>tfw 20
>tfw parents are 60 years old
I feel like they are my grandparents
Tfw 20
Same here. I'm 25 and my parents are about 60 and 70. Plus they didn't grow up in the US so they're very religious and strict on things that typical American parents wouldn't care about.
What's worse is that the way they grew up, family very much just stayed together in the same household while here in America it's kinda expected for you to leave your parents house asap.
I'd love to move out permanently (I moved out for a year a couple years back) but they took it so personally it's hard to do that to them again. I want to move out so bad though.
im sorry user, your parents fucked you by having a child when they were 40 years old and you probably have autism because of their selfishness of having a child at 40.
I don't have autism although i'm ugly and dumb, i don't know if thats any better desu
Here is just you.
>tfw 18
>tfw parents are also 60 years old
honestly just going to learn a trade, save up and move to south dakota and never look back.
this 100%. any parent having kids at that age is a monster. i'm high-functioning-autistic but my sister is just straight retarded.
My parents are Gen-X 80's teens, both early 50's. Pretty based, but also kinda cringe cause they're both so immature.
>60yo parents
>fucked dna/semen, parents were officially labeled infertile before having me and had a miscarriage to show for it
>good chance im infertile (not that ill ever find out)
>mentally fucked
>born too early
>doctors said i wouldnt even be able to walk, can walk but have no stamina and will never be able to ride bike / drive car
>average at best
im 19 my dad is 55 moms str8 up dead
shit sucks
My parents are old but it feels normal to me, I think it's weird when people have young parents. It's like as soon as they reached adulthood they started a family? nah fuck that shit I'm 22 and am nowhere near ready for that
my father was 54, mom 35
Your experience is getting more common Opie, since williennials and zoomers and whatnot are trying to wring out those last few years before 40 going to Coachella and shit instead of being grownups with kids. Hope you like autism
Anyone currently over the age of 60 should be euthanized, and anyone who turns 60 should be sterilized.
You're right. But you're ignoring that everyone between 10 and 30 should also be slaughtered.
>Be black(It's important to the story)
>Be in my 20's
>Mother in her early 60's and father in his late 60's
>Have a sister who is just 11 years older than me.
>Never thought about how different the age difference is.
>One day father has a massive heart attack and thinks he might die.
>For some reason on the way to the hospital he starts telling me all his secrets.
>One being that my sister is actually my birth mother.
I'm 29
Dad's 77
Mom's already dead
I don't like this ride anymore: where can I get off?
if you're in your 20s and your parents are 60+ then you have based parents. they were smart enough to not have children until they were financially ready, unlike other parents
I'm 23 dads in his 70s moms in her 60s shitloads of chronic health issues so I can't do manual labor and too autistic to hold a call center or retail job.
>tfw 19 (I will be 20 on May)
>tfw same situation as OP
>worse of all: I m still in HS (need 2 years more and I m done)
>tfw I can't be a shut in NEET cause soon parents wont work anymore
>tfw there's no other option than study years, with fear of one day stop receiving financial support, and job opportunities are not even assured
and who the fuk is the 60 yo lady?????
I think I ve read about you before in this board user....
>tfw mom had me at 40
>tfw she was practically elderly by the time I was 10 while everyone else's moms still had energy to do other things than sleep and work
>tfw i turned 20 and was told i had to help take care of her now
I swear to fucking god people should be shot for having kids late and not having the health or stamina to be parent for them until they're proper adults.
How come this board is filled with people whose parents were over 40 when they were born? Is there some kinda correlation between old parents and loser children?
>Father is 57, Mother is 53
I feel my parents were at a good age when I was born, not super young, but not old enough that they were out of touch.
Guys I'm 18 and my parents are 61 and 60 respectively am I fucked?
Tbh I don't think I'm that bad. No mental illnesses or anything from what I can tell
It's called autism
I dont think so... If you think about it, there's a great bunch of people here who are NEETs, and these guys should have "younger" parents in order to mantain them financially.
Ding ding origiding ding
there is stupidity in this thread, I want to bump it and post later.
>still need 2 years of HS
Jesus Christ, user, don't waste another day! Drop out, get your GED, and move on to a workplace or community college. That's already an irreparably bad situation, don't make it any worse
>come from super white trash family
>mom conceived me at 26
>all of the other women in the family had kids in their teens or early 20's, were pressuring my mom to get knocked up as though she was already menopausal
>mom was also a ketamine addict who used while I was in the womb, so I turned out retarded anyway