you could try to use some deductive reasoning to show what it's true, but in the end you'll find that you can't because you're trying to deductively describe a subjective experience. That doesn't work, and that's why the only response you have is to put words in my mouth about how you say that I know that I'm wrong.

>muh deductive reasoning
>the experience is subjective!! I'm not objectively coping and in denial!!
Shut up you pretentious faggot. You're trying to act like some esoteric elitist because you jerk off to anime girls instead of real women. You're not some deep, profound, ascended being for this, that's an obvious superiority complex rooting from insecurity. How's that for deductive reasoning? So, now we ask why you've done this. Why did you develop this pathetic cope mindset? There could only be a few logical answers, either you failed with real women and gave up completely or you're a low test desensitized faggot. Only go with the former, this post is proof enough that you are trying to rationilze and justify your cope, convincing yourself that your complex is true. You are pathetic.

>either you failed with real women and gave up completely or you're a low test desensitized faggot.
Here's where the problem lies. You simply don't understand how someone else's perception could possibly be different from yours. You arrive to the conclusion that these are the only two possibilities because that's how you can see yourself ending up in this situation. And for that reason, I concede that 2D isn't for you, and I wouldn't try to make it for you.

Now, to actually respond to these:
>you failed with real women and gave up
I have never at any point in my life been interested in real women. I like bobs and vagene but at no point have a considered a real human woman to have any benefit for me.
>you're a low test desensitized faggot
This is such a vague and meaningless accusation that I cannot possibly hope to prove it wrong through a post on Yas Forums. Before you take that as a victory for 3DPD, understand that unfalsifiability is not a strength in an argument.

>that's an obvious superiority complex rooting from insecurity
You cannot claim I'm pretentious and then try diagnosing me using professional armchair psychology over Yas Forums.

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Alright, so you've never been interested in women. That sounds low test to me. It's not your, just a result of random genetic RNG.
>it's a vague and meaningless accusation
It's really not. It could be, and likely is the root of your problems. Perhaps you have schizoid personality disorder? I can't say for sure, like you said I can't exist in your mind. All I have is the data you're giving me. By the way, unfalsifiability can be a strength in an argument, not in this case though so we'll move on from that. Considering the newfound circumstances, I have only one criticism. Stop trying to act like an esoteric, ascended elitist just because you differ from the norm. Your claims that drawings have soul and real women don't imply that you haven't spent much time with real women and you inject your fantasies into a virtual outlet. If anything you are inferior and a genetic dead end. You're preference likely stems from mental disorder or bodily dysfunction. Or, perhaps I speak out of ignorance. Why do you think you show no interest in real women, and never have? Why do you think you prefer drawings ove real women? Or "3D" as you put it?

enough with the armchair psychology, kiddo.
go back to chasing your 3DPD whores who will dump you for anyone slightly better than you at any chance they get (if you even find one who will put up with you in the first place).

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So you've been rejected and emotionally damaged by women and now despise them for it? I don't understand, user.

>Your claims that drawings have soul and real women don't imply that you haven't spent much time with real women
correct, though that wasn't me
>and you inject your fantasies into a virtual outlet.
>If anything you are inferior and a genetic dead end.
>You're preference likely stems from mental disorder
Quite possible
>Why do you think you show no interest in real women, and never have?
Because I cannot perceive any benefit that having a real woman can give me. I see plenty of happy couples and nothing about what makes such an arrangement so happy. The only reason I've ever felt compelled to find a woman is because other people do it. That's not a good reason though- dealing with other people is more work than it's worth. I don't feel a connection even to my immediate family, and there's no reason I would try to introduce yet another person into that level of intimacy. Women are good when they're drawings that have no real social needs, because I won't satisfy those, and they won't satisfy me.

That's not to say I have no drive to be sociable with another person. I have one friend in this world, and that's enough real people for me. I haven't talked to him face to face in almost 2 months because of gorona, but it really doesn't bother me.

Hm. It sounds like you have Schizoid personality user
Have you ever talked to a professional about it? I'm going to assume no but maybe you can get help in some way, if you even want it that is.

>someone doesn't think exactly the same as all the mindless normalfags out there
>heh, you must have a mental illness, faggot. get help.

There nothing to not understand about that. If every person of a group you've encountered so far actually contributes negatively overall, then it's not wrong to make a blanket condemnation.

If even 7/10 apples of a tree are poisonous, it's fair to say the tree is responcible and all apples are poisoned.

>if you even want it that is
Like implies, I'm totally fine with the way things are for me. Which is what I've been saying this whole time- you've been saying this whole time that my contented niche is a problem for me. It's like a salesman trying to sell you a solution to a problem you didn't know you had- that's not a real problem.

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It's actually a wh*te w*man who's threatened by a cartoon, they are such a pathetic race of subhumans, really, that cartoons would be better than them. You take h*r value away by sticking with 2D, just as she deserves.

So you have been hurt been women. Are you going to be okay, buddy?
>If even 7/10 apples of a tree are poisonous, it's fair to say the tree is responcible and all apples are poisoned.
No, it's not. It's fair to say most apples are poisoned, not all. And don't be ridiculous, your tiny sample size of women and your experiences with them doesn't account for even 10% of the entire female population. You have a limited scope of perception and chose the cowards way out.
I never judged him for it. And it's not just "hurr durr I'm unique and not like the other girls, muh npc normalfags, I'm so different!". He literally shows key symptoms of Schizoid personality disorder.
Okay, it's not a problem for you. Am I supposed to clap or something? Quit acting like an elitist faggot, you're not as special as you think you are

>Am I supposed to clap or something?
>Quit acting like an elitist faggot, you're not as special as you think you are
turbo cope

I'm coping? How so? Lmao.

>no argument lmao
ultra giga cope

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You can't see past the horizon of your own ego, wh*te r*astpig. His analogy is perfect; you are a poisoned, rotten apple, from a dying tree. I only pedantically disagree with his '7/10', it's more-so 100% of you are rotten, poison apples. Go back to psycology class so you can figure out why cock wont fill that void, wh*te r*astpig. Moo moo, moo.

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Yeah that's what I thought. Nice deflection, faggot.

I'm not a women. You are mentally ill and are suffering from confirmation bias. I agree nigger, most modern women are terrible cunts but there is still good women out there. The only one who is stunted by an ego is you.

>still no argument
Welcome to the Copeacabana

I made an argument, your response was that I'm just coping (lol). I asked you to explain why I'm coping but you can't do that so now you're just deflecting. You definitely have some defects.

>I asked you to explain why I'm coping
I can't answer that because I don't know why you are coping. That's an introspective question- why are you coping?