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Hello I am also intp but a fucking loser suicidal retard.

You are just like me a Turbulent Logician since our emotions can't help but take over compared to our superior brothers being the Chad Assertive Logicians. But we are both INTP and thus better than every other personality.
"73% of Assertive Logicians say they are proud of who they are as a person, compared to 42% of Turbulent Logicians. 77% of Assertive Logicians say they are comfortable with themselves, compared to 36% of Turbulent Logicians."

Nice try, faggot. You're still in the shitpile

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some of y'all are cool but damn some of you are unbearable
>t. INFJ

>tardy bot goes by the tardy boy logic.

nice try tardy boy

nope INFP is better

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last I did it a few years ago it said I was an INTJ

does that mean i'm 1% off of INTP?

Infp are fucking subhuman crybabies. Fairy ass faggot

I'm a manly man you faggot nigger
also i literally never cry when i do maybe every couple years it's of anger

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That is not true, and I don't need evidence since you also didn't provide any.

>manly man
Hahahahahahahahhahaha, the fucking cope ohnGod agahahahahaha

horoscopes for weirdos

INTJ here.
in my experience these cucks are jealous insecure fags.

>Why yes, I will live my life alone and never get laid how could you tell?!

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Yeah, let's celebrate the fact I'm a permavirgin!

What? i bench 300lbs and have never lost a fight

>has never been in a fight because he avoids confrontation like an infp pussy and as a result thinks that bench press means anything in terms of fight success

INFJ-T reporting in! ( '^_^)/

These threads just start earlier and earlier... :3

Okay fight me if your close enough and i will proof it
and i piss off everyone because i'm an angry autist you retard

Alright, where are you at pussy?

based, INTP here... What makes us superior if you dont mind me asking?

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i despise every single one of you

whats the differentce between istp and intp? i used to get intp but now i always get istp.

By us declaring it of course.

cope harder with your worse personality

>Alright, where are you at pussy?
area code 864
shit talking wouldn't be really smart
also fuck this captcha

I want a livestream of your fight. I put money on the non infp

I put money on whoever brings the gun kek

>tfw INFJ
>tfw nobody truly gets or understands you
>tfw completely lost in the world and feel like you have no place in it
>tfw best friend is INTP

For my fellow filterfags:

Everyone knows INTJ is the true master-race, everyone else is coping

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Cry me a river softcocked faggot

Explain to me why INTP-As think there anything worthwhile when the alpha -Ts dominate this palace

I want to bet on the INFP. Maybe they often avoid confrontation, but certain things rub them the wrong way and they will move mountains. The INFP is gonna push his shithole in because he probably values respect and he is about to show him why he should give some.

Turbulent Logicians emotions can't help but take over compared to our superior brothers being the Chad Assertive Logicians. But we are both INTP and thus better than every other personality.
"73% of Assertive Logicians say they are proud of who they are as a person, compared to 42% of Turbulent Logicians. 77% of Assertive Logicians say they are comfortable with themselves, compared to 36% of Turbulent Logicians."

fellow intj-t here
are you a virgin as well?

Why yes I am, how could you tell?
Originally originally

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>Spits some facts
Bro stop your gonna make me cry


We're the only people where other people tell us that suicide is okay when we bring it up.