I am done with women forever

I am done with women forever

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Lmao she seems like a cool chick. Let hoes be hoes user. God bless these sluts. Just don't fall in love with them.

Yeah, for real.
Who cares about family and child-rearing, amirite? lmao

lol what does anybody elses choices have to do with your own? if you care about family, good. some people don't right now so find someone who thinks the same as you do

>Wanting a family so you can pass on the torturous "gift" of life to a kid who'd probably be better off non existent and then having your wife leave you once the "love" fades away

Attached: you serious mate.jpg (720x720, 33.64K)

Whores have existed since the beginning of time and always will. Not all girls are getting their asses eaten in elevators and uploading pictures of it to tinder. Have a family with a girl who isn't into that but let the sluts be sluts.

Where exactly are these family minded people? Live in a country with the highest divorce rates initiated by women and the higher single mother hood rates of all the western world. So where are these family oriented people?

You're better off in a more trad county tbqh, but you can still find good people everywhere. Honestly you might be better off with an ex-slut than a "good girl". Good girls can always go bad, but someone who used to be "bad" and realized that this didn't make them happy is more likely to stay good going forward.

>lol what does anybody elses choices have to do with your own?

You're kidding, right?

Explain how some slut being a slut impacts your life

That is an absolutely lie. there is no such thing as an ex-slut. Just a slut who pretends to settle. She will never truly love you and you might as well bet that she is going to cheat on you. The probability is nearly as high as the divorce rate why even bother risking your livelyhood for that?

>Where exactly are these family minded people?
I'm in Iowa. I live in a suburb of Dubuque, I would quite like to have a family with a man and not divorce him. Particularly if he's from Georgia. That accent is sexy.

...what? The Georgia accent is hot as hell. Don't deny it, you'd love a southern belle with that sexy drawl, I'm not in the wrong for desiring a southern gentleman who talks like Doc Holliday. I'm not weird, you're weird!

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>I am done with women forever
just don't date those type of girls op.

believing in the divorce rate myth only says you don't value family. how much time do you spend in orthodox churches or volunteering for cultural events?

Yeah you gotta just have fun with these girls who want to have fun, don't wife any of them ever because you'll be the only one hurt. Plus I don't know what OP is thinking trying to find any semblance of love on fucking Tinder.

You don't have to belong to religion to want to have a family to support care for, teach, and raise my own kids. I am busting my ass to be a damn good engineer. I want my kids to have two parents. Not the one that I got.

i've done that with my gf except it was a selfie in the doggy position and my head was peeking over her butt. she was smiling mischievously. its all in good fun faggot

This picture is a girl with her bf btw. I have no idea why he would post this online. I found the picture suspicious since they look like Mexicans but the girl's name is Morgan. You couldn't find a whiter name.


1. engineers have some of the lowest divorce rates by career category.
2. busting your ass to be an engineer doesn't have anything to do with family
3. watch how quickly you got defensive about the obvious options for family/community oriented culture. you CLEARLY do not give a shit about family, you are only prepared to argue about how much time you spend thinking about whores and failure.

That does not make her look less trashy by posting her ass getting eaten on a dating app

She's a slut. You can't be a slut without being trashy. That's what makes them hot.

Enablers will get the rope before thots

Your choices and the choices of others still affect the collective good of society. If the majority of society devalues having children and starting families, then there will be consequences for everybody, including those who want kids

Yeah but why shouldnt I kill them If I want to , MY choices dont affect you unless you are a thot.

You disgust me coomer

you know whats hot? news anchors. fitness instructors. female cops.
imagine your definition of hot being "trashy slut". there is so much better out there

plot twist: the guy is morgan

this kind of pow is why are so many incels here, who fucking cares? how old are you? you still live with your parents?

This guy knows a few things about life

well...yeah, good point, why should you care? not everyone wants to have a family.

It degenerates society to the point where the behaviour is normalized, pushed by the media, and seen by kids. This last part is what usually activates people almonds

when it comes to an adult woman or man and how often they have sex, or with how many partners, or if they do or don't want kids or a family. it really doesn't have anything to do with you.

move to saudi arabia or something, it sounds like you'd love it there.

Welcome to the club, op. Have a beer.

So would pictures of me dry humping another girl make me more hot or not

The proliferation of trashy free love culture has honestly made it better for people who are traditional or family oriented. By weeding out the weak willed or those who would initiate a sham marriage because of the pressure from society, eventually cheating on you or abusing her kids, you get people who truly want to be mothers.