Why do people non here hate black people?
Most of my interactions with black people have been pretty much the same as all other people and there is a lot of them here in Birmingham
Why do people non here hate black people?
american blacks are another set of breed altogether
My condolences
Hot black girls are hot
Could be worse could be from the bad bits of London or literally all of manchester
top kek, until one stabs the fuck out of you for looking at him wrong
Literally most of the other white boys in my area are like that Ive almost been mugged 2 times this year and it was white roadmen like pic related
im one of the only black people in my white suburban town and when i go out people will stare at me. the old white people haven't seen a black person in ages i guess. Blacks used to get lynched if they were seen here. cool stuff.
When I saw the thumbnail in the catalog, I thought its shirt was skin and wondered where the rest of the person was.
Birmingham is only 8% black. I suppose that counts as a lot for Europe.
>im one of the only black people in my white suburban town
Literally the opposite of me my school in Birmingham is like 3 a white kids including me and the rest of the school is 50 50 black and Pakistanis
Not my estate though
Probably because they met the trashy ones and based all other assumptions on TV and media
black bot here,
American inner city poor people are foul regardless of race.
I lived in a suburban upscale town and near 6th grade inner city peoiple moved into a housing complex on the outskirt of town and they were assholes to everyone who wasn't from the city,.
I am black, and the inner city people black and puertoricans didn't see me as one of their own because I was first generation african and spoke properly.
Goes both ways dude.
i hate them because i've never had a good experience with them, when i was 5 some niggers tried to drown me in a public pool. my dad had to sock this 16 year old niggeress in the face.
Oh yeah, and who were the ones that started the licking ice cream trend?? oh thats right, niggers did!
>Oh yeah, and who were the ones that started the licking ice cream trend?? oh thats right, niggers did!
those are the trash ass black people that are on twitter n shit. there's some good blacks trust me.
gonna add also, ive really tried to not be a racist but when every interaction i've had with them has been poor its pretty hard not to be. plus its always them perpetuating stupid shit like licking ice cream at the store, knocking out random people on the street etc... i've honestly tried but i just dont think i have it in me
I live in a nice neighborhood, and most of the black people I have met have been pretty much the same as well. The only exception being the grandfather of the family that lives nextdoor to me. He is from Detroit and he has an eyepatch. I think he was a gangster but I never asked.
it was a black dude AND and a white girl who started the ice cream licking trend. it was also a white girl who started the airplane toilet licking trend.
Because they commit most the crime in my city despite being the lowest minority in it even behind spics
It even varies by region.
Blacks in Kansas or Carolina are much nicer than the ones in Chicago and Detroit.
It's probably statistics. If you are robbed in America, most likely a Black did it. Everyone is different, but it's just pattern recognition.
Because they oppress us and we pay them for it.
Opinion discarded.
I noticed how much better adjusted first gen Africans are. My doctor is first gen. She's smart and dignified. Not like an Akata at all.
I'm starting to think your ancestors rounded up all the assholes and sold them to the boatmen.
Yas Forums doesn't hate black people.
They're OBSESSED with them. If it's not about how much they "despise" blacks then they're posting BBC/BLACKED cuck porn. And if it's not that then they just post pics of hot black chicks.
I was born in England. I spent my childhood there, and met my fair share of black people. And yet, for some reason, when I hear a black guy speak with a British accent, my brain goes "wait, what?"
But this says whites and blacks are more likely to be murdered by members of their own race
The black community went in a downward spiral since the 60s. Partly (or even mainly) due to a drastic increase in fatherless homes. That shit went from 25 to 72 fucking percent. That ain't good.
>B-baka! It's not like we like you or anything!
They may actually be Tsundere for Blacks. You ever see a Black on Twitter talking about Back to Africa or something Whites will jump in and tell them it won't work and they'll fail in Africa. Like, wtf? Do you want them to move or not? Total Tsundere.
I 100% agree with that. I am a fatherless White. It makes a HUGE difference. We should subsidize marriage and not punish it.
I think he was talking about birmingham, alabama or something like that.
>OI BRUV, u got a fag?
Fucking chavs.
Well he didn't specify, so I assumed he was talking about the Birmingham in England.
Well obviously, most murders happen between people who live nearby.
But if one group goes out of its way to kill people from the other group, it's blacks. And they they pretend to be the victims.
I just watched like 10 videos of stabbings in Birmingham all of them done by blacks, niggers behave the same everywhere, is in their genes
fake data to maintain whitey calm see
>is in their genes
This, blackbot here. All day everyday i think about stabbing people. I was born with a knife attached to my hand and my first words were "Gimmie yo money, whyte boi".
There's no denying it.
I live in Georgia, there's a lot of black people here and I haven't met a bad one that was an adult. My neighbors include two black families. The kids might act dumb sometimes but I think it's because of pressure to fit in since most black media like music and celebrities comes from black people in inner cities. So even in small towns like this the black youth acts like they live in the inner cities but they outgrow it.