Is it true that manlets and lanklets are natural enemies?

Is it true that manlets and lanklets are natural enemies?

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Nah I pretty much don't even think about short "people"

Why should I care about short people?

It's over if you're below 5'7, fucking hell

So you're telling me, I'll have anywhere between 295-314 potential dating partners as a roughly 5'11" guy? Interesting.

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i'm 5'6 fml, it sucks being short.

>tfw 6 4 and my chances are the same as 5 9

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Its never "over" you retard, only morons give up

I mean if you're gay being short is pretty awesome. If you're attractive anyway. And if you're a bottom. If not, well, you're kind of even worse off than heterosexual short men. It's really sad, humans basically orient themselves entirely based on height. The discrimination is real.

Cope, no woman would date a 5'3 manlet. Most women are at the height. Also have fun being looked down upon

Not really I'm 5'2" my best friend is 5'11"

Kind of. I'm 5'1" and most of the guys who've given me a hard time were tall. But I don't know, I guess I'm just an easy target.

What difference does it really make? If you're a lanklet, you get to date girls who wouldn't look at you if you were shorter. If you're a manlet who manages to compensate, you get to date girls who only want you for whatever you are compensating with, e.g. money/status. Love is just shallow and highly conditional for all men. The logical conclusion of the blackpill is ceasing to care about female attention, because you realize that it is founded entirely on shallow, arbitrary bullshit. Inb4 cope.

5'6" here, stopped giving a shit. I'm not bothered by my height the way I used to be. Just accepted it. I think it's actually made me a better person, though. I don't judge people based on height, so I have no problem dating a tall girl, or a short girl. If they don't like me due to my height, then oh well.

>5'5 master manlet
>have a dating pool as large as a 6'8

Kek. We all fucked in this game lanky nugger faggots

If a lanklet actually puts time and effort on making those, I automatically assume he has a

This whole manlet thing is some divide and conquer bullshit. Women's standards are literally so obscenely high that even being tall doesn't change anything.

>less intelligence
>less strength
>less pay
where have i seen this before

>being tall doesn't change anything

I'm 6'2" bro, hasn't helped me one bit.

So am I supposed to count my shoes in my height

>this image
>6'5 dating pool is smaller than 5'8
>being 7' is worse than being 5'4

Lmfao, is that suppose to mock manlets in some way? Are lanklets really that retarded?

Some people might consider it cheating. I say if it works, its works.

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That's just the thing.
Women are naturally smaller than men and pass on manlet Genes.
To fix this, we must fuck each other, and breed out the manlet gene.

>tfw 5'11"
So this is saying 94.3% of women would date me?

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Yes, that's what it's saying. We are the Beautiful People. The Chosen Ones.

>tfw handsome and muscular too with big dick, nice car, apartment, and management job
So why don't I have a gf
>tfw antisocial shut-in with few friends

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idk man maybe because you're too cool so you intimidate them with your uber extra coolness dood

Every min wage entry level job I've worked has been plagued by manlets (of which I am one.) Similarly, all the homeless in my town are like 90% manlets.

Don't tell me there's not a correlation.

Yeah probably. I'm like a cool anime guy who is too badass so women are scared until we end up in some predicament and are forced together by the threads of fate. Makes sense, thanks for the input.

np man I was like that too at some point but I think that period of my life has passed now

I dunno if it ever will. I'm 30 and feel like I'm gonna be an old sexy hermit til I die.

Why does that infographic have green children on it