NEET and Hikikomori General Thread

How are NEETs dealing with CODVID 19?


>The acronym for (Not In Education Employment Or Training)


>Hikikomori is a Japanese term when translated into English it means pulling inward being confined (Acute social withdrawal) Hikikomori is a distinct social condition that refers to the phenomenon of reclusive adolescents and young adults who have withdrawn from society seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement due to various personal social cultural and psychological issues in their lives. (A shut-in who stays at home in their parents house does not work go to school or socialize with others and lives in isolation in their bedroom for 6 months or more)

>Contrary to popular belief most hikikomori go outdoors but are just isolated socially and still spend most of the day and nearly every single day confined at home in their rooms

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents house, do not work or go to school and isolate themselves away from society and their family in a single room for a period exceeding six months

>The Hikikomori Criteria and Diagnosis

>1. Subject spends most of the day confined at home, nearly every single day.

>2. Subject purposefully avoids social situations and social relationships

>3. Subject shows clear significant functional impairment,

>4. Subject shows social withdrawal symptoms for .a duration of 6 months or more

>5. Subject has no physical condition nor other severe psychological problem that is the cause of the social withdrawal (Mainly excluding those with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia)

>While hikikomori is mostly only a Japanese phenomenon cases of the condition have been found in other countries

People who work go to school or have a social life are not hikikomori.

People who work are receiving an education or are in vocational training are NOT a NEET

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Same as I ever have, but I've started jogging in my backyard to strengthen my lungs in case I get corona from my parents.

>I've started jogging in my backyard to strengthen my lungs in case I get corona from my parents.

Better than nothing.

literally doesn't affect me at all, i only ever leave the house to buy food
how are you holding up fellow social failures?

>how are you holding up fellow social failures?

Same i haven't left my room since 3 months ago when i went shopping.

Same ol same old. Getting pretty tired of this whole neet thing desu. Just got a job that starts soon. Very depressed all the time and have to put on a social face because I really need this job. I usually don't fit in anywhere I go so it will be interesting.

>have to put on a social face

You're not living in Japan you technically dont have to do that.

i live alone so i have to leave regularly for food otherwise i'd starve but man do i not like it
that's good user, this lifestyle of ours isn't the best good luck at your job

this is the thread i've been looking for

>this is the thread i've been looking for

Glad i could help.

literally nothing changed for me kek

not a NEET, I work a minimum wage job and I go to school online but I am a social outcast nonetheless. my job is essential (I work at a nursing home) and my education is online anyway so literally nothing has changed for me. I leave the house to go to work and that's it. it has been amusing watching the normies squirm being unable to go outside and get fucked every other day though.

>not a NEET, I work a minimum wage job and I go to school online but I am a social outcast nonetheless. my job is essential (I work at a nursing home) and my education is online anyway so literally nothing has changed for me. I leave the house to go to work and that's it. it has been amusing watching the normies squirm being unable to go outside and get fucked every other day though.

You do not belong in this thread.

Pretty much business as usual. The stimulus was a nice bonus to finances. I thought it was hilarious how the Steam VR sets hit top seller like the day deposits were made.

Therapist caught corona and haven't heard from her since. I wonder if she died.

It is bothering me a little bit that a lot of my neighbors are home right now instead of at work. I use to get some fresh air out in the walkway of my apartment complex, but now they're out there all the time.

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i live in the boonies and suddenly there's pedestrians walking on my road almost every day when usually theres only one or two cars a day and nobody on foot for weeks or months at a time

>Pretty much business as usual


>be living in an apartment with my parents
>haven't used my car in about two months because of the quarantine (even if I don't use it that often outside of going to job interviews since becoming neet)
>look out the window while closing it
>see that my car isn't parked where it normally is
rationally, I know that it was probably used by my mom or something but they didn't say anything and I don't want to wake anyone to ask about it
why am i panicking like a retard about if it got towed for no reason or something?

when the hell are us on SSI supposed to get stimulus?

>when the hell are us on SSI supposed to get stimulus?

Its only for those who do taxes.

Wrong, they get it automatically. My lawyer friend said it goes out when they get their next check

>Its only for those who do taxes.
no it isn't

I'm on SSI but I'm claimed as a dependent, will i still get it? not that i need it

no dependents get shit

You won't then, sorry bud

>not that i need it
lucky fuck

i seen a bunch of articles claiming they get it the 29th
but i haven't gotten it yet so i don't fucking know
they need to hurry this shit up

bumping thread for stimulus neetbux

>bumping thread for stimulus neetbux


hello yello, Mr. Gatekeeper
if I have a Patreon account with patrons, does that kick me from this /r/lounge?

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>if I have a Patreon account with patrons, does that kick me from this /r/lounge?

People who make money online are not NEET or hikikomori they are self employed so you do not belong in this thread and calling me a gatekeeper is stupid maybe do some research on what NEET and hikikomori actually mean.

this is wtf it still just showed up in my account this morning