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Other urls found in this thread:

What is the alternative you fat fucking retard?

this picture single handedly destroys millions of young men, me included.

the lost opportunity of sex with a high schooler is unbearable to think about.

It's not againts improving
It's against annoying 25 retards who unironically call themselves chad when they barelly manage to lift numbers chad has been doing since 17
It's the lack of self awareness
You don't call your self smart,talented,chad etc.
Other people give you that title because you have proven yourself
These are the same people that complain about depresion when the real world isn't as how Yas Forums portrays it

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Where do you seem them calling themselves Chad? You are just insecure and complacent and mad that other people are surpassing you.

Your insecurities are showing
Might want to reread my post

You're clearly insecure about other people improving themselves

>the lost opportunity of sex with a high schooler is unbearable to think about

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Go to japan
Unlike other long term self help goals, it doesn't require constant scrutiny, just putting money aside.
When you go to japan you can do whatever you want
You can do whiskey reviews on the side of the road at 2pm legally.
You can nerd out in Akihabara, staring at 2 storey tall anime posters
you can waste money and time playing pachinko or crane games.
It'll be 2 weeks of bliss you'll think about for years, and something you'll want to go again

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there's something so ironic and funny about these posts making fun about people improving themselves

18 year old prostitutes are an option

We will probably never be rich either. Life involves missed opportunities

You lack basic reading comprehension but i'll bite.You're continuous use of the word 'insecure' is looking like projection
I have nothing against board users improving,Im just stating that the sheer agresivnes of some users shows a lack of irl acceptance and praise
Especially on a board known for having general misfits and robots

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Whoops meant for(originally

I can't even go outside in my current home town what makes you think mentally ill robots will or even should be on the streets on a foreign country alone.

The ultimate goal for these self help fags is pussy, so why all the other shit. Literally just have to lose a few pounds and groom your self slightly to attract some 7/10's.

No you having a problem with people trying to improve themselves shows your insecurity.

He posts in all of these threads. Tends to have the same sentence structure throughout these threads just ignore the troll

>dude people who try to improve themselves are bad
Kill yourself you fat fuck

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can't we be frens ? Why bully?

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Post body
Originally i have posted this

t. 26 year old self defeatoor

Normalfags and abnormalfags can not be friends. Their needs and desires are incompatible with one another.

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Maybe... Just maybe... cause you're a fucking retard who gives out shit advice.

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Yeah it looks familiar
I am always shocked how hard these guys try to prove themselves on an anonymous image board
robotneinkey of all the boars fukken lol

Post yours first, faggot.
>hurr durr don't try to improve just get obese cause it doesn't matter anyway.

Unfortunately true blackpill.

Some people are salvageable of course failed normies going through their first cheating girlfriend or what ever should have the skills to get back out there.

For unsocialized mentally disabled robots though there's not much hope. The older you are the more pointless it is to even try . 30 years of damage will not be fixed within even 10 years.

If you're self-improving because you to impress others you're doing it wrong, self-improving to better your health and self-esteem by getting good at some niche is what you do

Lol bet you look like the OP pic

I did it. It wasnt that great desu.

I was a khv at 23 and now at 24 I've been fucked by several cute high schoolers and 19 and 20yos. Take the gaypill.

I'll fucking leave you with no teeth fren. You are a cumskin nigger who fucks faggots.