
Why are people on this site so angry?

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what a strawman lol. I'm not even an incel or a virgin but I know that most "incels" here just want a woman to treat them with respect and affection. This is no different from what any normal guy wants. Incels are just way too aggressive and upset about it. Nobody is asking for male supremacy lolololol
Also she sounds far more angry and bothered than she's letting on

its my gargantuan gamer energy, all of this pent up frustration has to go somewhere ya know

Angry? Angry about what?

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its mostly memes. i have a girlfriend honestly.

The more inhibited you are emotionally irl the more expressive you are online.

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Every other thread is a troll thread meant to invalidate someone's worldview, and I don't know if it's mostly a cause or an effect of the userbase's rage

good bait, I rate

I'm not angry, I'm just tired.

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>olololol it's all a joke calm down
No. It really isn't.

I'm not angry. I'm cooming in black pussy.

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Based user you must be really cool

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its because losers here cant comprehend working for something and are confused why the answers to all their problems arent falling in their lap

He never said it was a joke.
Honestly a lot of incels really do just want what we all want.
They just have a lot of emotions skewing them towards certain viewpoints I think.

>strawman 1: incels wants world domination and for easy, free, unlimited sex with young lolis
>this is obvious bullshit
>counter-response strawman: no, incels are real, they really do want that!!!!!

this is like media and all people now in a nutshell. they've been doing it since the Salem witch hunts.

As the genius ted kazcynski said
>most people, even if their existence were otherwise satisfactory, would feel deprived if they passed their lives without ever having a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. (But pursuit of an excessive amount of sex, more than one really needs, can be a surrogate activity.)

I have Anger management Issues, and went to counseling at a young age for smashin a kid with a chunk of blacktop. It has nothing to do with this site or its culture, I'm just fucked in the head

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I believe that it is the natural right of men to kill and rape as they see fit and/or die trying.
I also believe that it is their moral and civilized duty not to do so as members of a society which, in exchange of their respect of such duties, should provide men with goods and services.

Now strip the deal of all goods and services and see what remains

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What name should we use for newfags who just watched the incel movie and come here to post?


>Be woman
>Can get sex on demand with any Chad you want and he pays for dinner
>Believe this is the natural right of all women and that dating down is beneath them
>Live in a society that completely panders to women every whim

OH NOOO FEM-BROS! The dastardly incels want what we have but don't acknowledge! Ya that's totally what's happening! I'm totally not a vapid cunt who can't imagine living a life other than my own!

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>clicking on obvious clickbait e-article
>allowing SJW outlet to gain ad revenue
>supporting an SJW writer with your clicks

Geez OP at least put it in a pastebin so we're not helping them.

Normie news are fucking crazy.


Meanwhile at the evil angry incel (TM) headquarters:

>radio silence. There's no headquarters, just a bunch of basedboi edgelords with deathgripitis and maxed out shitposting skillz

Do they really look at shit posts around here and actually believe them?
>Aah yes, the board where everyone is anonymous, autistic, talks smack and calls each other fags. What a reliable source for guessing the general direction of the public.

Either they're THAT fucking stupid or the world is in dire need of some disagreeable group of people to hate. Because going from "tfw no gf" to "world supremacy" is a bit far fetched even for their standards.

>Why are people on this site so angry?
because is the only way they can get the attention they crave, they mascarade that anger through ironic shiposting.

*male supremacy

In my experience male supremacy is the fetish of every hardcore feminist.

Which is odd, because, incels tend to like femdom.

Leonardo Dicaprio has sex with young beautiful women on demand and I grew up watching his movies, so basically he was a role model for me.

how do women explain that? women can't explain anything, they can only accuse people of things that are out of their control.


what ethnicity are you stormy?

They don't care about facts, they care about control.

If anything i want the opposite of male supremacy
And i dont want sex either i want to be held in a girl's arms while she pets my head, I want to be the one hugged from behind, I want to lay my head on her lap
I want to feel loved

Back up. What ethnicity are YOU, anonfag?

Incels aren't just looking for sex, but validation and acceptance of their self with a significant other.

You are describing the average woman.
*sneers in male supremacy*
When I say "UWU" it's awesome and dominant.