I miss the simpler times. Anybody still wish they were in school?

I miss the simpler times. Anybody still wish they were in school?

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I would literally shoot myself in the head if a magical being or something came to me and said it would allow me to go back in time to when I was in elementary school

we just didn't know that we were happy

I'd love to go back to ye old college days. Being a working class adult male is not the bees knees. I hate being in the office environment. It's lonely and unfulfilling.

Was discussing with my mother today that I should go back to school to teach music technology. I already have a bachelor's. I guess I would need a master's and then a PHD.

the last day of 4th grade I tried to peak at my teacher's cleavage kek

>Anybody still wish they were in school?
Why? Just why?

How can people find any joy being forced to sit in a fucking back-breaking wooden chair for 8 hours a day, to memorize watered-down poop of """subject""" for each class and your whole life being basically determined by how much shit you can swallow without puking?

Even worse if you were a good pupil and got praised by teachers. Nobody is aware of it, but doing good in school is mentally training you to receive pleasure whenever you do any kind of pointless task your superior demands of you, without questioning a thing. You may enjoy the ride, but once it's over and you're on your own, you'll never be happy without the praise, which inevitably leads to breaking your back at work for some greedy asshole's flattery. Then you one day wake up and realize you've wasted 20 years of your life doing FUCKING NOTHING - chasing empty praise.


you were maybe a little less miserable than now, if anything.
or you just don't remember shit.

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Bro. School is the best time of your life. I remember my college days and they were fun. Good times. My only regret is that I passed up golden opportunities to meet more people and date girls. And being in class was fun. At the time, I didn't appreciate it but now I appreciate it and want to go back. As a matter of fact, I figured I would want to teach.

fuck no
Being an adult means I don't have to give a shit about anything that isn't directly related to my survival

I wish I was back in the steppes


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>Bro. School is the best time of your life.
Don't fucking talk about my life. You don't know shit about my life. And I'm not your """bro""", you retarded monkey.

>At the time, I didn't appreciate it

I don't remember a *single* experience in my life that I hated and then suddenly came to relevation years later that it was actually good. I'm fucking sure that neither do you.
So why the fuck do you all pretend????

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No, but I have enough regrets that I wish I could go back. Shit sucked back then but if I could retain my memories I could fix all the things I fucked up in my 20s

You will understand once you get a little older. You are probably only 19 lemme guess?

>You will understand once you get a little older.
Ok boomer

ok troomer. seethe more.

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my school life wasn't great, but i actually had reasons to get up then

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Nice comeback boomer
Didn't expect any less from a mindless worker drone that waster his life working for peanuts. I understand now why you miss school so much - the rest ofyour life must've been shit!

Not totally sure if you're trolling or not, but if not, I'm right there with you. School fucking sucked and I don't miss it at all.

I'm not trolling, friend. I feel like all these people hated school too, then their life turned even shittier, so they remember the school (with filtered memories cuz healthy brain tends to forget the bad stuff) and feel like it was so much better then.
It wasn't. Nostalgia is a lie.

i miss just being able to see people, thats literally it
we werent, its just nostalgia

>we werent, its just nostalgia
you werent happy in elementary school?

God, no. I'm miserable now, sure, but I fucking hated school and all those obnoxious faggots, including myself. I'd kick my ass.

I fucking hate college though. I hate going to class, even online now. I only liked it for the people. That's the only reason I ever liked you, even when I was feeling the way OP did in fourth grade.
Did it work?

Not him, but no, I wasn't. I remember sitting in those goddamn uncomfortable chairs, my butt aching, holding in your pee because for some reason teacher decided you shall not have your physical needs unfulfilled, listening to the monotonic boring teachers, trying to study any "social" subject and failing miserably because memorizing sentences didn't make sense at all and nobody fucking taught me to learn properly and deeply - also no internet (and no I wasn't dumb - I was a math competitor), getting bullied because of whothefuckknowswhy, teacher not doing shit because the bully was some important person's dipshit kid, spending my summers forced to memorize entire book because teacher said so...

I could go on the whole night.

Meant to say "that's the only reason I ever liked it."

I feel like I was happy at one point so I miss that feeling I guess. Even though I can't remember it.

no i was just as weird and alone as a kid as i am now

Kinda, I didn't realise I was a sperg until about 14

I realized mankind was unsalvageable in second grade. So no.

I always get a kick out of seeing some kind of movie/tv show about school, and how 99% of the characters' experience being shown is them outside of class at school events, socializing outside of school and getting into zany adventures, when in reality 99% of school is actually sitting inside a window-less, crowded room slowly deteriorating while the teacher literally screams at kids that are incapable of stfu'ing for one minute between completely pointless lessons that don't matter and have little to no impact on living in the overhyped 'real world', assigning a stack of homework to further waste your time and prepare you for your future as a grind slave, ultimately concluding with the chime of some kind of obnoxious bell that signals that it's time to shuffle to the next class.

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That's because movies and tv are for escapism. Even when I saw a kid getting bullied in a movie, I thought "man, at least he has time to deal with all of this social shit instead of trying to appease his roastie cunt teachers so he doesn't destroy his future."

Once your mcmanager bends you over and brutally fucks your self esteem in front of 10 fat landwhales and their mini ham moons for a decade only to go home to an apartment falling apart with teenage chads playing loud music while snorting coke in the unit above you while you do your taxes and see 20% of your pay go to niggers on welfare maybe you'll have a better perspective.

I dunno tho maybe you actually came from an abusive household. Unless you were beaten or fucked in the ass by your uncle I don't see how anyone can be so stupid as to think childhood just for potential alone wasn't better than adulthood. Let alone someone in their 60s who works at a grocery store imagine. They would probably gladly rip their testicles off and sell them to the highest bidder just to go back in time 5 years

but what do i know

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No, I almost got lawsuited becouse a girl overexagerated what really happened.

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>comfy class last period
>room was always dim
>movies and shit
>ended up getting my first serious crush before Christmas (but not dating)

>in reading class
>have to read in a group of 3
>chill and stuff
>the first time I've ever felt a sense of belonging
>also, crush held my hand in another class. I still don't know why...

>third year of uni
>qt in the class
>a throwback of 2000's scene culture
>really smart (surprisingly)
>act like a spaz, and blow my chance
>semester was chill as fuck though

Fun times.