Does anyone want to be friends

does anyone want to be friends
i am a boy

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bump im lonely originally

not interested in boys fuck off

Say interesting things to get interesting replies.

what kind of things are you interested in
ok sorry

youre a boy??? holy gosh darn then in that case of course.

If you like the same music I like.

ok we can be friends
what are you like user

what kind of music do you like user originally

do you play bideyo games? i play bideyo games

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yeah i play some what kind of games do you like

do you like brap posting?


>what kind of games do you like
I've been playing a lot of mordhau recently, it's really fun if you're into sword fighting Chivalry type shit, what are you into anonnn

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i have mordhau, i used to only play with the throwing spears it was a lot of fun, but i have been playing league recently



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we r frens now

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ok awesome
what did you do today brap frog poster

got high and played final fantasy 8. it is probably one of the best games of all time.

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what did you get high on
today i had to go to the bank because my mom hurt her back and couldnt and now i am studying for university

I was kidding but here's a chart I made.

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i only recognize the daniel johnston album and tiny tim
you seem like you have good taste though

government weed, energy drinks, coffee. i gotta quit it all soon, frankly.
that's too bad. what are you in school for?

we can't be friends anymore

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pharmacy so i find it interesting. studying physiology atm
i dont play that much ;-;

We were supposed to get married user

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i meant too bad about your mom. pharmacy.. man that seems like a lot of grinding work, i hope you're into that kind of life.
what do you think about politics?

why am i getting bullied for playing league ):
oh. yeah it can be tough sometimes but thats ok. im working through it. politics are pretty cool i took an environmental ethics course this semester and we talked a good deal about policy stuff

Just play anything else, even dota or csgo and I can at least love you

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ok ill stop playing it so you can love me
how are u feeling

>i used to only play with the throwing spears it was a lot of fun
bloodlust and executioners sword are the way to go user not little spears

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I feel happy now that I have a bf that talks cute and doesn't play league anymore

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what is bloodlust
tell me more about u, bf

bloodlust gives you full health when you get a kill, so you take it with a high damage weapon and no armour. Makes you quick and hard to kill if you are decent at blocking and reading feints

actually hitting people is so boring cuz then one of their friends just hits u from behind and you die thats why i like throwing the spear at their heads

Maybe you could give me a discord name and first date :')

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