Why are so many transgendered people communists?

Why are so many transgendered people communists?

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You have to be retarded to be a tranny. Clearly there is a correlation.

they want to die

I like North Korea because they hate fags and trannies over there. Social Conservatism and socialism go well together, but I would prefer economic centrism to go with dictatorships and social conservatism.


based vlad originally

based fash

Trannies (and their sympathizers) are retards who think they can change human nature
Commies are also retards who think they can change human nature
Both are anti-reality and anti-nature

>Commies are also retards who think they can change human nature
voca.ro/2o28veNa8hA and culture

Most tranny "communists" would change their tune if they actually lived in a communist state where they would be imprisoned or more than likely executed

why are there so many "femboy" aka (agp tranny) nazis? both sides have their fair share of degenerate porn ruined men who need therapy. its a side effect of the internet

"Socialism" yeah right retard you just want free shit

this doesn't exist, user

unironically this, they just want free shit and money

i think you might be retarded or one of these trannies or a degenerate who masturbates to them. i'll pray for you user

probably all the "wanting to be treated equally" stuff

based anti-socialist.

Comorbidity of mental illnesses

why are faggots faggots?

people tend to like things that don't love them back. I am an unironical socialist in my home country and one of our main objective is to stop american degenerate cultural aggression of homosexuality and trannism.

We even proposed to persecute them in a systematic manner to reduce their presence in society.

A lot, some trannie subreddits had pinned vote for berniie treads, cuz Bernie promised them free transition operation, that's only what they care about


Kill yourself genetic trash.

i'm neither. prove that they exist

half the threads on this board are trap threads and do you honestly think a majority of people on this board are left leaning in the slightest? use some critical thinking retard. also most femboys are racist and reactionary perverts anyways

>he has no proof
as expected

Holy based slav

go take hormones and extort your body for fat ugly middle aged men online im sure you'll get into heaven that way

I already told you that I'm not a tranny, faggot. nice cope though


i dont need to cope because i am neither a tranny nor someone who willfully denies the truth. stop masturbating to mentally ill retards moron.

>i dont need to cope because i am neither a tranny
i'm not so sure. you're rather quick to call others trannies. perhaps a bit of projection?
>nor someone who willfully denies the truth.
yet you've yet to provide any proof
>stop masturbating to mentally ill retards moron
i don't. i quit masturbating in november of last year.

yo thats really strange i wonder why bro....

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ah yes, this is one of the cases where both phenomenons seem to be correlated and then it seems like one is the cause of the other, when in reality there's actually a third phenomenon that is the cause of both: very low intelligence

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im not a guy let alone a tranny moron. its just pretty retarded if you think trannies are an issue that only communists have to deal with when on this board its really easy to see that young men are being mind molested into crossdressing and turning into agp perverts while also maintaining political beliefs that are heavily right wing. 'grats on not masturbating though but try to be less dense next time. look up cafebeef or the monroeshow or just idk do some basic searches

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communism is for mentally ill people. trans faggotry is for mentally ill people. pretty dumb question.

authoritarian left also hate trannys

Bruh theres a whole section of Twitter full of "reactionary" twinks and femboys