White "inceIs" don't exist
White "inceIs" don't exist
Believe me, if I ever met a third world bitch that wanted to be my wife I would accept it immediately. Sage, doe
yeah that's why the meme is so true. you keep your door closed because you are selfish and have unrealistic standards.
Dude my door is wide open, no women of any of these races has evert showed interest in me. If any of these girls showed interest in me I'd be down.
Maybe in America.
There are no foreigners here.
either you are not white or not opening the door. just how many brown girls have you met in the last week?
ever* and for the record I'm not even a big fan of white girls, at least not the ones like are in that pic bro
Shut up jew, 6 gorillion wasn't enough
A lot of white girls look to me like they smell bad. The fact is that women of all colours and creeds are human beings and I have an unappealing personality and a lot of issues.
Zero because I've been in social distancing lol.
Incorrect, although black/dominicans have been very nice to me on average, absolutely no woman ever has explicitly shown interest.
This isn't poI nigger
>tfw no illiterate negress gf
Trust me. I'm still trying to adjust my mind back into reality. What you feel really weights on my mind, at times.
But it's good to know I have empathy for people.
oh lol wow imagine the smell.
I shower every morning, I only smell after I work out for a couple hours
I'm a white guy with the worst case of yellow fever on Earth and I've never had an Asian girl, or a girl of any race for that matter, show any interest in me
Only girls that have ever shown interest in me are obese white ones
aka you can't say you feel lonely
I want to make white people, not mutts.
I'm poor and not in too good health. These two things put off foreign women quite a bit.
It is impossible to not be an incel in the west. Too many obese women to ever consider human.
I'm Latino. No women are attracted to me.
I'm going to die rich and alone because my IQ is 154
When they're so fucking massive that their silhouette is no longer recognizable as human they aren't valid options anymore
if its any consolation that's probably not true - you'll die poor and alone
My IQ is 154, and I've had extreme success on the stock market.
I'm not worried about money.
give me names and contacts off all those supposed non white girls that want to get on my dick and I'd fuck so many of them that every mullato kid born in two generations will be carrying my dna
>had a lot of black girls flirt with me over the years
>mostly disgusted by it but a little aroused
Is it worth it, anons? Should I just give in and let Shaniqua ride my racist dick?
im not spending thousands to travel halfway across the world to a dangerous country just so i can get my dick wet. also, being able to fuck women from poverty stricken countries out of desperation doesn't mean you aren't an incel
No one's telling you travel to get a girlfriend. Aren't there any non-whites in your country? If you're American you really have no valid excuse.
>hurr just be whyte durr
If you feel the need to point out that your IQ is 154 it probably isn't 154.
>If you feel the need to right you are 6'4, you probably aren't 6'4
I'm sorry but it's just another measure like penis size or skin color. But it's the most important one.