Beard and Facial Hair General

Hi anons, tell me about what kind of beard, mustache, or facial hair you have! I personally have a 'full beard', but it doesn't fill in on my chin and mustache region. Still prefer it to being clean shaven though! Also, now is a great time to grow out your beard if you haven't done that much before, thanks to the quarantine situation you get a free pass to try out a new look.

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it'd be full if it wasn't for skin patches/missing beard hair on the sides of my chin and it depresses me that I'll always have a shit beard cause of it. I shaved it all off and it looked better, but that's probably because I rarely shave and prior to shaving it was curly

It grows in but it's all peach fuzz because God meant to make me a woman but didn't follow through

Sounds like the opposite of mine. Guessing yours is the kind which is good on the front of the chin, but doesn't connect into the mustache. I've heard that dermarollers can be good for stimulating beard growth. You can also have hairs put in from other places like the back of your neck where you don't need them anyway. But that probably costs quite a bit actually.

Same boat here, mine's also patchy as shit. But I like to have it anyway, makes me feel more in touch with my masculine side.

What kind of haircut do you guys have? I have long hair halfway down my back, though it's usually tied into a ponytail or bun. Been trying to tie it like pic related too but I can never seem to do it very well myself.

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Sounds like you need to become a trap!

Just kidding, that's no biggie. I'm willing to bet money that you have a full head of hair don't you?


That's such a good series, I love The Last Kingdom!

I have medium length, but very thick hair right now. I'm growing it out, but I'm in the awkward zone right now because I got my hair cut around January time. I'm planning on going shoulder-length with it though, because it suits me, and is a visible way of telling others that I'm an alternative kind of person.

Been growing my facial hair out for a little over a month now and I'm fairly happy with the progress. Can't wait for the hairs to become long enough to bend properly under their own weight though, I think that will fill it in nicely. My goal isn't really to have a full beard though; I want a dope mustache.

ye it doesn't connect with the stache
not that long but it's long enough to get to the bottom of the back of my neck, over the ears, and can see them at the top of eyesight

Haha same here, I'm only halfway through season 2 myself but really enjoying it except for my favourites being killed off in the last episode of season 1 rip leofric and isseult ;_;

Mine's pretty thicc too but it's good because I've had a few comments from girls telling me they're jealous of my hair lol. Yeah good isn't it? Feels liberating when you have the courage to look different
What sorta style do you have it in?

>try to grow beard to disguise my weak chin
>beard doesn't grow above my chin, just sort of stops at a line just under my jawline
>still have a visibly weak chin and now a neckbeard to top it off
Gods damn my shit genes/low test

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I have no idea because I rarely upkeep it, I just let it grow. I know nothing of grooming

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Been growing one this month already. It looks good on the jawline and mustace but the cheeks are spareser than I'd like and the mustache doesn't connect though it's close. I need to find a place to post and get an opinion becuase I really want a big beard but I don't wanna delude myself if it looks too much like shit.

Sounds like yours resembles the guy who plays Bjorn from Vikings...sticking with the Viking-themed series thing!

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Whereas my beard is alot like the guy who plays Ubbe's

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Neither do I really but I haven't had your length hair for about 10 years maybe, hard to imagine what it'd be like to grow it all over again

Yes, I have gorgeous faggot wavy hair that goes great with my round face, feminine eye color, big lips, and blonde beard and mustache. Single Women really appreciate how much of a faggot I am.

I've been keeping mine like pic related for 5 years now.

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looks like it, except the skin-patches are shifted just a little bit and the stache isn't split in two. unrelated I watched the first 2-3 episodes of The Last Kingdom yesterday, it was a nice surprise seeing the episodes being ~56m instead of ~43m.
I thought about having long hair sometimes, it makes the most sense since I don't want to pay someone to cut my hair. I'd just have to get used to things like rubber-bands and holders, but I'm sure I'm a long ways off from having a length that goes beyond my neck

My neckbeard, moustache and sideburns grow fine but cheeks are patchy. Does it get less patchy with age or do you need beard oil or some shit

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How old are you? if you are below 40, chances are your beard will still develop with time. Just be patient. Although as stated inthere are ways to speed up the process if you really want a thicker beard quickly. Not sure if they work, or are just snake-oil however.

Guessing you have hair loss to some extent.

Stopped giving a shit.
I'm fat as fuck, double chin. I got a less pointy, more rounded goatee and side burns with a fade and a Jewfro. Pic related is the goal
I've take the age pill and now I just wanna give a Redneck Sleaze Core vibe for my friends.

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Nope, no hair loss and very few gray hairs.

Damn you're a lucky fucker. Spare a thought for those of us who are follicly-challenged.

What's up with all these really stupid generals lately? Normalfags bored in quarantine?

That's awesome man! best of luck to you. Honestly, people like you and me are way happier than the people who blindly follow the advice of internet pseudo-intelectual who always say the same bullshit:

>Hurr durr just shave, get a corporate cut, and work out bro!

It doesn't change anything for you, apart from making you feel less authentic about who you truly are. Just do what you really want to do and then you will be alot more confident. I found that out the hard way.

The virgin clean-shaven detected

Guessing you're a newfag.

This board hasn't always been depression-posting. It's for other original discussion too.

You're a real genuine human being, my guy.
People like you give me more hope for this bitch of a planet than anything. Good luck out there man.

Dumb gatekeeper, it's better all the trap and incel threads

I have a strong jaw beard but weak, shitty, patchy pubic cheeks. I'm growing 4 months now and hoping it'll look fuller after a year passes.

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I'm 30 and I'm sure sooner or later I'll join the club, I don't give a shit to be honest, I'll just shave that fucker clean and let it blind normalfags in the sun.