How do you differentiate "real" depression vs "meme" depression?
How do you differentiate "real" depression vs "meme" depression?
if you can still function and still have passion for your hobbies it's meme depression.
You don't talk about it to randoms or people you havent known for more than a few years
So someone with real depression wouldn't go to a therapist or psychiatrist?
Wahhh I'm sad wahhh.
Frustrated you didn't die in your sleep, if you ever get to sleep.
A professional in the field you need help with isn't a random you fucktard
That "real" sounds like highschool girls.
>Omg I wanna die!
Fair enough, but meme depressed go to psychiatrists as well.
So how do they tell if you're bullshitting or the real deal? Your criteria doesn't really differentiate between the two depressions.
>doesn't talk about it because he is ashamed and it brings him pain. He also understand how painful and terrible it really is so he doesn't find it a worthy topic of discussion
>physical manifestations, such as craning neck, tired drooping face, loss of focus in the eyes, lack of self care
>trys to cope and feel alive again, tries to fill the void inside with substance abuse or risky, rush activating behaviors
>lack of sleep and eating. Loss of interest in hobbies and passions. Tired, sad demeanor despite efforts to hide it.
>downward inflections in the voice
>constantly talks about it and posts about it on social media, looking for attention
>uses it as a main character trait, wants to be complicated, edgy and unique
>virtue signals on the topic in real life and internet, wants to appear as morally superior and informed
>makes self deprecating depression jokes, thinks depression is comedic and a laughing matter
>shows no actual symptoms of depression other than they naturally feel sad when something bad happens and tired when they don't get enough sleep
look at what depression is categorized when talking about animals, this is how you get mainstream snowflakeism removed from the answer
"lethargy, compulsive behaviors, disrupted appetite and sexual interest or even self harm"
snowflakes rigidly categorize depression to be
>waah me sad me want die
when in reality its much more diverse than just suicide
theres normal people going through bad shit for a long time feeling shitty.
theres dumb dipshits who want to be cool and misunderstood
then theres people whose brains literally dont create the right chemicals to create happiness.
I never really liked talking about depression because I was never officially diagnosed with it.
Listen to clinicians. A clinically depressed person feels the following much of the time for something like a few weeks or longer.
>very stressed
Their sleep is often disordered. They may wake early and not be able to get back to sleep for example. They may eat much less (common) or more (less common) than normal.
Basically a truly depressed person is a highly stressed out, anxious and unhappy person, and their physiology shows it to be true.
A person who's just down may experience these symptoms but will recover in good time. A person who's just faking or exaggerating their symptoms will probably not feel very stressed, is well rested and just tells everyone how depressed they are because they're bored or dissatisfied with something in their life.
nah it's common for depressed people to seek help at the wrong places. one guy told me about his problems and i barely knew him.
This simply isn't true. Your anecdotal evidence doesn't make it true, either.
Why isn't sleeping too much depression ?
you don't, its all meme depression
>go to psychiatrist
>he says I have the most severe depression he's seen at my age
>puts me on highest legal dose of prozac
>brother goes to same psychiatrist
>the psychiatrist gives him B12 and folic acid
One of the saddest realizations of my life because I never thought the two of us were so different. He's a normalfag and I'm not but I thought we were both in the same place emotionally. Incredibly demoralizing.
To put it briefly, "real" depression is something that can be characterised as something truly ugly, undesireable in every sense of the word, and "meme" depression is that which can be characterised as quirky, relatable, aestheticism, or that which can be appreciated or glorified etc. I could elaborate if you're not sure what I mean.
People who are really depressed often aren't aware, suffer from destructive nature, usually insecure and don't want to speak to others about it. Legit have a hard time with life.
Meme depressed people use it for attention, cant go a day without mentioning it to everyone and think being slightly down because of something means they're depressed when in reality everyone fucking gets sad about something every so often.
From the looks of it prozac *gives* you depression, not cure it.
The main difference is that a good amount of "real" depressed people think they have meme depression and vice versa
Not really. Prozac wasn't that bad all things considered. I got the rashes and dreams but I already had everything else so it didn't matter. MAOIs are the most effective antidepressant, but they can kill you quite easily. Then after that Prozac is the most effective but it increases chances of suicide and mania. Then after that zoloft is less effective but safer. Everything else is a scam by the pharmaceutical industry to renew patents. Actually prozac makes you kill yourself because your depression gets LESS severe and the emotions are overwhelming when before you were too apathetic roll over in bed when your back starts hurting.
oh you'll know when you get there.
one is still somewhat enjoying certain activities.
the other is barely doing the essentials and sleeping through the rest of your day.
I think I can weigh in on this due to some recent circumstances. I just moved in with this guy. He' super cool and a lot of the time I enjoy being around him. But, he has meme-depression. He takes snapchat every 20 minutes or posts on IG. He hits girls up all the time by sliding in their DMs. He spends all his free time hanging out with people or doing physical activities. When we moved in he decorated the fuck out his room and has girls over all the time. Basically I'm saying he's a normal high-functioning adult. He also says he depressed all the time. He will say stuff like "damn bro this depression sucks". That's what meme depression is to me.
I don't have the energy to do things and he doesn't understand why. He will talk my here off endlessly. Yeah he get sad but he's not actually depressed. I could go on about why I think I actually am but that seems kind of stupid. Suffice it to say I don't have the energy to do anything and fantasize about suicide every single day. It's genuinely the only thing that makes me feel better. I realize if I just DID some goddamn thing like workout it would help but my body always feels like its weighed down by stones.
meme depression is when you're still doing shit you enjoy. Real depression is when you don't do anything you enjoy
However a form of real depression is what I have, where you're functional by having a job or go to school and doing shit, but you just don't enjoy any of it
The not talking about it part is bullshit.
Between feeling emptiness and low moods, there's also quite a bit of anger either directed at the self or everybody else around you. If you're depressed enough, shame never enters the equation even if you feel it.
That's just a personality thing. Being guarded is not a symptom of depression like it is for scitzoids.
Meme depression is when you actually have nothing serious to be depressed about ie all normie depressions.
Real depression when your life is actually fucked and impossible to fix ie robot depression
A note, a plan, the equipment, a resolution and a deadline. And not pills or cutting, that's a meme call for help. For me it was a rope and research on cutting the arteries and not the trachea. Felt too bad for my mom and called her to try to get her to forgive me or save me, not sure. Wound up in the hospital.
After a big change in treatment I've moved from real depression to meme depression. It's a much better place to be.
user, better safe than sorry. A badly depressed person will think they have meme depression and wind up dead. If you seek help and have meme depression, no harm done. Good luck, nigga.
Agreed. A lot of these guys are mistaking their comorbid anxiety for depression. I would tell people about it because some part of me hoped they'd be the one person who could save me with a word of advice. I was like a drowning person. It was the same bullshit over and over though. It was one therapist that kind of cracked the code.
I've only ever had depression once when first I started taking finasteride. I'd say that true depression is when you unironically enjoy sleeping more than being awake
The main difference is in how you smug you feel about it.
there's no 'meme' depression, don't believe what armchair psychologists on Yas Forums tell you
I dont here is ONLY meme depression.
If you wanna die go kys.
If not stop whining to others and yourself.
My father used to tell me he will beat me when i cry so he knows why the fuck am I crying. Unironically best advice Ive recieved
Faggot with meme depression and desperately wants to convince others he's not full of shit
Over compensation fag