Friends, parties, social experiences, sexual experiences with women my age, all the things a normal, developing brain needs. I wasted all 4 years of high school and college hiding from everyone, now my chances are gone. People my age are getting married, I have no outlets to even meet women or make friends. My life is over, I wasted it, and who knows how long this coronavirus shit is going to complicate things. Every day is the same, I work, come home and rot. I wasted my life.
Friends, parties, social experiences, sexual experiences with women my age, all the things a normal...
I would never want to go to a house or location like pic related. Under any circumstances.
Yeah, so did I, but it wouldn't have been worth it if you're a sociopath like me. I would have bashed those roasties' heads in with a 9 iron and ended up in prison. That's why I'm a hermit
Go to thai hookers and make one of them you're girlfriend, this isn't what if would do but it's the only way losers will be happy
You can either keep wasting it or make something of it.
ropefuel... OP im a lot like you. Whatever comes first me getting the balls to rope or the boogaloo
Honestly how? Where do we meet anyone?
Idk man, I"m in the same problem, but even if you can't make friends or anything do something at all. Try doing whatever you want, it's not like you're burdened by responsibilities
none of that shit matters lol, if you're healthy, your job doesn't suck and you have hobbies, life is way more fun than talking to some boring broads
True, I've been trying some new hobbies. Just feels empty doing them alone.
I honestly think most of you are incels by choice. Some of us have obstacles in the way but the way this is worded is like "I chose this life".
"I wasted my life" No, that's what old boomers tell you. You're life was ruined somehow.
Unless you did make the conscious choice to be in this situation at a young age. In which case... Alright....
Hobbies + company is the dream.
>meet gf who was virgin when I was a virgin (high school)
>fast forward to several years later
>she has 7/10 face and 6/10 body
>good job, good at saving money
>very stable and fun to be around
>cooks and cleans
>always talking about marriage/kids
Panicking over "my time being up/missing out on living my 20's. Definitely not feeling overly "satisfied", I also can't help but feel like im somehow missing out and can't stop lusting after other women and wondering if the grass is greener on the other side
brb about to throw away what most guys dream for because I'm a fucking idiot and end up alone forever
>can't stop lusting after other women and wondering if the grass is greener on the other side
men really are trash
The grass being greener on the other side doesn't exist if you are a 5 or 6 out of 10 yourself. I wouldn't waste your own time and fucking up everything socializing with girls who won't be interested with you. Go to a high end strip club in your area.
that stuff doesnt matter goyim
play video games, smoke weed, jerk off!
none of this is real anyways hehehehh
>widdle boy afwaid of life tries desperately to convince himself the reason he doesn't participate is because he's just too bad-ass.
Cope harder fwen. Better still, go get a life and forsake all this edgy, angry loner shit.
I know you both are right 100%, that is the problem with me. I know deep down yet I am still unsatisfied because like all humans I am so greedy
Bro who cares,we are all gonna die,this life does not and never will matter.
Dont kill yourself tho just vibe and play vidya,do drugs and chill the fuck out.
do yourself a favor and read accounts of men who were in committed relationships that became open
hint: it didn't turn out as well for them as they expected
>be me
>first year of college this year
>5'4 incel
>dorm neighbor is a 6'3 frat chad
>every night at 11 hear his party gang gather with guys laughing and girls giggling
>3 am he returns usually with a girl both of them drunk
>one night i hear a knock
>i open
>drunk girl did it on accident
>i gaze meekly at both of them
>frat chad gives me the eyebrow raise and they enter his room
why is life like this.
This. I always thought I was a true incel but it turns out that even when I was a dorky and socially awkward freshman in college there were girls who wanted to hook up with me and it would've been the easiest time for me to get laid or just have a good time with dating. My sophomore year I made it to third base with this very cute brunette girl who was all over me one night when we were drinking in the music building. But I was such an awkward guy and I was too insecure about pursuing sex with her so I never got to that point with her. I had many more opportunities my last two years. That's the best time to meet women and have fun. After that, your chances totally disappear lol
Although I still met women after college, it just wasn't the same as when I was in school. Guess this is what I get for being too neurotic and introverted. Oh well.
user, I'm gonna be quite honest with you, your pic related is not something you want to live. I'm not gonna go down the degeneracy tout, you get the whole shibang about how that life isn't fulfilling for the smart and even if we were in that situation, we'd just sit in the corner and feel awkward. Both of us, I guarantee it. If you have friends, spend time with them. I understand what you're going through, and sometimes all you really CAN do is try to make the best out of what you have. If you have close friends, spend time with them and do stuff you like. It may not be perfect, but it's pretty damn good, and you can do things with your friends the girls in that pic would judge you for at the slightest. You should also know how shallow the normie world is, no one really cares for each other-- it's a self-centred rat race all about yourself. I've learned to be glad to not be a part of it, and choose to enjoy what I have with my friends, and I think you should try the same. Who knows, we could be in entirely different planes of thought right now. Best of luck to you anyways, OP.
Shut up fucking cuntoid. As if your side was better. Probably worst, actually.
Do you think these girls had good grades?
Who cares lmao
>t. 2.5 gpa graduated with 77k a year job
A healthy brain doesn't need that. Don't be sad because everyone else is doing stupid things, be your own man. A healthy brain needs true friendships and true love, not sluts and one night stands.
imagine being in your 20s believing this kek
The first time I drank freshman year, I knew it would kill me if I made it a regular thing. Pillheads and drinkers on both sides of the family. Aunt did meth in early 90s. I was honestly fucking crazy back then and knew that women would only make it worse. Kept my head down, my nose clean, and have a pretty cool/stable job now. A few hobbies. More money than I need. Can't complain. Living like this would have ruined my life.
t. sucks I never experienced this, but I'm glad I didn't
Yeah it truly isn't the same once you are out of the 18-22 range since a lot of the time a lot of girls just want to settle down and the ones who do want to be FWB, etc are just so damn odd that you don't want to do anything outside of a one night stand.
I did it to a certain extent... believe it or not with attractive and affluenced people. It doesnt changew anything friend, dont be hard on yourself.
Have you tried moving away somewhere? Pick a nice cheap state and secure a nice cheap place. Worked wonders for me.
You're probably not here anymore, user, but as a 5'4" dude who's a decade older than you, let me give you some advice: Party with them. Get fucked up now 'cause it's either you get fucked up now or you get fucked up later in life, and at least getting fucked up now means you got a chance at getting laid, whereas getting fucked up later in life means you're all alone, wallowing.
Don't you idiot. I have a qt virgin gf too and I would never ever just throw her away like that. You'll regret it for the rest of your life.
I don't care about the FWBs. I just want to be with a girl. A relationship is totally fine.