Show your own mental state with an image

This describes how my last year has been.

Attached: Berserk_Guts_manga-91066.png (1280x1024, 1.33M)

not giving a single fuck

Attached: 1588069877079.png (680x680, 417.59K)

i wish i could not give a single fuck

Attached: lemme_die_pls.jpg (720x900, 84.69K)

start hating women

Attached: 1586899929653.jpg (640x726, 75.91K)

I like making others happy but I cannot make myself happy.

Attached: Crfary4UIAA9CLD.jpg (1920x1920, 598.09K)

id rather be sad then hateful desu

Attached: ugh.png (1000x1174, 1002.93K)

there's your problem man go fix it

Then you deserve your suffering pathethic fuck

yeah ur probably right

Everything went wrong
I wanna try again
How did it get to this point

Attached: Aiko_c138p18.PNG (1).png (836x528, 584.16K)

picrel very related.

Attached: My_goals_on_the_left_me_on_the_right.png (1123x1600, 1.05M)

i feel like i can relate more to environments and the feelings they evoke more than i can relate to other people

Attached: abandoned.jpg (1920x1080, 1.35M)

Definitely this one. Has been and probably will be until the end.

Attached: 1573005745872.jpg (727x868, 237.13K)

That's dope buddy, you're not like the other girls.

You're not a tortured badass.

I just got Alien: Isolation and the line between being pants shittingly scared and pants-splittingly turned on is very thin

Attached: 1564558869426.png (269x335, 5.81K)

Kinda horny at the moment, but don't want to fap just yet.

Attached: boner.gif (512x288, 601.7K)

>mfw studying for ComTIA A+ and I feel like a cool hacker man with Clair De Lune playing in the background


Attached: Delusional INTP.png (768x711, 807.88K)


Attached: 15586792118669.jpg (340x192, 13.88K)

pretty much me whenever i post my stats on an anonymous imageboard

i thought we were all bros

Attached: 1573535636553.jpg (604x604, 65.23K)

Brain fog, can't focus, can't think clearly, HEAVY indecisiveness, and Dissassociation (DPDR).
I think pic related describes it perfectly.

Attached: 2C0955E2-E15D-46FE-895D-A3B61180569D.gif (500x375, 863.05K)

This describes how I've been for the past 5 years

Attached: Megusplosion.png (381x182, 42.54K)

As ever.

Attached: 519234-zaraki8fv.png (565x535, 248.95K)

Wise words, user.
The hatred would solve none of your problems, it only make them worse. I actually think that hateful anons might be sadder than you, and hatred is just the escape valve.

How has hating women helped you with your problems?

This place needs a drink, or several. And then a workout.

Pretty much all the time

Attached: 1566054112804.png (930x1200, 707.34K)

I bet I been mad more than anything

Attached: 1582387006942.png (679x889, 420.77K)

this describes how I feel about my faggot old "friends"

Attached: 8 (2).jpg (1639x730, 355.92K)

It feels like ever since i graduated, i lost direction.

Attached: 5ob66o4rk81z.jpg (1280x1810, 131.35K)

I don't know what image captures this feeling, but basically I'm 24 and I don't see the point in living for another 50 years. not in an edgy suicide way, I just feel like the credits should be rolling in my life's story, but like an awkward scene in a movie it just keeps going on and on