What is your hobby - passion r9k?

Wanna hear from the coolest to the weirdest, whatever it is.

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Crossdressing/being a trap. Sadly, I'm not very successful at it

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I like to skateboard, it's nice to see immediate progress after literally falling down. I usually skate alone because I am not cool like others but most people will usually involve me in nice conversations about random things and offer me handouts.

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putting my penis in every thing

boy girls dogs cat goats chickens beds pillows chairs sofas hot dogs hamburgers pizza dirt sand

u name it
i dik it

How u put dik IN hot dog, just bun? casue that's not a hot dog thats a bun.

I'm obsessed with TCaP. I just love seeing predators get roasted by Chris. Seeing them squirm, watching analyses, seeing the RAW footage, reading the chat logs. All of it. It's the cleanest best pleasure

Piano player and experimental composer.

Pipesmoking unironically has a pretty cool community. Sure you have the fedoras and weirdos, but there are also genuine people who are quick to share and help out.

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I read too much philosophy and write some poems which I've always kept to myself.

I paint 40k models and model vehicles

doing drugs and playing the piano. sometimes both at the same time :>

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Horseriding and tap dancing.

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was going to come say this actually

aside from that, guitar and vidya, mostly

Fascinated when it comes to smelling my dogs piss.

Nothing. I'm terrible at everything. Always will be.

i like baking and aerial hoop (can't do the latter in quarantine)

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I can't actually draw but I love to draw.

I like writing stories, directing them in my head, writing and performing music, and designing clothing. I really hope that one day I will get the oppritunity to make some creations come to life. I am currently practicing and getting some experience in my chosen fields, but I have a long way before anyone will be buying anything from me. I just have to calm down and take it one step at a time

put dick on bun and hot dog on top and rub

yeha boi

have y tried a watermelon before?

Mushroom cultivation and Banzai

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work on cars and write graffiti

Unfortunatly i work only nights and have a hard time sleeping during the day. When i do have time,weekeds, i just invite some friends we blast some acid and psytrance. Laught, dance, jump, fuck and play poker.

inserting the word cock wherever i can

>fuck and play poker.
do you fuck your friends (males)in the ass or get fucked?

Same :)

Crossdressing is so fun because of how unique it is at first with the new types of clothes, then showing off to friends or whatever, and if you shave your legs stockings feel so amazing and so do blankets aaa

Crossdressing is just one of my biggest hobbies but also like my most secret lol

I started collecting coins about half a year ago. Mostly just things pulled from circulation. I especially love finding foreign coins mixed in with American money, in fact, that's what got me started in the first place. Now I have binders full of little displays of coins, a collection of dates and mint marks, and a few "better" coins that have landed in my lap. For example, my brother works at a bank, and he brings me the weird or foreign coins he encounters. And once he brought me a Morgan dollar that I guess was confused for a Eisenhower dollar coin or something. He didn't realize it was a real silver coin that a collector would buy at a premium!

I like to crack open coin rolls and find ones I don't have, foreign ones, better condition ones to replace ones I already have. At this point the only ones I don't have are the really old pennies and nickels, and silver dimes and quarters - I have a few but I haven't encountered a lot yet. I also like to collect old paper money as well as notes with cool serial numbers.

I see very little discussion of the numismatic hobby on Yas Forums, even in the archives I find barely anything for as far back as they go. Unfortunately only reddit seems to have a big community around it. And they literally think it's wrong to keep an old Nazi coin because it should be melted for representing 'ultimate evil'! Numismatics helped me appreciate and learn about history, I'm against destroying any kind of artifact.

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Girls make great friends, and its sex without commitment.
I share a very close bond with a female friend who spends a lot of time here. Sometimes im taking a shit and shes in the shower and we just talk about stuff.
Other times im in the shitter she just opens the door and passes me a joint.

Just because all your friends are male, doesn't mean its impossible to have female friends.

i build old computers like 95- 2000

about to start any info about the community?

I've been skating for almost 2 years and I get jealous when I see little kids doing cool tricks, or someone mastering it so quick.

skating at least 2x a week and best i can do i olie off a curb and onto another with a 40% sucess. Scared to cruise around cmapus cuz i fall so much and look stupid.

Collecting old banknotes from around the world, painting and assembling scale model kits, photography (digital & film), writing screenplays for short films, masturbating to porn (ebony, asian, latina, granny/milf and ladyboy are my genres), travelling and mongering.

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