This describes how my last year has been.
Show your own mental state with an image
not giving a single fuck
i wish i could not give a single fuck
start hating women
I like making others happy but I cannot make myself happy.
id rather be sad then hateful desu
there's your problem man go fix it
Then you deserve your suffering pathethic fuck
yeah ur probably right
Everything went wrong
I wanna try again
How did it get to this point
picrel very related.
i feel like i can relate more to environments and the feelings they evoke more than i can relate to other people
Definitely this one. Has been and probably will be until the end.
That's dope buddy, you're not like the other girls.
You're not a tortured badass.
I just got Alien: Isolation and the line between being pants shittingly scared and pants-splittingly turned on is very thin
Kinda horny at the moment, but don't want to fap just yet.
>mfw studying for ComTIA A+ and I feel like a cool hacker man with Clair De Lune playing in the background
pretty much me whenever i post my stats on an anonymous imageboard
i thought we were all bros
Brain fog, can't focus, can't think clearly, HEAVY indecisiveness, and Dissassociation (DPDR).
I think pic related describes it perfectly.
This describes how I've been for the past 5 years
As ever.
Wise words, user.
The hatred would solve none of your problems, it only make them worse. I actually think that hateful anons might be sadder than you, and hatred is just the escape valve.
How has hating women helped you with your problems?
This place needs a drink, or several. And then a workout.
Pretty much all the time
I bet I been mad more than anything
this describes how I feel about my faggot old "friends"
It feels like ever since i graduated, i lost direction.
I don't know what image captures this feeling, but basically I'm 24 and I don't see the point in living for another 50 years. not in an edgy suicide way, I just feel like the credits should be rolling in my life's story, but like an awkward scene in a movie it just keeps going on and on