What should be the punishment for E-Girls who bank off of false advertisement?
>Oh look at me, I'm different, I like alternative things, I'm a weeaboo and a loser too. >Ew get away virgin
E-girls are scammers who pick an easy market where the competition is slim. When they're all really just turbo-stacys with no heart, mind, or soul. Of course only really gullible or young men fall for it, but that's us, we need to stop it now.
>don't wash your hair for a day or two >have dark circles under your eyes >don't have a dick >don't be fat
That's it. If you want to take it a step further you could stop brushing your teeth and get addicted to drugs before getting railed by a Mexican too.
Jaxon Evans
The no dick part is not obligatory. Orbiters are easy to fool
Gavin Allen
Lol, fucking based. I second this, but Rose was the Proto-Egirl, degeneracy hadn't broken into the minds of young women as well as it has now.
I went on the Sheepvillage Discord for a bit, planned on having a good time, until one particular cunt ruined it for me.
I hate that I can't integrate into any discord drama, I'm always some nobody playing catch-up while all the competition has tons of clout from previous servers, getting an E-Girl gf is impossible unless you're 15-17, 8/10, and internet famous in discord for no particular reason.
I don't know who the fuck a single one of these people are. Can you stop spamming Yas Forums with your orbiter related nonsense? Seeing people complain about orbiters is almost as annoying as seeing people be orbiters.
Wyatt Gutierrez
I want to see her getting a bukkake
Noah Davis
That's kind of cucky. I'd like you to watch my balls slap her chin, my friend.
John Robinson
Looks old and kind of run down, guessing late 20s or possibly 30s?
Looks good, but I don't know if she is making a face or what but her lips look offcentered.
Thomas Perry
>Looks old and kind of run down, guessing late 20s or possibly 30s? I'm guessing early 20s with bad posture and cake face makeup.
Andrew Hughes
Where do you get an invite to sheepvillage? I've been super curious about it
Anthony Martin
I'd like to chat with Chiaki.
Paranoid Android#9567
Mason Kelly
Some other user got me a link to it after I asked him, I don't have anymore links to it, but it's not like it used to be, it's full of 15 year old attention whores and people calling each other pedos left and right, it's pretty dumb unless you're a masochist.
>mfw i got a girlfriend from soc >mfw that means I'm a soc chad >shockedpikachu.jpg wait wat
Jeremiah Johnson
Too much feels, can't believe all of this prettiness is dead now
Ethan Scott
how did you get a gf off soc when 20 other guys are probably messaging her too
Jacob Wood
hope she starts posting videos on pornhub she's already a hoe, might as well let the boys see her in action
Leo Morgan
I'd rather have a girl that is like her, but for free. Those cute mouse ears are hard to find tho. Done with your humble bragging?
Ayden Fisher
cuz apparently not that many people messaged her, i've found out. And the people who did could barely hold a conversation. Not even dick pics. literally tried to hold a convo and it they just kinda died off. Which is funny because she's relatively easy to please as far as conversations go. Just lucked out on my part i guess
Thomas Foster
>Done with your humble bragging? yes, sorry user
Bentley Campbell
did you just post in the ideal bf/gf threads? or the discord or kik ones? been trying to get a gf off soc but usually they ghost me after awhile prob cause a much cuter guy is messaging them.