>haven't had motivation to do hobbies or schoolwork for the past 2 years
>been barely coasting along
>twice a month i'll get "motivated" and get my shit together for like a few days and then go back to doing nothing
>even if I get super "disciplined" exerting any kind of serious effort is just going to feel banging my head against the wall
>saw therapist and got diagnosed with depression and offered to prescribe pills, but i don't want to become a zombie
Fucking normalfags don't know how good they have it. Depression kills your motivation and makes everything a fucking huge effort.
Haven't had motivation to do hobbies or schoolwork for the past 2 years
Invest in ChainLink, worked for me
t. formerly bipolar depression
Just give up here.
Depression has no cure and most "treatments" are kiked shit that rely on placebo or "depressed" normies getting over the death of a loved one statistically "treating" depression successfully.
Chronic depression has no escape. The only thing you can do is ignore it and live around your lack of energy, doing nothing is fun anyways.
are you me?
very based we're gonna make it, you and I. Do you have a suicide stack at least? Also when I realized what I bought my hope for life improved dramatically. maybe not my motivation but I lost a lot of my depression knowing I'll be set no matter what
but doctor, I am already invested in chainlink.
I disagree, it's possible to get out of chronic depression, but usually it's just implausible bc of your situation. I'm in a pretty stuck situation.
Same same same. Chemical imbalance theory is a meme. Whats a suicide stack?
1k stinky linkies of course my good man
Ah then I prescribe a bigger stack.
Whys that called suicide? I have my inner peace stack (6k), pushing for my euphoria stack (10k) by eom.
bro cmon there's no way you're being serious right now if you actually have 6k
>when I realized what I bought
Not a sentence one hears every day lol. You bought it not knowing what it was?
well I went all in on that realization, otherwise I would have bought at 12 cents. Right now it's at close to $4
In crypto you don't have time to think things over sometimes. it can be the difference between buying in at 50 cents or $1. Doesn't seem like much but in the long run even a few cents difference could mean thousands of dollars in a few years. there was a lot to research, took me over a month of autistic reading before I realized the full scope of the project
>bro cmon there's no way you're being serious right now if you actually have 6k
Why? I legitimately don't know what the word means.
12c is super early, must have been awhile ago. I started my process in quarantine.
Yea I actually bought in at $1.20, but I knew about it since 12 cents because people on Yas Forums were shitposting about it. Actually wasn't too long ago, it was sometime in 2017.
I didn't do my research though at the time and thought it was a scam. I also saw ETH at $15 but also didn't buy any because I was a fresh NEET college dropout with no money at the time
Also in the off chance you're being serious, 1k is the stack of link you should have so you don't kill yourself over lost opportunity (thus; suicide stack) and a makeit stack is 10k. Pretty much everyone on Yas Forums knows this even non link holders which is why it caught me as strange that you didn't know
I would've fucking got into crypto years ago when I was a kid in 2012, but I never had the balls to invest even a few hundred.
I've had horrible luck with crypto though anways, I put money into it right before it dropped in feburuary and almost put more in when it hit $5 just before the corona dip. i know
>dude just buy low sell high
but i always fucked up by expecting the dips to go on longer, or i just never had money at the time.
hopefully I can just HODL my 30 something link, accumulate and be a millionaire in a few years
Oh suicide stack is what other people mean when I say inner peace stack I guess. Makes sense lol.
Do you have your suicide stack OP?
Well there's a lot of speculation and some fairly complex math behind it but LINK tokens are probably the best investment currently. If we see another crypto bullrun BTC is the safest and most assured bet until it hits ~60-80K and after that it's anyone's guess. ETH is another solid bet or any top 10 coin really, but the highest % profit for the next few years will certainly be LINK.
I'll be honest with you bro, 30 won't be enough. It sucks to hear but try to get as much as you can now while it's still under $5 because this shit is going parabolic once it passes the ATH (which it would have already done if BTC didn't shit the bed during the corona crash).
That's just if you want my opinion as a guy who only does crypto investing and has done it for a couple years now at least.
>That's just if you want my opinion as a guy who only does crypto investing and has done it for a couple years now at least.
I knew a lot of ppl irl who kept saying back in like fall 2018 that bitcoin was going to be 60k by janurary.
It just seems unlikely. I just hope I can make
enough to live the good life for a little bit before the world ends in 2025. Even though I like the idea that LINK is gonna be >$1k in a year or so, I doubt that it's any more than a meme. I'll keep spending though, I would've dropped more (especially during the dip, which was fucking painful to watch considering I didn't have any money to spend cause of quarantine)
I need to get a damn job though.
Currently praying to God atm that I can move money around fast enough to get my make it stack.
Clinical depression is a meme, if it's so real then how come teams of doctors have been diagnosing me with for years since college and it can disappear over night once something good comes your way for once?
Depression is real, but natural, like a fire alarm going off. Meds are like taking out the batteries. Don't take out the batteries.
Rooting for you anons, just get as much of it as you can even if you have to be a wageslave for a couple years. Also, if crypto goes parabolic in the next couple months sell everything ~60-70K even altcoins like LINK unless you want to play the long game and don't mind shit getting real.
If you want a comparison to my estimates, I would liken buying link tokens right now at $3.7 similar to buying ETH back when it was around $30-50. I would be buying more myself, but I'm jobless too. Might toss in what's left if we hit some sort of dip to $3.40 soon, we probably won't though. Anyways, good luck
>Also, if crypto goes parabolic in the next couple months sell everything ~60-70K even altcoins like LINK unless you want to play the long game
Idk if selling the chosen one in the midst of a price singularity would be the safest bet
>I would liken buying link tokens right now at $3.7 similar to buying ETH back when it was around $30-50
Based on what calc?
Just a personal estimate based on the ETH price history back during it's run in 2016 in conjunction with current market sentiment, the fact that we may/may not be headed for another bullrun, there are a lot of factors really and I've told so many people I don't really want to type another essay my man.
If you want the tl;dr it's mostly my gut feeling along with some basic math and past experiences with this market thrown in. I also happen to believe personally that link tokens will be worth ~$320 by 2025
>play the long game and don't mind shit getting real
what's that supposed to mean dude?
That's what I thought, you don't know what a decentralized oracle network is, do you.
It means riding the top of a pump only to have the whales that have been accumulating while we are shitposting right now take a fat fucking dump on the market at the top, and everyone else who doesn't sell endures a bear market for two more years following it. It's happened 3 times before now.
Did you just come into this thread and read nothing? You clearly fell for the memes a little too hard, the technology can be there but you're very delusional if you think you're just going to wake up one day and the price will have went from $5 to $500 overnight.
I've already done my research and know exactly what I'm holding. But filthy fucking normies don't, and they can't comprehend it either. By the time everyone realizes what it is the tokens will already be worth more than we can predict assuming all goes to plan. All they see is number go up, and the second they fear losing 50% of their net worth they'll be selling just like they did in 2016.
So again I say, I think the price of a token will be around $300 or more by 2025. After that who the fuck knows.
>will have *gone
take lsd OP, just do
>only does crypto investing and has done it for a couple years
teach me pls user, just how/where to start
lsd isnt a good drug if u have mental problems bro
good vibes better, bad vibes worse