What age do most guys usually grow their penis?

I feel like I'm a late bloomer compared to most of my friends. Most I've friends dicks are almost full grown and can get erections and everything. They are all also taller and more muscular than me. I feel like a manlet twig when I'm next to them. My dick is barely a small little nub at this point and it does get erect at all. Am I just destined to be a dicklet? Should I maybe talk to my doctor about this?

Obligatory cute anime girl in the OP

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my flaccid penis size actually never grew but the erect size did

Uhh how old are you OP? If you are obeying the rules of this site right now I have bed news for you.

Possibly, I had a friend who didn't start puberty till 18 so it's not impossible.

Typically penises stop growing at age 15-16

I'm 18 (I turned 18 this year, I know I'm a zoomer faggot)

This is why I'm worried as fuck. Is there something seriously wrong with me? Why won't my fucking dick grow like everyone else? I'm fucking 5"5 scrawny dicklet. I'm fucked.

How large are you OP?

I'm 6 inches and I'd be willing to rate our penises together like real men do.

Sweet bro we're the same age! Usually people stop growing when puberty ends which is around your age. Same thing with height but of course there are discrepancies and they can have a growth spurt.

If you gotta ask....

Apparently in rare cases people have their puberty spurth at 18+ so don't be TOO concerned. I would still recommend going for a check-up though. You said you can't get an erection? That part concerns me unless I misinterpreted.

My dick is basically like a very tiny little nub that doesn't even leave an indication when I where shorts. It's that bad. My parents told me that it's normal and that some guys are just late bloomers but all my friends told me that I might actually have a serious problem.

Not even in the "haha incel small dick" problem but "dude actually go talk to a urologist jesus christ" problem.

No I can't get an erection at all. Even with porno and shit

You have a problem. Another victim of the estrogen in the water.

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Yeah, like I said, do go see a doctor about this, just in case. Out of curiosity, do you masturbate? Are you capable of ejaculation?

This in some cases. I grew around 2 inches after 18 and a friend has grown 6. There are also examples of people like NBA players growing a lot after like Denis Rodman growing 8". A good way that might indicate this be seeing how your parents grow as its often hereditary. Or you can get an x-ray to see if the growth plates are open. This somewhat applies to penis size as it is mostly connective tissue.

Mine is not even that big.

Okay bro get that checked out that's not fucking normal

I can sort of fiddle with it and it feels good but I have not been able to coom.

You either have unfortunate genetics or some hormonal problems, either way you're 18 already and even if do get checked out there's too little time to grow anything so you'll always be this way, you can work out or be fat though so you don't have to a be a twig at least just a manlet with a tiny dick.

Your supposed to get that check out if your 15 and haven't changed, do you have other signs of puberty like voice change or body hair anywhere?

I could deal with having a small dick. But I haven't even "sprouted" if you know what I'm saying. Like I'm stuck in tiny bean mode. Do you think taking testosterone would help me or something?

Please OP, I beg you. Live better than the fucking moron who gives a fuck about his dick size. Forget women. Forget men. You have yourself and that's the only one you care about. Deny your ape programming and do something meaningful. You can literally choose how you respond to everything, even if the consequences are steep you can still choose to do it. If you held a gun to someone's head, you have the free will to pull the trigger. Free yourself.

I have very little body hair at all and my voice is high pitched too. I don't even have to shave. Is there something in the fucking water.

Like I said I don't care about having a small dick. I just don't want to bee a freak with a micro penis and not have a shred of masculinity.

You more than likely have kallmanns syndrome, it's where puberty fails to fully occur, you should go see a doctor. A good indicator which is common though not always present is a reduced or lack of sense of smell.

Nothing can help your dick or height anymore, you probably have that micro dick anomality but if you don't have male features at all then you probably have hormone problems and i suspect that fixing them or taking more testosterone would just make you frustated and insecure about not being able to fuck things, honestly just be a very asexual person, i do that already and i have a normal dick, just good luck finding someone similar, girls that don't want sex would probably appreciate the micro dick.

Can you have two puberty spurts? I am not tall enough

your parents should have given you hgh, a growth hormone during your puberty when you weren't growing taller. That's what parents did at my school to short children.

just become a trap for manly men i know how much you crave cocks

I smell just fine so I don't know, I'll check with my doctor.

Even when I look up micro dicks they are at least "sprouted". I haven't even reached that stage. My dick literally doesn't show at all, it's just nothing but a little nub in my folds. Even the smallest micro dick at least fucking grows out some by this point right?

I didn't really want to do this but here is me in pic related. I know this isn't normal right?

>become a trap
I don't want to be a faggot thank you.

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You fucking retard. Kys roastie

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Hahahahahaha nice didn't expect that.

Young lady what do you get out of this? Either way good job lets be friends.

I didn't know it was possible for a girl to be such a huge flaming faggot till now.

You have a hormone problem and need to see a endocrinologist

Is she havin' a giggle, a ftm tranny, or both?

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Fake, nice try tranny

Well thanks for nothing faggot

I know it's pretty bad

All jokes aside, is this really a "late bloomer" scenario or am I just permafucked? Is there anything hope for me bros?

dont sit on the furniture without pants on cunt