he doesnt really like me, he just wants to use me. im never gonna actually be loved
He doesnt really like me, he just wants to use me. im never gonna actually be loved
love your self, and love the world. then you will find this love you're seeking
Fuck the fuck off ok
This is a lovely quote. I love you.
Relish in the achievements of your ancestors and carve out a violent, bloody legacy of your own of which you can be proud.
i dont want to, i just want him to love me
desu, I wonder if this is what my female friend thinks. I hope not but considering their severe anxiety i'm sure it crosses their mind quite a lot. I just hope that's not the prevailing theory :(
I love you, A
>talk to robot
>he says he loves talking to me
>asks me for nudes after a week or two
>feel super uncomfortable but he says we can be gf and bf so I send a lewd pic of my tits
>does the carrot and stick thing, says he has strong feelings for me but wants to keep talking and getting to know each other more
>hey femanon I want to be in a relationship and meet up irl but can we take it slow
>say ok because we are talking everyday and he doesnt ghost me
>wants to sext all the time, says he is super into me
>3 months later
>sorry femanon I dont think I am ready for a relationship, also LDRs arent real teehee
Men are the worst thing that ever happened to the planet.
welcome to life, where everyone is garbage
men use women; women use men
He also has depression and BDD and used me as a therapist for 3+ months crying to me about how much he hates himself and begging me for reassurance which I gave him, now I realize him telling me about his suicide attempts was just blatant manipulation.
no one cares faggot blow this shit out your ass and deal with it instead of crying on Yas Forums you dumbcunt
fuck, this is basically whats happening to me. he hasnt asked for actual nudes yet, but he keeps asking for lewder and lewder pictures.
The moral of the story is never EVER date a guy from this site. They are worse than any irl normie guy or even psychoChad.
That's who all the stories ITT are about.
>he he I posted it again
Fuck all of you
Get out while you can, before he cheats on you, ghosts you or posts your nudes on this board. The guys on this board are all similarly awful, just in slightly differing ways. Sorry.
That's the thing about people with bad personalities, they're only ever capable of manipulating you. That's the sad thing. You do sometimes find people just products of bad luck, I mean I've tried so hard to find others like me, and really be supportive. In the end it always ends the same: I'm left holding the sack realizing I'll never be loved back.
I will never understand why females fall for this. Why do you do this shit to yourself?
On an unrelated not if you want to talk about it I'm really lonely and bored rn
I am not a psycho. I've tried really hard to make my relationships work. I genuinely desperately just want to be loved by somebody and really try hard to be the best person I can be. I've never been violent, never yelled or really was unreasonable. You can't just say "You deserve it" like you do there and make some self fulfilling prophecy like that, that's incredibly unfair.
Idk why tf you'd even think that a bunch of Yas Forums fags would somehow make great boyfriends.
That applies in reverse, too: why tf would you think someone would take a female (being nice by not calling you all trannies LARPing as women, so stfu) on Yas Forums seriously?
I will never understand why males fall for people pretending to be females on here
Read the fucking text asshole, I said i was pretty lonely
You made yourself vulnerable to a rando on the internet and you're blaming men for this? Maybe stop being retarded?
he isnt a robot though, he doesnt use Yas Forums. but he is a neet and almost ten years older than me. hes just the only person to actually try to understand and care abt me.
I think they can be. But you also do have to be really cautious because a lot of people whose lives are terrible will, in turn, become terrible people. I don't think that's their fault but I don't really blame them necessarily.
He told me a lot of extremely personal details about his mental illnesses and childhood trauma and wanted us to meet irl. Every time I got cold feet he begged me to stay and work things out because he wants to find a life partner and felt I could be the one as long as we worked at it and met up. Turns out he just needed some jerk off material lmao.
>10 years older
>understands me
>wants lewder pictures
Hmmmm I wonder whats going on here, to bad we don't all think properly. Learn to recognize a pathetic human when you see it.
>I don't really blame them necessarily.
That's the problem.
At some point, you gotta take responsibility.
They don't and won't. You find that attractive? X to doubt. Seems like you just want the adoration and are willing to put up with the worst shit imaginable to get it. I can understand that someone could get to that point of tolerance, but it isn't healthy.
Dude, you walked into that one big time. I did something similar once upon a time (gay but same thing). Next time you'll be more careful, and you really need to learn the difference between that and someone who genuinely wants a relationship.
I said I don't necessarily blame them, that doesn't mean I don't avoid them. Once people become bad people because of their history, it's unsalvageable. I'm not apologizing for people who become twisted because of bad shit they've had done to them, because an eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind.
>10 years older than me
There are no such things as daddies femanon. Just narcissistic predatory men who want to get you emotionally attached as possible to them so they can fuck your tight little body then make you suicidal when they discard you like trash.
I cautiously second this, only in that men who exclusively seek young women tend to do so because they want someone easily manipulated. Attractive, yes, but also ignorant. Because they've been burned and think it's only fair they burn others. Not always the case, but it's impossible to tell and that's the problem.
I probably worded something the wrong way, so I'll say this:
You should blame them for being the asshats they are. Bad background and history isn't an excuse to be a pathological shit stain. I've had my fair share of garbage and craziness. I don't see the logic in adding to the festering pile of shit that is life. Life is suffering. Making it worse is just psychopathy and a desire to burn it all down.
Anyway, you'll get better at parsing manipulation tactics. It's always the same pattern of behavior. Maybe get into researching personality disorders. Learn about cluster Bs, specifically. Reflect on your own personality and tie up the loose ends they keep grabbing at. Maybe stop being so desperate for affection. Maybe learn to appreciate being alone. Maybe leave internet dating alone, too.
I know way more about this kind of thing than you do. I'm not OP. I also bet half my money I'm older than you. Yes, you should avoid people who become evil because evil was done to them, but no you shouldn't pretend as if people have some magical "muh free will" to arbitrarily choose not to. Avoid them so they don't hurt you, but don't compound evil with evil on the basis of being "justified". Again, eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
My advice, and probably fairly heretical, is that being single is better than being in a bad relationship. And more people need to learn what the latter looks like.
he doesnt exclusively seek younger women though, i just happened to be younger
Okay? Did you miss the whole part about how you walked into this? Because I'm pretty sure everyone here could've told you it was a bad idea. Long distance is always a bad idea.
>"im never gonna actually be loved"
Get out normie