How do I turn my bf into my gf?

How do I turn my bf into my gf?

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Cut off her weenie

Fujowhales are basically the gender flipped version of trannies that fetishize lesbians. Mentally ill weirdos that loathe their own gender

>tfw no gf to turn me into her gf

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does pic mean you have an FtM gayden bf or what?

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I'm dating a fat fujo.

I don't know what to do guys. I don't know how to say no to her. I always thought I wanted a relationship, but not like this.

i have a girly bf and i want her to be my girly gf who gets fucked by men

What does she do to you?

Fags can't be women dude

God im so fucking jealous, why cant my gf be like you

And then to add another layer of confused degeneracy to the mix, they tend to fetishize extremely feminine men. So they loathe the femininity of females but fetishize it in males and gay relationships. Truly fujos are sick in the head

We haven't had sex yet but I don't know, she's just really into yaoi and shit. I don't wanna miss out on my only shot to get a gf, tho.

>also dating a fat fujo
>had to let her fuck me in the ass and call her daddy

at least i've had sex

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If that's what's in store for me I'd best break it off right now. Not into that at ALL.

She wouldn't be down for just watching you fuck a femboy or twink?

I would do anything to make my gf be more like this. Fuck. It would be the best if it was pegging only and I wasn't allowed to cum any other way besides hands free with something in my ass. aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA

I am dating a tall muscular guy and I keep having fantasies about dressing him up in stockings and turning him into my tranner gf.

Where were girls like you when I was finding a gf

its a dude you stupid nigger

Skulking in the woods, probably.

not into getting pegged? fucking faggot. why do you think god put a prostate up your ass? so you could die of cancer without knowing the most powerful orgasm known to man?

Why does your gf not do this? Have you asked her?

im not a guy

we are gonna break up anyway so feel free to drop contact

shes just not that into it despite being a bi weeb who likes yaoi. shit sucks idk

>use to be like this
I want to fucking kill myself every time i think about it

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>we are gonna break up anyway so feel free to drop contact

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The girl?

So your trying to find a guy you can turn into a little sissy bitch then?

I desire a fujo gf

>the girl?

Yeah. And I wonder why i got bullied. I unironically wore a 'yaoi' badge to school.

You mean like when you were underage? You're not supposed to be allowed to look at porn until you're 18 though.

as much as I would like to I am with my gf and would feel dirty going behind her back.

you whore a gay pron badge at school? Jesus Christ i thought i was a retard at school