Write something that might or might not be read, take it off your chest
Letter thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll start
To the faggots that harassed me and my friends today. I would have beaten you to death, ran over you with my car and just leave. You don't know how insane I am. The only thing that stopped me was my mind, not knowing what weapon you might've pulled. If it was a knife you would've been gone on the spot, but if you pulled out a gun I can't fucking disarm that. I'll remember both of you, you skinny balding fuck and your 120kg fat fuck of a coworker.
Sincerely, a nobody
Dear E, G, S, T and A,
I like you, I've always liked you... of course. I've always been into boys like y'all. Although you may not know it. Well, obviously you do (I hope), but you never let me know. I know I have been cold to you sometimes in our chats but... it's because I have been masturbating to the thought of you at the time and I couldn't concentrate. I'm sorry... it's silly for me to admit this, and I can only do it anonymously, but I hope it's ok.
Your (possibly former) friend.
Dear mr. M,
Oh how I loved calling you Daddy, you were the most beautiful 50 years old I've seen in my life. It is unfortunate that you have your wife and kids obligations, but I don't really mind. I will never forget our time together
fembots are disgusting jesus christ
That's not a letter, user! >:(((
something about Yas Forums:
most people here are:
>white, male
>not married; never have been
>loner out side of forums and discord
>no kids don't want any
>neet or works shitty job
>watch cartoon porn
>out of shape
>doesn't like any sports
>dont go to church
>white but love asian women
>lives at home or with other male roommates
^these are the people defending the white west.
while most hispanics, arabs and indians I've met are:
>married between 19-28
>multiple kids
>married to their own race
>go to church every sunday
>loves sports
>hates trannies or gays
>values and upholds trad lifestyles
>hates drugs outside of alcohol (tequila)
>values his family and kids
>live with woman or in a large family house
>upholds his own culture and traditions
yeah you guy sure are going to save the west.
Just tell them. I'm sure they would love to hear it.
Hello you,
It has been 10 days since we last spoke yet it feels like 10 months. I haven't been on Yas Forums since that day. You made a good call to be honest, not to have any contact at all. You blocked me on your personal whatsapp but not your work one. So I could easily message you, it may not seem like it yet I respect you.
I was such a fool girl. I cared too much about my integrity and forgot for a moment about you. I was hasty and immature.
Keep on keeping on. You'll do great things. I miss you so much
I won't be coming back to this post or Yas Forums again for a while. But I'm a little drunk...
The last couple weeks have been some of the best, most healing, effortlessly happy days I have had in an unthinkably long time. I have little idea where this will end up. the ideas I do have always loop back to our uncertain personal futures and the fact that I'm still not sure whether you're into me because we're filling an important but temporary role for one another, or because you actually are into me.
I deeply hope this doesn't turn into an unpleasant one-sided situation. Reminding oneself to avoid too much attachment is easy, actually doing so is horrendously hard when it comes to you.
Regardless, as long as you are available to keep, I'm keeping you.
- H
LMAO get rekd kid
>being played by chad: the post
man writing to a woman, you stupid fucking self-narrating dumbass
wrong guy lol
Bring a knife bruh puss fuck retard
I've said so many things to the void when I should have told them to you. Some of them at least.
But I'm a coward really, fear holds me back from getting what I want, so it's only natural that you eventually drift off away from me.
Believe me I only have good intentions, as clumsy as I am; there's a tiny hope in my heart that you're similar enough to me and you'll still want to be around when this is all over, at least if only propelled by curiosity or convinience.
If only I could peak at your heart, I know I could distinguish shapes similar to mine. If the time comes again, I'm gonna look right into your eyes.
>void user back at it again
Haha hella gay
have I mentioned this before?
maybe you're confusing me for someone else, though I do regularly post in these threads.
well uh what can you do user, things are what they are
I love you and it's killing me.
i fucking hate these useless feelings, they keep dragging me down and turning me into a distorted, washed-down version of myself. fuck this gay universe.
There are so many things I want to say to you. So many things I want to give to you.
Will I ever get the chance?
I told you I would be near you soon. I was not lying. I really am going there.
Partially because of you. It is best for my future for other reasons, as well, though.
Would you give it a try?
Will you give it a try?
After all, you were willing to give that person another chance.
Give me one. I will not let you down.
Sorry my heart and soul belong to someone else :p
you made so many promises but i guess you never cared about me enough to want to keep them.you told me you'd wait for me but... clearly that's not the case. i'm sorry it's like this.
i you get diarrhea user
You stupid bitch you mutilate my soul
Its all in your head, like any addiction. Think 0 instead of 1.
Fuck you for ghosting me. If you didn't enjoy my company you could at least not have pretended to. I always expected there'd come a day that we'd part forever, but I figured one of us would at least say when that day was. Now you left me hanging, and I look like a fool.
Raven. This is for you from me:
aye, i know you are still here, thanks for the good times, despite being a trol, those were some funny memories
I tell you I like you, I tell you how lonely I feel and how envious I am of people and the things they have, and one of the first things you do when we talk again is show me a bunch of photos of festivals and tell me about how you miss partying with your friends.
That made me go from adoring you to despising you.
You'll never understand me, you just analyze me because I'm fucking weird. This whole fucking thing was worthless. I should have known fucking better, the space between us as people runs as vast and deep as an ancient ocean.
I just wanted someone to connect to.