When you see pic related which one do you want to be?

When you see pic related which one do you want to be?

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the one behind the one on the left

i wanna be the dude that shames these fags.

The one that bashes their heads in.

Right and we add my black TOP FWB to pound us both

If the back on was female I'd want to be the front, that's hot as fuck.

Bottom boi, they're both major cuties though

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>secretly wants to be the right

This, super patrician fetish.

Thanks, to bad I grew out of my femboy stage and now I'm 6'2".

>you will never stroke your femboy bf's uncut cock
Fuck, man...

>they're only making fun of us because they want to be us
ah, every time -- same old projection tactics used by those that can't cope
No one wants to be mentally ill, freak.

right, but only if the one on the left is a real girl.

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The one on the right of course, why wouldnt I want a cute trap pressing their hard cock against me

thread reminder.
be the change you want to see in the world

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>homophobe in 2020
No, you're mentally ill

Both, because I'm an intellectual.

Literal genius, keep it up

>They must be afraid of my sexuality
Every time: Same cope; same incorrectness.
You're not special.

I'm not even gay and I don't find this shit attractive, just saying you deliberately entered a thread full of things you don't like to feel superior to them. Hide the thread and move on, faggot.

I enter any thread that I find interesting, for better or for worse.
Gays and trannies aren't immune to being ridiculed, just like the typical roastie post, schizo post, or incel post. Or, any post ever, for that matter.
If I want to make fun of some mentally ill attention-whores, I'mma do it and you can fuck right off with them.

Yeah, and you look like a buttblasted faggot who seethes over anything. We've had gay shit threads like this for years.
Are you that autistic that you feel the need to call them mentally ill in every single one? How new are you?

the one in black has the better figure so that one if I had to pick sure sounds nice.

>Every single one
See, this is why I make fun of you white-knights, too.
I'm not even mad about anything. You're the one here white-knighting for some faggots you don't even know, that haven't even responded, and probably have moved on. But, since you're so eager to project your own arrogance on to me while trying to claim I'm the one here to "feel superior" (as if that's even hard to do or satisfying in any way when comparing yourself to a tranny/fag), I don't mind allowing you to continue lecturing whatever image of me you've conjured up in your mind.
Go right on ahead and tell me more about what you know about me.

Neither because they are posing like bendy straws and are probably suffering from a lot of back pain in that picture.

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Does the back one have a dick pushing into the front one's ass? If so, that one, but actually dressed like a dude.
Otherwise the from one, but actually dressed like a dude.

None because I'm not a suicidal tranny nig

nice try but i don't have a gay bone in my body

probably the right. left has cuter clothes though

I want to fuck a trap while getting fucked by a dickgirl.

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I want to be the one that kills them both with a baseball bat

Tyrone has one in you, though.

how did you know i was black and named tyrone lmao