I'm a horrible girlfriend. I have the perfect bf and yet I want to have sex with other men.
We have been together for 5 years. He's my first and only sexual partner. He's funny, smart, and cares for me. He supported me when my parents kicked me out and had no money. He's perfect. He's also handsome which made me feel intimidated in the beginning because I felt he was out of my league.
But I can't remove this feeling of wanting to have sex with a lot of men. I feel guilty because he knows this and still loves me. He knows I won't cheat. But I feel like a horrible human and yet the desire to be with other men is so strong that I'm depressed most of the time.
I'm a horrible girlfriend. I have the perfect bf and yet I want to have sex with other men
Nice blogpost. Who gives a shit?
I will throw it in you. No strings attached and I can keep a secret
Literally what is causing that problem in your brain? I'm going to try and cut through the bullshit of this thread which will inevitably be a swarm of simps hitting on you and ragebabby incels attempting to pressure you to off yourself. This type of thought process legitimately interests me, so I'm interested in how that mental state feels.
You never said you were content with your relationship despite the praise you heap on your boyfriend. This leads me to believe that you value him, love him, but routinely take his actions for granted. Could that be the issue? Pent up guilt is usually a cause for that sort of feeling, and the desire to start over with someone else could be your mind creating a solution.
But why? You do know you're supposed to fuck your bf right lol
You should discuss it openly with him, maybe he's just doing things wrong and can improve his performance, maybe you can add some spice to the sex to make it great again
If nothing else works, he should be able to understand he's unable to please you sexually and allow you to fulfil your desire while he pleases you in other ways, sex is only a minor part of what makes a relationship.
is getting help from a relationship/sex therapist an option? talk to someone professional.
just give your boy double anal to make up for it and break up with him
How do you not properly please a woman? Just go down on her first. Even if you got a small dick at least you have that as your failsafe. Women who report being "Unfulfilled in bed" Just don't know how to get their man to do anything.
ow yeah that could be difficult i surgest leaving him and then coming back and maybe setting a new president but do remember what your risking but really yeah you should aim for the best healthest most forfuilling life for the both of you but if you love him you really should be thinkng about his needs ect just as much if you cant be happy otgether are you actully even together or are you just living off him ?
Take it from me: some people just aren't meant to be in relationships. I'm a serial cheater (literally cheated for the first time in my kindergarten relationship rofl) and stopped dating guys because I got tired of all the drama.
Would not recommend this. If he's as great as you say he is, he'll find someone new fast. Not seeing a guy for a month that you love usually makes you remember why you love him
Pleasing her is an art, it definitely isn't "just go down on her"
That kind of lazy thinking is why they get unfulfilled in bed
I really am curious about how this mindset works. How do people just do this over and over and not think about the repercussions? Not to mention when you leave a guy that loved you it just stays with them forever. That feeling that something is missing or that they weren't good enough. Why subject anyone to that?
>I have the perfect bf and yet I want to have sex with other men.
There's nothing horrible about wanting.
You're only horrible if you cheat on him.
I mean it worked for me. Going down on a woman is an art in itself. An intricate task you modify for each woman. You can't fake that instinctual twitch when your tongue hits the perfect spot on the perfect rhythm. You're damn right it's an art, and it's up to YOU to master it.
How have you not had the shit kicked out of you, yet?
It's human to be curious. But remember that curiosity doesn't mean you should give up something that's safe and loves you for something that might be better. By your description, this guy sounds like what most girls dream of getting. Realistically, the odds of getting better are slim.
god I hope you die of covid
why are you retards falling for this shitty bait? I hate everyone in this thread
You're a dumb whore. Just break up with him. He deserves better and you know it. You'll also be happier in the long run it seems.
>it just stays with them forever
Keyword spotted. I'm okay with others feeling pain. Why wouldn't I be? So long as pain evades me.
This is what happens when you start dating too serious with a guy when you are young and especially lose your virginity to the guy. I started dating a guy when I was 15 and all through hs my mom kept telling me I should be dating and having fun not in a relationship like I was married. I didn't listen but she was right about it all. Its normal for you to feel this way and if you knew what your bf was thinking he is thinking about all the girls hes missing out on. Anyway when I was 18 we broke up and it was the best thing ever. Do not marry the first and only guy you have sex with without having sex with other guys. You might want him after all but you probably won't.
Oh no a woman can never ever ever even THINK of another man.
Didn't read. I hope you kill yourself in case OP isn't a neckbeard larping behind the screen.
I know its bait but I'll respond anyway. Stop letting media trick you into thinking you want to fuck dozens of men to be happy. Promiscuity only leads to misery and loneliness.
>misery and loneliness
I tell you what leads to misery and loneliness, a guy that is jealous and possessive and isolates me from any friends or family and constantly telling me to change my clothes or remove makeup when I am just going to work. Or gets mad if I'm on the phone with my mom. He says if a couple loves each other they don't need anyone else.
OP said he's a good man. Also learn to judge people better before you let them dick you, retard.
Note how the roastie-pasta highlights some key features
>almost entirely talks about how she feels
>also expresses no shame, just some guilt at most
>My man is literally better in every way than I deserve
>I know! I'm going to go fuck even worse men!
Yes, you are horrible. Not only that but who the fuck even has this train of thought? What part of this makes any sense? If you want to be with other men obviously your bf isn't your type, so break up.
You want to know what it really is? You want to be treated like the useless whore you are, which is why you made this thread. You want to get used as a cock sleeve by multiple chads at the same time, but you don't want to lose the actual sense of fulfillment that a loving relationship brings because you know that if he found out chances are very good you'd lose him.
What you're experiencing right now is the female equivalent of when a man wants to go on a week long tai hooker fucking spree. Difference being men (for the most part) have self restraint.
Stop fucking being a whore and start being a normal person.
You'll have cancer later in life you submissive bitch.
This is why when I get a gf, I'm going to have to cheat on her preemptively. Always keeping a side chick just in case.
have some vitamin D supplements