I just purchased a mace for home defense. Ama

I just purchased a mace for home defense. Ama
Also trips gets to name it.

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chunchunmaru desu~

Why didnt you get a sword instead?

The biggle niggle diggler


I think you should name it


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Do you have any training?
Do you have a shield to go with it?

just name it BLACKED. that's what intruders will see after they get hit by your mace.

Is there a particular reason why you didn't go with a shotgun, or some other firearm?

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Name it Nigger-bane

Shadow Slayer of Mass Destruction: Mace of Demon Blood God Devourer

why not just get a baseball bat?

The Fist of moot.

Call it "please don't have a gun"

home defense thread, fuck yeah.

i've been watching Firefighter door breach videos and door reinforcement videos. i feel like home invasion is the #1 threat right now or at least it will be.
i want that Nightlock thing that goes by the door foot, the only problem is you have to install it INTO the floor.

only problem is is there a point to securing the door if you have a giant window right next to it?

you would need window reinforcement + front door if you really wanted to protect against home invasion and burglary. it's easier to fortify if you only worry about invasion and not burglary, the difference being burglary will happen when you aren't there.

a fat mace would be nice for home defense though. something where it doesn't matter where you hit them or how hard you swing, but also you won't mortally wound them.

Dr. Manhattan

You're welcome.

Not cool enough
No training, I intend to start though.
A shield is my next purchase.
Swords break too easily

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>he opts for the practical but boring option of shooting someone instead of bludgeoning them.
original idea bro

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I'm too poor for a gun :(

A shotty will leave plenty of gore, probably moreso than a mace will.

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>fist of moot
congratulations op.

Dead nigger maker

how many niggers do you intend to kill with it?
also rolling to name it big chungus

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Newfaggot. Lurk moar kiddo

Thats dubs. If nobody gets trips I'm leaning towards this one

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The woman beater.

Ahh, I see.
I don't know how much a mace would cost, but I'd imagine it'd probably cheaper than most guns, besides some POS Hi-Point or something.

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You literally bought the Mace of Molag Bal That's it's name now.

Any that enter my home uninvited...so all that enter my home.

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i bet a .38 is cheaper than that mace. you can get a Colt revolver or S&W .38 for 400$, a used one for probably even less and these aren't pieces of shit, these are pistols people have been using since the 1900s for personal defense.

Go back to /k/ you fudd

you should start an ebin crackwhore party and do a favour for your neighbourhood
or just leave your doors unlocked, whatever gets more nigs inside your house
dubs, rerolling to name it baby yoda

Rolling for Niggerkiller

What if he has MediEvil armour? Your only going to get him angery.

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I can't tell if you're underage or just a retarded soiboy