I am a pol user

And I truly believe the Jews are the cause on my unhappiness

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Hi fren, me too but its a societal thing. Feminism, hypergamy, social media, online dating, etc are all Jewish inventions.

What have the Jews done specifically OP?

I'm going to have to disagree on hypergamy being a Jewish invention. But online dating culture probably inflated it to levels that aren't natural.

Yes, its a consequence of online dating and the loss of traditional and religious values from cultural marxism, which comes from the Jews over at the Frankfurt School

have you ever met one/know one personally? kinda harsh to judge an entire group of people based on things done by the richest of the group.

>I am a pol user
And I am a po' loser.

I don't blame Jews for anything. Kinda scared of China, though. As a country.

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>thing I dont like exists
>group I dont like exists
>thing I dont like must be result of group I dont like

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Yes I have met ones personally who were just like the memes. Leftist scumbags and two of them basically conspired to ruin my relationship with my dad by saying I was on drugs after I asked if the Holocaust wasn't real.

>things done by the richest of the group
All the rich ones are Jews and fucked my country up, they are the ones that pushed all the degeneracy seen today in this clown world

I am adamantly against war and killing, but if we were at war with China I would 100% enlist to stop the red death blob.

You are late by 70 years bro

I'm a bit scared of Russia too, but to a much lesser extent because they seem shockingly incompetent. But I know that Vladimir Putin is not.

Why would anyone be scared of Russia?

A mean, crazy leader with real field experience. Compare that to Trump or Trudeau, a cancerous suitfag and a man who will cry on TV (respectively).

How is Putin mean?

The only Jew I've known was a right-wing Libertarian who encouraged me to read Ayn Rand. I did it, because I liked him and wanted to bond over it, but man was it a slog.

He's highly authoritarian. Think about the fact that you're in (assumedly) North America or wherever, you can talk endless shit about the government. That's your right. Putin doesn't put up with that shit at all, they dispose of citizens who speak their mind against the president or his regime. Look at that motherfucker's hardened face and you can see how many people he killed before he was even the president at all, when he was the leader of the KGB.

He seems like a nice guy to me.

lmao that's what he wants you to think
his government exists almost entirely for him to amass wealth for himself and his oligarch friends
google pics of putin's dacha and you'll understand

At least Russia is white and loves it's people.

I'm of German descent and have every reason to hate Russians but I like Putin. I wish Germany had someone more like him.

lol have you heard of tatars, yakuts, nenets? russia is maybe 2/3 white and 1/3 muslims and asians. as white as the US.

Muslim isn't a race it's a religion and the Asian areas are very sparsely populated.

He looks like the kind of father who would kick his NEET son out of the house at 19 and disown him.

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russian muslims are ethnically turkic. they're not white.
russia is at most 75% white. cope harder

Yas Forums is right over there m8

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I just Googled it and Muslims are only 6.5% of the population of Russia

It has no problem killing its own citizens. It loves its people if they are productive and serve the government's cause. Sure, that might sound good on paper if you try being impartial, but are we not robots? How would we survive in Russia?

do I really need to hold your hand and walk you through this?

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Idk I don't think modern Russia is the same as the USSR. Show me evidence of Russia mass killing it's own people.

I used to think that no one who hates jews and blacks has ever actually known a jew or a black, and I've since refined that with a second observation: when a person who hates jews and blacks does meet one, they've already decided that they hate them, and that's why they don't know them.

not that user but he didn't say MASS killing
so he is correct. most recent was a chechen assassinated in germany.

Blacks have always been obnoxious douchebags fot my entire life.

>a chechen
You mean one of the ones he said wasn't white? Lol who cares

they may not be white, but they're russian citizens. and there's lots of other examples e.g. magnitsky

Sure. Now head back to Yas Forums and circlejerk with other retards, retard.

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>Putin's palace only costs $1B
>America's richest jews are worth more than 400x that with their wealth combined
Can't be too bad

An example of a political activist who was killed, Oksana Shachko; see how she died. But good luck researching this stuff. They are all killed like this.