Give it to me straight. Am I dying?

Give it to me straight. Am I dying?

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We all are slowly user

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what body part am i looking at here

looks like bites of something, or rash from filthiness, so please wash your arse (you are not dying)

Underneath the testicles to the left. Pretty much right under the buttcheek.
It's either that your skin is very dry or you have infection.

You probably have this because you are over weight and don't wash properly.

>or you have infection.
But only if it hurts

you're dying
seems like you've been exposed to nerve gas

We all are, but you might get there a lot faster.

Looks like AIDS or Syphilis, you are fucked my nigga, rip my nigga, you dead my nigga.

bump (get it cuz ur genitals are bumpy)

Not sure if bed sores or not, but either way lose weight, fatass

Nah he's too skinny. I have the same problem but I'm 380 lbs.

Jesus dude go for a walk

If you're poor and american the prognosis is death

asdfasdlflskdfklsdaf fuckblox

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is it a sexual disease?

Yeah I know. The thing is I have a hard time walking I have supination of the feet, so I feel like I'm grinding down my ankles. I'm not making excuses though I'm chipping away at it.

Going to a doctor < asking retard loser NEETs on Yas Forums

It could be nothing. Or it could be something..

completely ignore it op

Painful? Hot? Sensitive to touch?

If you shaved fairly recently you probably just have a cluster of ingrown hairs.

it's a staph infection, wash yourself you filthy NEET

ill google around and tell u

ok, done...
its cancer

Oh and I love being fat

That's just Jock Itch that you scratched way too much, you fucking retard
Get tinactin and shower daily

>look up common cold symptoms
Every time

that's a nice juicy clump of cysts. Gonna be quite a treat when they pop

sign on beetus ur done kid

thought it might be jock itch but i didn't have those bumps when i had it. i had a raised plaque of skin. was fucking disgusting.

regardless of what it is, it doesn't hurt to switch soaps. i have been using a soap called "Defense" that I get from Amazon. It prevents ringworm, jock itch, and a bunch of other gross stuff. it's antibacterial and something else. idk, either way it's great and my skin hasn't had any problems since.