Well, anons, I thought lookism was a lie, and that I could still be happy and find a gf being ugly. Fool of a took was I. At least now I known that I shouldn't bother trying. There is only one way and it is LDAR.
It's officially over
Then stop being ugly retard, in the video the girl said you dress nice and got a nice looking watch and looking like a fuck boi then she will hit you up, change your appearance, whining about this isn't going to make them fuck you.
Please stop caring about women and looks, go do something meaningful, work towards being a better human being. Don't be a seething retard like all trannies on this board, there's will always be people in a worse condition than you are and they probably won't whine as much as you do. Leave this shitty discord asylum board.
>Please stop caring for the amazing thing you will never have.
I bet you have a gf.
>Lol these poor people care about money so much, it is just paper. They should focus on more important things than material goods.
>i bet you have a gf
No I fucking don't.
>money analogy
You cannot aquire genes you dumb dumb. Stop fucking whining, you are wasting your time.
>You cannot aquire genes you dumb dumb. Stop fucking whining
If I can't acquire them, what option do I have? Become a priest?
>stop being ugly retard.
I don't think you know how genetics works.
Men need to start seeing girls as individuals, if a guy is rude to you you call him an asshole but if a girl is rude you just take it as if she is the figurehead for all females
Men need to put women in their place, you value them too much so you're giving them power over you
This haunts me. For example, I hear co-workers talk about past relationships so casually, they are all 17-19 years old. They have experienced love (or lust) multiple times already. That's genuine and real puppy love. I'll only get a relationship when the woman has matured and is ready to settle down with a 'good guy'. She will never lust after me. She won't feel any butterflies. There will be no honeymoon period.
All I can do is cope.
Literally do that if you want. Go roam the country side giving poor people food and stuff, become a roaming saint of our times. That will make you better and more memorable person than 99% percent of this Earth's population.
Find something to excel at and stick with it, life isn't only about fucking and eating.
It really is thought. The only meaning and purpose is life is biological reproduction and lifes natural crystal meth, love. Nothing else matters, the entire reason you exist is to continue lifes existence by passing your genetics on and having children. Literally everything else is a cope and means nothing. Children will exist and their children will exist after you are gone, your pointless copes with fade away with you and time.
>She will never lust after me
This is one of the worst feelings a man can have. I know how it feels.
Literally explains what to do at the end of the video
If your ugly you need to hide it or mask it. If you have acne/fucked up skin then go to a doctor and get treatment for it and drink more water. Thin balding hair? go get hair implants. Fucked up teeth? go get them fixed? oh wait all those things cost money? go get a job. Didn't get a good enough education because of your ugliness? too bad, theres still low level jobs that can pay relatively well such as night shift jobs.
Ugly fuckers need to just be kicked up at ass and told to try. The REAL ugly people are the people who have actual deformities. Stuff like Lazy eyes, spine problems. Extra finger/toes or less etc... those people are ugly.
Fat, balding, small dick, acne, mop head full of grease, ungroomed body hair, unintelligent losers are ugly temporarily or can drastically improve if they just tried.
>Become a better and more memorable person
For what? Is being useful better than being loved?
No it just takes your mind of the gaping hole in your life until you're lucky enough to die.
Bro just wage slave to save up 20k to fix your appearance but still be ugly as fuck afterwards anyways
I'm a 5'8 manlet with a weak jawline, please tell me how do I fix that?
>My skin is not great, but no terrible
>Same for my teeth
>Thick voluminous hair
>Ongoing masters degree
>Steady income
>Ugly as fuck
You can't fix ugliness, user. It is the first thing people see. Just like said. The feeling that no woman will ever lust after you breaks your soul beyond repair.
i have seen this guys videos before, don't fall for his bullshit. this is what the future of PUA will look like, he's just doing it first.
he is appealing to the whole incel blackpill audience because he sees the huge rise in blackpill lookism ideas being spread everywhere, but he is still trying to sell you private bullshit advice for money.
don't fall for it, you know what you're going to get, the same old tired bullshit that these fucking faggots have been trying to sell guys for years. this is the updated version of the same shit.
That argument would work 15 000 years ago during the ice age. We are now in an era were we are multiplying and fucking at an unprecedented level in history, we are 7 billion motherfuckers on this world.
No community would take a hit from you not reproducing, especially if you are ugly. So instead, again, stop whining and do something meaningful, sex is not the end all be all today.
Jaw surgery. I'm getting it somewhere next year. It's insane how much my face changes, I suddenly look like a chad.
Or grow a beard I guess.
It will always be the meaning of life for each individual organism, especially one that is self aware and understands it own morality. Nothing else you can do will repair the hole left by loneliness and the pain of having no meaning in life. No cope will silence the torment in your brain, your sub conscious mind painfully aware that it failed to accomplish it's sole biological function and purpose.
i can tell just by the way you write you spend a lot of time on Yas Forums trying to drop epic red pills with hard hitting truths but you come off as a teenager that tries too hard to be a boomer. if you did anything meaningful with your life you would never be here, loser
Yas Forums says exactly the opposite of what I said, you mong. Go cry more about being a fucking loser then, surely that'll fix things.
You can still have friends even if you are ugly, especially if you are male. What I was referring to was chasing pussy and chasing pussy always ends up badly for every man in some way or another sooner or later.
>Yas Forums says exactly the opposite of what I said, you mong. Go cry more about being a fucking loser then, surely that'll fix things.
i didn't say anything about what Yas Forums says, i said i can tell you spend a lot of time there, because you have a certain tone to the way you write, all annoying Yas Forums retards have the exact same edge boy twat tone
just one more retard with absolutely nothing to say, but you think you do
This has nothing to do with having friends. A males purpose in life is to be with a female, have children with her and raise his children and protect/provide for his family. This is your sole biological function and it is your meaning in life. Nothing else matters. Think beyond your small scope of perception. I think the other user is right, you are definitely young and naive.
I guess you really don't spend time on other boards except Yas Forums or /lgbt/ and I can tell you are writing like a discord tranny at this point.
I thought you were talking about loneliness in a more general way and it show how much you are projecting and how pathetic you've become because you failing at not getting pussy is making you contemplate the concept of human existence.
Keep complaining about you not being able to get pussy and then tell me if that's more meaningful than doing something productive right fucking now. Stop contemplating bullshit.
>I guess you really don't spend time on other boards except Yas Forums or /lgbt/ and I can tell you are writing like a discord tranny at this point.
yes i am a discord tranny and i recognize you, you were the guy who liked being pissed on and face fucked hahahahah
You're coping and using mental gymnastics to justify your false beliefs. Why do people do things that are "productive"? So they can be well adjusted and fit into society in hopes of building a healthy life for their families. They do it in order to attract a higher tier mate. All this "productive" self betterment is just a means to and end and is inevitably pointless. I already explained why but you want to ignore and continue on coping. You are a coward. The only reason you exist is to further the flow of life and the only meaning in life is fulfilling your purpose and feeling love. You'll get it when you're older and less retarded, lay off the Jordan Pererson buddy.
Nice incel definition you have. You attribute every thing you do to attention seeking, you are that insecure. Being productive is doing something devoid of being distracted by other things or people.
You probably changed all definitions you have for everything to relate to how much the world is against you and how much of a sore loser you are. The only one that's keeping you down is yourself and that's the only thing you need to know unnironically.
Nice confirmation bias retard. You sound the one who is projecting here. How exactly did I attribute everything I do to attention seeking? Please, I'd love to know. Your definition of production is nothing but cope and distraction, that's the ironic thing.