Before we begin the meeting, lets introduce ourselves and share one interesting fact about ourselves...

>Before we begin the meeting, lets introduce ourselves and share one interesting fact about ourselves....Starting with you, user! Go on!

i fucking hate these things and always freeze up and say something really lame or a lie like i like painting or some shit. what do you guys say?

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so, you say you like painting, they move on, and you get away with it... whats the problem? sounds like you solved it

>Hi. I'm user, and I'm a virgin. Nice to meet you all and I look forward to working with everyone.
How did I do, OP?

I don t know usually just something I have practiced in the past or that I am interested in

>Hi Im user and I-
>Did you just call yourself user? What does that mean?

i have a deep interest in history

Everyone in this room is a faggot and I'm gonna defenestrate myself.

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>hisashiburi ye haggises I'm japanese and scottish

Wouldn't do that if I were you. "History" is quickly becoming a well-known "weasel word" to ferret out racists. People can and will accuse you of being a NAHT-ZEE over little more than this.

Back in college I literally walked out on classes that did this shit. Yes i've dropped out obviously but that's still better than the spaghettii I would have dropped in these situations.

Even normies hate these things, ive talked to them afterwards

I always just say
>Hi my names user and I dont have anything interesting to say

>While you were bullshitting, I studied the fiddle

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say medievil history

Not OP but I don't really care anymore about people (accurately) assuming I'm not a part of their ideology and hating me because of it. Antifa even wrote a long article about me calling me a Nazi and stuff. But really, being and acting indifferent, it hasn't really affected my life very much. I might be less likely to get or keep high-powered corporate jobs, but okay. And funnily enough, if you respect yourself and aren't bothered, then often times other people will respect you also.

This means white people history and will be considered just as suspicious as world war history or ancient rome history
The only safe thing is third world history. Be interested in some India dynasty or whatever

i tried to make a pun, sorry. MediEvil

>Oh you cant like history that makes you a racist
>Oh you cant like video games that makes you a school shooter
>Oh you cant like anime that makes you an incel
>Oh you cant like music that makes you a drug addict

Oh fuck off I dont care what these people think of me

You will care a bunch, Mr Macho Alpha, when the SWAT team kicks down your door. Reminder that in California, any public school you attended within the last 6 months and your employer can trigger a red flag SWAT raid on you over mere suspicion of being a racist school shooter incel. This policy is expanding nationwide.

>Oh fuck off I dont care what these people think of me
Agreed, see but all the same,
>music that makes you a drug addic
Maybe this means you listen to shitty doomer/psychedelic music
>like anime
Guys that are really into anime generally really are the more autistic types anyway

Yeah I'm sure these will happen if you show an interest in history

No, it always starts like that. Then you trust whoever you're around more and say more and more self-incriminating things. Then when it's convenient, like when you're competing for a promotion (bad faith), or you become sufficiently scary (good faith), they drop the hammer, and predictably the result is always the same: boots on your trachea, your life in shambles, and you even more of a ghost of your former self.

Hi, I'm user. I like space exploration and would like to contribute some day to it because I believe one way or the other it will be the only way to make sure humanity survives and I'd like to do my part in achieving that.

I had people genuinely scared I was going to shoot up my high school senior year because I was known as that weird, isolated kinda autistic kid who got pissed when people shit on him. I never was going to do that but thats what some people thought imcluding this one cunt teacher. If some bullshit SWAT raid ever happened over saying nigger online or not being social enough or whatever, that's just how you cause something real bad to happen in minecraft

It's already happened several times in multiple states. In at least one case, the victim fought back and died. No massive rebellion, no nothing, only traumatized people and ruined lives. You know why? Because these laws tap into the normies' deep need to humiliate, degrade, and destroy "others" while making them feel like a hero to society for doing so. The victims on the other hand are so traumatized and isolated from the whole bureaucratic procedure and label of "non-human monster" they've been issued that there's nothing they can do.

>new job
>new coworkers ask me what i'm interested in
>tell them history
>they think it's cool
>start talking about everything i'm into
>2 weeks later
>"hey jenny, did you see what these jews just did? we should gas the kikes lol"
>2 hours later get called into bosses office
>"uhh yeah user, we're gonna have to letcha go, you've been making people uncomfortable"
>damn backstabbing normies!
>back to neet life

Yes, because that is the typical internet "historian" nowadays. They are starting to catch on and assume from the get-go, without any further evidence, that you are one of those Nazis just because of how many there are.

Never really experienced this... maybe it's your environment. I live at a university and it's plenty common for people to be into history, no one would think it was anything unusual. I feel like there's something missing from what you're saying, do you tell them anything other than "I'm interested in history?" What other signals are you giving off? If you are wearing a World of Tanks tee shirt and read Mishima in the break room then I would understand.

And there you have the real reason why. You're in an academic environment where there is less incentive to fuck others over and a culture of openness and good faith. Industry is the precise opposite, where you are rewarded based on how well you can stab others in the back and destroy others. It's also clear you've never worked a day outside either.

I just say I like to read and everyone nods and move along. It's not that difficult user.

Here's the nice thing about talking with you smarmy little cunts: nothing I can say will ever get you to change your mind that I am a Nazi since you've already made up your mind. You would never accept "no signals, nothing" since it goes against the narrative you have in your mind, not to mention the extreme difficulty required in proving a negative. Even if I mentioned the exact part I was interested in, you would use it against me. Should I say I refuse to d0x myself for you, you would claim I am a Nazi using "weasel words". I see your kind all the time on reddit and in offices conducting your petty little witchhunts.

Thanks for proving my point right. This folks, is why you never mention your interest in history except to trusted friends, because you just set yourself up as a target for the likes of these people.