If you think your life is hard, try being a woman!

if you think your life is hard, try being a woman!

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Lmao not a repost

Why would you think you can s easily characterize life difficulty and say you have it hardest, have you ever experienced being a man?

Easy mode is for pussies.
I am a hardcore gamer who is crushing it on hard mode while you can't even clear the first level.
Out of my way noob, I am about to beat this game you call life.

low on content

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>what guys really want

most men now days would accept any woman as long as she's breathing. truth is all three stereotypes in your pic probably reject 90% or more of the men who try to take a shot with them. women are extremely picky cunts. fuck women

The only winning move is not to play. More and more men are figuring this out.

Try killing yourself you useless disgusting whore. Do not be that retard and try to englobe all men's preferences for women.

My left thumb goes over my right when I clasp my hands. Obviously I succeeded at being a woman in a past life. I even got to be reincarnated as a man!

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I prefer the middle

where are these "most men"?

chad says no fat chicks
robots say all women are whores
simps stay at home to masturbate to supermodels

women were nerfed thousands of years ago, its fair play now

Life is difficult for all types of people. Obviously, it's not evenly spread difficulty but we all endure hardship. Any man or woman who thinks the opposite sex has it easy needs to do some soul searching and educate themselves to gain a little empathy.

>chad says no fat chicks
no shit this is chad why would he settle?
>robots say all women are whores
Well this is generally not wrong now. God forbid someone wants to have a partner they aren't worried is on onlyfans or fucking 3 other dudes behind your back.
>simps stay at home to masturbate to supermodels
Pretty sure more of this simps are becoming cuckolds now. So what?

It is true tho

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but women do have it easy. Dating, obviously, is the easiest thing in the world for women. They get to have a husband and kids if they want one without much effort. And careers they get jobs handed to them just for being women. The government cares more about them, people are more polite to them, etc. Being a woman is objectively easier than being a man.

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>if you think your life is hard, try being a woman!
Life is a long long ride, and you will be rewarded according to how much effort you put into overcoming those difficulties, whether you are a man or a woman.

Hey, we might be on easy mode, but at least you have the stat block to stand a chance of competing on hard mode. To put it in DnD terms, you've got stats like
>Str: 10-12
>Dex: 10-12
>Con: 10-12
>Int: 8-14
>Wis: 10
>Cha: 6-12
Meanwhile, the girl array goes like
>Str: 7-8
>Dex: 7-8
>Con: 5-8
>Int: 6-10
>Wis: 7-10
>Cha: 10-18
We don't get awesome stat boosts and start taking prestige classes when we turn 14, male puberty is a goddamn cheatcode and we miss out on all that. While you're in Walmart, casually curling the 35lb dumbbell to see if it's heavy enough to bother buying, I'm on the other side of the store looking for an employee who can put the 30lb bag of cat food in my cart for me. And God help me if I have to load it in my car without help and unload it when I get home.

I am frail and weak and dumb, don't begrudge me easy mode, if I had to play on hardmode I would die. I may still die on easy mode, I'm kinda baffled I managed to live to 24 without a husband to take care of me.

>And careers they get jobs handed to them just for being women.
am woman, currently unemployed, I'd love to hear where I can get a job handed to me.

>the only thing i do in life is date
nah you gay nigga. only fags want to be girls.

I think woman on average have ore wisdom, the amount of guys doing dumb shit at uni far surpasses woman.

And women are starting to get pissed about it

It's corona now the job market is fucked. But normally companies will openly discriminate against men for hiring. FWIW I'm old enough to remember the last recession where men lost 3x as many jobs as women and people still talked about needing to help women get jobs

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The easiest jobs to get are in customer service and retail. Any place that needs a receptionist wants a girl to do it. And as for retail, I used to be an assistant manager at Ross. It was shear hell, but it paid kinda okay.

If that doesn't work out, there's always food service. Like 90% of the staff at my local Jersey Mike's are female, and the tip jar is always full. Have you thought about that, making subs? Maybe it's different because I live in the south, but a girl can make good money working at Jersey Mike's or the Publix deli.

lol at that image
anyone can put whatever they want in a class action lawsuit. that doesn't make it real.

also there's nothing illegal about being an ideological echo chamber. 99% of tech companies meet that description in some way.
in short the plaintiff has no case unless they have proof of the hiring quotas, which I strongly doubt.

Being a 5/10+ women in a 21st century first world country is tutorial mode.

IIRC he had copies of emails for some claims like pic-related.
And if the ideological echochamber is promoting racism/sexism then yes it is illegal
In short you don't know anything and should just stop talking.

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also pic-related

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Maybe if I was born a woman I wouldn't have to wake up early every day to toil for nothing, I could just tell a man to get me what I want.

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>post mentions several points only one of which is dating
>only pay attention to the dating
>"I'll call him a gay nigga fag that will make me seem cool!"
have you tried applying to the DNC?

Attached: DNC no white men.png (522x554, 205.2K)

Study bell curves and adjust the wisdom and int accordingly. The average is the same, men just have more outliers
>men: 6-14
>women: 8-12
Is more accurate for both.

also California actually has a state law against firing people because of their political views. You can fire them for some views but you can't just fire all Republicans for example, even though in most states you can.
and all she has to do to be a 5/10 woman is not be fat.

>And if the ideological echochamber is promoting racism/sexism then yes it is illegal
I hate to break it to you but free speech and free association are both rights in america
People can espouse whatever sexist or racist views they want in a company as long as they don't target a particular employee or discriminate in hiring practices

>California actually has a state law against firing people because of their political views.
This applies only in very narrow circumstances i.e. if they are fired for being (or not being) a registered member of a political party
right to work laws apply otherwise

hate speech is illegal in america.

I think my assessment of Wisdom is fair, men make mistakes that result in them getting a broken arm and having to heal for 6 weeks, women make mistakes that result in their nudes being on the internet forever and having to live with the rest of their lives with the stigma of being a slut/whore.

Some really unwise women make the mistake of dating black guys and die for it. Thank god Yas Forums taught me better, my surrogate brothers on Yas Forums taught me not to burn the coal so I wouldn't have to pay the toll. Did you know, black men are super hyper turbo murderous and court white women with the specific goal of strangling them or stabbing them to death in mind? I didn't, it was a revelation.

Yas Forums taught me better, I don't mix with spics or relax around blacks, that's why I won't get Mollie Tibbetts'd or Tessa Majors'd on. They're really mean to me when I try to participate in their threads, but they taught me a lot about not getting killed. By minorities. Who are evil, and must be removed and expelled. Only then can I be basically safe. It is known.

No it isn't lmao have you been living under a rock since 1776?

Chads are chads
Robots say that, but if you prove that you aren't that, you're in.
Simps are transformers: robots in disguise.

Try to approach men, and see how well that turns out. For most guys, it doesn't, at all. Women turn them down all over the place. For women? Unless the guy is already taken, you're probably good to go, unless you have something severely wrong with you.

The standards for a man are far lower than a woman: literally just compliment the guy on anything, or take any interest in his hobbies, and as long as you don't really fuck up, you're set for life.