What do robots actually want out of a relationship? And what are they willing to give in return?

What do robots actually want out of a relationship? And what are they willing to give in return?

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All I want is a mutual support system. We get through the difficulties of life together. A partner whom I can trust. That's all.

Some one to talk to, laugh with, be silly around and go about my daily life with.

I'd give up my time, shelter, finances, and attention

I just want to be left alone
Fuck everyone
Bunch of hypocritical cunts

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a qt3.14 with passions similar to mine so we can feed off of each other's creativity and motivate each other to be awesome
i'll take care of all expenses and all the manly shit she needs me to do i just want someone i can talk to and cuddle

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A lot of people say they want this then give up at the first hurdle. Staying power and a sense of duty to each other is becoming rarer and rarer these days.

I just want someone I can trust and rely on who Trusts me and rely's on me.

I just want a partner.

Someone with whom I can share mutual love and monogamy. Since I have never experienced romantic love I have no idea what that entails.

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someone to play pokemon with

What do you mean by first hurdle?

Ivenever been in a relationship so I don't even know what to want from it or what to expect

Imagine your realationship like yamcha and the first little conflict or situation like a saibamen. Now imagine your relationship ship in a fetal position in a crater in the middle of a desert.

That's most people.

You have to be goku in a relationship. No matter what comes at you just scream louder and punch harder until the problem goes away.

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Must have cute passions or atypical opinions on things. I want someone to look after a nurture.

The only two relationships I've ever had were over two years each, and built from a friendship into a partnership.

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I want her to be cute and not cheat on me.

I will take care of everything else if I have too as long as she maintains those two things.

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I can provide nothing
that's why I don't get into relationships.
It's probably the same for most robots

Cunt and coom. Some times tendies and braps

i just want a lonely sexual deviant gf to complement my sexual deviancies and be lonely together

hurdles are when bad things happen and people's needs aren't being met
e.g. wife gets cancer or other illness and doesn't want to have sex while she's ill, husband gets fired and ends up long term unemployed for reasons outside of his control

people become surprisingly shitty when they're not getting what they expect to get out of a relationship

id like someone not-autistic to talk to
trading shitposts only goes so far

honestly i dont even want a girlfriend because im not happy with my life right now since i know i can do better and i feel like anyone that would show interest in my that way would have to be either completely unhinged or a (pretty stupid) manipulator trying to get shit out of me
i have better things to be doing than maintaining some e-romance bullshit probably
also a hug would be nice but thats a lot to ask
im very cold all the time and id like to be warm

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A big titty goth that sucks my dick and lick my balls while i play vidya. I'll buy her drugs

>Want love, honestly, respect, loyalty, pleasure, joy, emotional support, entertainment
>Will give love, honestly, respect, loyalty, pleasure, joy, emotional support, entertainment

And in a perfect world:
>Want financial support
>Will give prepared meals, child care, home care

>What do robots actually want out of a relationship?
Something that can't exist.

Do you really want a stupid hoe to help with her stupid problems? Do you know how stupid the problems of women are?

Physically my standards are just a cute face, and not obese/anorexic, and offer up my overweight fit body (definitely not obese) and average face.

My relationship is only with weed and alcohol. I hate women.

someone I can be honest at least about most things and have compatible interests/personalities whatever you call it.
Also someone I can hep and will be there in return I dont require someone helping me I just want her to be near me while I work it out.
In return Ill give the same and Ill help with whatever problem she has+try to be sweet and make small gifts from time to time to show my devotion whether it will be a song, a trip, something I crafted or whatever I usually wont buy those gifts but create them so that they are something truly from me, and special.

Unbelievably based.
Honestly fuck this noise, I'm tired of everything.

>What do robots actually want out of a relationship?
>And what are they willing to give in return?

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>What do robots actually want out of a relationship?
Monogamy, emotional support, usual relationship fare
>And what are they willing to give in return?
Monogamy, emotional support, a single wide trailer to live in, financial support above average penis

When I was younger, I just wanted someone to spend my time with doing cute stuff. Go out and exploring the world. Sharing laughs and just eachothers company. Someone I can be intimate and vulnerable with. Someone to support in life as they support me.
But all that is a fleeting dream. Reality is much more cruel...

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I don't know anymore. I'm just so used to being alone, and i've numbed to the loneliness for the most part. I find that I can talk to people for maybe a few days, but after that I just get emotionally exhausted and need to retreat from everyone. So cultivating any kind of relationship is difficult because I end up ditching people. I guess all I really want is a FWB that isn't bothered by the fact that I come and go as I please. Don't get too attached because I can't, even if I care about you a lot.

I simply want love and compatibility, someone who i can not only share my more obscure taste in music and vidya with, but someone i can share some guidance with and can share it with me, treading with me on the path of life we forged after becoming together

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in essence, i want the oldfag gf with a laptop at a park


>What do robots actually want out of a relationship?
Love, affection, and a happy stable family of my own
>And what are they willing to give in return?
Whatever it takes to make my household thrive.

A girl that teaches me logic. I'll be nice to you and fuck you I guess.

i want someone to be fucking quiet with and enjoy the quietness