Okay robots post your ideal or yourself make sure to specify

Okay robots post your ideal or yourself make sure to specify

Attached: ideal gf.jpg (227x222, 6.4K)

I feel like stereotypes in media have lead to a great decline in my and many others self confidence

any fembots who want to contact me, please send me a hand written letter. address available on request

Attached: me.png (870x666, 14.25K)

My ideal is literally just pic related and I don't care about body, as long as it's something reasonable. They tend to be halfu, but that isn't a requirement.

Attached: 1AADD6B3-C8B0-47C6-B68E-525CC063C985.jpg (750x955, 137.45K)

don't really know what else to put help :(

Attached: arjikwawihrw.png (963x630, 23.08K)

I'll know my ideal woman when I meet her. Until then I'm open to talk or meet with a broad range of women. Seems silly to create this fantasy construct in my head.

This is a good mindset to have

I am very bad at drawing but this is what i got
give gf pls

Attached: me ideal 2.png (520x382, 19.36K)

I refuse to settle

Attached: IdealGF.png (1000x739, 159.88K)

I'm gonna assume you meant to reply to me. Yeah, these threads are weird. Getting so hyper specific about a potential partner is stupid. You're looking for a person and not a list of bullet points. And summarizing yourself in a shitty wannabe cutesy meme is stupid too. If you wanna try and get with someone from this board just engage people in real conversations and see what happens.

I don't have an ideal physically. Deathly anorexic to obese, it doesn't bother me. Mentally I'd want a girl that's a bit off, dealing with depression/anxiety, a bit of a shut-in, enjoys escapist hobbies, preferably leaning to the right politically or apolitical because I don't want to hear liberal bullshit. I'm looking for a girl that's willing to waste her life with me, I have no ambition and no desire to do much of anything but withdraw from reality. Be this anime, games, drugs, etc. I am somewhat physically fit, white, tall and on autismbux here in America. NEET of 7 years. Rated a 8/10 according to soc. Distance isn't a particular issue as I have a passport. I didn't bother making an ideal drawing as nobody reads or cares about them if you put that you're male, chances are nobody will read this either.

Discord: robotanon#2763

Attached: shamo.jpg (640x640, 104.14K)

No shit, faggot. We're just posting the ideal. Even then, the ideal is pretty vague. Obviously, you don't want to just date someone who checks off your list of requirements. Save that shit for irl, you're on an anonymous Mongolian watch repair forum. Now post your ideal

cute asian girl 5'0 with an 8 inch penis thick uncut willing to sign a prenup marry me and raise my white children

>the ideal is pretty vague
Tell that to the people who post specific ideals
>Obviously, you don't want to just date someone who checks off your list of requirements. Save that shit for irl, you're on an anonymous Mongolian watch repair forum
Then why is this a thinly veiled /soc/ dating thread?
>Now post your ideal
I already said I don't have one dumb dumb

Fuck the retards who actually try to "meet people :^)" on threads like these. But yeah idk you know what I mean. You don't have a type? No ideal? Like, at all? What if it's a big hairy nigger with big lips and bright purple hair? Wouldn't matter to you?

>he has an ideal
Wow bro!!! You call yourself an incel??? Cringe!!!!

>Fuck the retards who actually try to "meet people :^)" on threads like these.
no fuck you

heart heart heart

Attached: abt.png (1208x462, 46.25K)

I wish I could find her. She would be such a cute gf

Attached: 1587319697986.png (754x414, 33.82K)

if i wasn't too disgusted i'd larp as that to meet up and fucking kill you.
hopefully someone else does it

We all know you're pathetic user. You'll never do anything but whine on a basket weaving forum.

fingers crossed

am your ideal desu

you can't call anyone else pathetic you retard

epic. fuck incels too

I can and I did. All you can do is whine on Yas Forums because you're an incel that will never get a gf. Seethe harder, there's nothing you can do.

OOoo, it's that time again!

>Crushes door into nothing but atoms and slams my greasy bf curriculum vitae CV
>"Ain't I just a treat for sore female eyes......I'm not paying for the door."

Attached: Subtle Nazi bf.jpg (800x600, 180.31K)

>I can and I did. All you can do is whine on Yas Forums because you're an incel that will never get a gf. Seethe harder, there's nothing you can do.
kek fag

The same personality that I have right now I wouldn't change it that much. I wish I could be more confident with the things that I do, and also be more ambiscious in order to study/work harder.

I also wish I could be more musculous in order to intimidate people and being able to fight against others more often. I want to be stronger.

I only want to have a job and finally leave this almost shut in way of life, so I can get my own department and leave forever. Then and only then I will be the king of my own country

Attached: organizized.jpg (1170x664, 828.5K)

This is miserable. All you have to say about yourself is your boring political opinions and "curious. like talking.". M i s e r a b l e.

do guys in america get paid for having mental illnesses???

haha wow oh man cool

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puke @ u