Found out my gf had an abortion years ago. I find it gross and idk if I can get an erection around her again. The act disgusts me. Would you ever fuck a chick who has had it done? I love her but if sex is no longer on the table idk how much longer I can be with her
Found out my gf had an abortion years ago. I find it gross and idk if I can get an erection around her again...
An abortion is preferable to her having children with someone else.
Her pussy is now haunted.
wtf is up with americans and abortion ?
Yeah man, I'd feel the same. I would leave her soon if I was you.
If my gfs pussy was a baby graveyard I would feel pretty disgusted too.
I am close to packing up all my shit and just driving. Starting over again. If I lose my job I am leaving her and leaving. As of right now I have a decent job
I dont care for hurting her feelings. She has been good and loyal to me. I cant tell her Im no longer attracted to her because of this. Idk what to do
Wow. I guarantee if you got her pregnant the first thing you would insist do is have an abortion
No. I wouldnt. I am not a nigger
Depends what you want out of the relationship. Looking for a wife? Dump that soulless whore. Just looking for pussy? Try to ignore it.
Be warned. If she is content with killing her own unborn child then I have no doubt she's content with fucking you over or cheating on you if she desired. She's proven she has a warped moral compass.
I wouldn't fuck any woman that isn't virgin.
>Would you ever fuck a chick who has had it done?
Hell no, I'd rather remain a virgin. Absolutely repulsive and immoral red flag as fuck.
Jews and feminism. Women's rights were a mistake.
Would you rather an abortion or someone elses kid? Retard. Abortions are fine, stop being such a faggot.
Yes you would, when it happens firs thing you want is out. I was with a guy for two years, we talked seriously of marriage and then I got pregnant and he lost his shit. For weeks pressure constantly and I finally relented. I give him credit for paying and going to planned parenthood with me. It still messes with my head and don't think I will ever get over it. Oh, he broke up with me a month after, bitching I wouldn't have sex with him anymore.
I wouldn't have sex with any man that is a virgin, again. Learned that lesson
Congratulations, both you and your ex are murderers. Don't think that people automatically stoop to your level just because you both proved to be soulless killers of your own offspring.
>implying a fetus is anything more than a parasite
The thing has the cognitive ability of a plant, shut the fuck up pro lifer retard.
I really dont care what you have to say. You are a woman. Your opinion is moot on this issue because you cant put yourself in the mind of a man. Now fuck off
The morality bullshit doesnt matter. Did you not just read my op?
>put yourself in the mind of a man
Oh you mean the avoidance of decency or responsibility or committment, you have a point I cannot
Just because you were fucking some assholes doesnt mean that's how all men are. There are legitimate reason to hate abortion, and there are plenty of men who woulsnt want their SO to get an abortion, especially if they can support a family like OP.
I'm 25 and my gf is 23. We have a combined yearly income of 150k, if she got preggo I wouldnt want her to get an abortion
what massive projection and bitterness from this post
Came in expecting this comment
>baby graveyard
>Found out my gf had an abortion years ago.
>I find it gross and idk if I can get an erection around her again.
Is it strange to have the exact opposite reaction to that?
Good. Now kindly fuck off
user has a point here. Rorigjinal
>avoidance of responsibility
you mean like getting an abortion?
Would you rather some crackhead whore realised she couldn't raise a child and got and abortion, or decided to keep the poor kid and beat the fucker every night? Or have the baby and put it in foster care where it's also likely to be beaten?
What would you say she does? Whats the most moral option there?
equting being responsilbe with an abortion is a non-sequitor.
Avoiding responsibility for sex? For wanting/not wanting to raise a child?
It's aboslutely situational. From the very beggining we've lived in a world where if you dont want to carry to term, there are ways to do that.
But painting it with a broad stroke such as "avoiding responsiblity" is such a cuck answer.
abortion far far more benefits cowardly men. You get us pregnant and run immediately or threaten us to abort and far too frequently if we resist you kill us. If you run and we want to have the child we feed, clothe and raise the child while you are off playing and it takes a court order for you to give any financial assistance for your own child. Think of this, you would allow your own child to starve and must be forced by the court to help.
Robots hate on women for getting pregnant and becoming mothers when they clearly can't raise a child, but are so against abortion.
Almost as though women arent actually the culprit in some crime and robots have vendetta against females, therefore any opinion they have on a female topic such as abortion shouldn't ever be taken seriously due to severe bias.
Therefore, this thread is completely worthless.
Less children being born will always be a good thing. And let's be honest, you'd have never even considered here if she had a kid.
thats the cunt womans job anyway. if she didnt want to have to clothe, feed, and raise a baby she shouldve been on the pill / patch / IUD or had an abortion.
I dont care what a crackhead Whore does because im not dating a crackhead whore
How about dont be a crackhead whore and have unprotected sex?
Pro choice people always use this shitty style of argument. Even if abortion is the right path in that case it doesnt absolve her of responsibility like pro choice people want to do. She should be ashamed because her shitty life choice directly lead to the death of an innocent being that didnt need to die.
I'm fine with abortion as long as we dont have this culture where abortion is seen as a convenience instead of a last resort like we do now. You should be fucking ashamed about getting an abortion, it's the ultimate failing of a women/mother. You should be so ashamed it causes you to make life changes so you dont find yourself in that situation again.
should be in all caps so anons can hear you.
>/threading your own post
Classic telltale sign of a newfag. Heh, and I almost took you seriously.
again men being men and avoiding any responsibility for a damn thing. cowards
The responsibility comes beforehand. You should not have unprotected sex if you are not willing to raise a child period. There is no excuse.
Why didnt you use condoms? Oh because it feels better? That's being fucking irresponsible. Abortion is the ultimate act of irresponsibility, you are putting the sins of your mistakes on an innocent life because you dont want your lifestyle to change.
you should be ashamed for being a cuck and not a chad you dumb fucking robot. quit your moralizing on others, do you even have a womb?
>we dont have this culture where abortion is seen as a convenience instead of a last resort like we do now
Please actually do your fucking research into what it takes to get an abortion in most 'first world' countries. Its disgustingly difficult.
Op dumps girl then faces ten years of solitude and bitterness. Or is forced to eat haunted pussy. I just love either situation you guys can't comprehend how much schadenfreude I get from R9k.
>Robots hate on women for getting pregnant and becoming mothers when they clearly can't raise a child
Do they?
>I dont care what a crackhead Whore does
Answer the question dumbass.
Strong disagree. Abandoning your born children / neglecting their upbringing is the ultimate act of irresponsiblity.
>far too frequently if we resist you kill us
What like 0.0001% of the time? Dont be an idiot, you have had better posts
Why are you having unprotected sex with a man without discussing and preparing for the possibility of getting pregnant, that's IRRESPOSIBLE.
>You should not have unprotected sex
Birth control is never 100%. Condoms break, etc. Then what?
It may be legally difficult but not socially. There is a very large percentage of the population that treats getting an abortion like getting a manicure.
Why shouldn't you have to see a doctor beforehand? You have to wait to get a gun in case you are making a brqsh decision, explain why it shouldn't be the same with abortion? The fact you think that's an inconvenience just goes to show you domt take it as seriously as you should
>haunted pussy
One can image the blood from her period is the dead kid's instead.
If I'm reading the reply chain correctly, you could have avoided killing your child if you grew a spine and stuck up to your numale boyfriend. But that requires you to be sufficiently moral to not kill your child, which you are not.
>It's a parasite
Wanna know how I know you were fed liberal propaganda in school? Every infant and toddler is a parasite by your definition because they are reliant on an adult for survival.
Also cognative ability is not a valid metric for whether something is human or not. E.g. someone's humanity doesn't vanish the moment they go comatose. The fetus is a developing human being.
haha dont mind me. I got into this thread late but am playing both sides.
>There is a very large percentage of the population that treats getting an abortion like getting a manicure
>very large percentage
What percentage exactly?
And no, I dont mean 'wHY ShouLDNt YOu GO to sEE aDOctoR' of course they should, nice strawman btw, I mean moreso the abortion laws that prevent 12 year old rape victims from getting an abortion because the foetus is past 6 weeks. Those kinds of laws and rules. Are they fair?
Then you atleast tried and now you have to make that terrible decision. That's a freak accident you cant control, and that's the situation abortions should be reserved for if both parties agree its what's best.
Your point is moot anyways because the overwhelming majority of abortions are because people simply didnt use condoms.
>overwhelming majority of abortions are because people simply didnt use condoms
Im gonna need a source on that, friend.
Glad my misfortune makes you feel better
You are moving the goalposts, we are discussions the moral ramifications of abortion, not legal. We could make a whole thread about retarded american laws.
Also fuck off with "muu rape victims", they account for less than 1% of all abortions
Stop applying morality to the subject and I would take you serious, dumbass.
>someone's humanity doesn't vanish the moment they go comatose
No, but if someones in a long term coma its up to someone close to them (a mother or a spouse) to decide whether or not its worth the money keeping them 'alive' and pull the plug.
Sound familiar?
I never knocked her up. Do you know how to read? If so, prove it by telling me who invented the lightbulb
>they account for less than 1% of all abortions
Gonna need a source on that one fren.
"Sexual activity without the use of effective contraception through choice or coercion is the predominant cause of unintended pregnancy. Worldwide, the unintended pregnancy rate is approximately 45% of all pregnancies, but rates of unintended pregnancy vary in different geographic areas and among different sociodemographic groups. Unintended pregnancies may be unwanted pregnancies or mistimed pregnancies.While unintended pregnancies are the main reason for induced abortions, unintended pregnancies may also result in live births or miscarriages."
pregnancies.[3] While unintended pregnancies are the main reason for induced abortions,[3] unintended pregnancies may also result in live births or miscarriages.
[2] Bearak J, Popinchalk A, Alkema L, Sedgh G (April 2018). "Global, regional, and subregional trends in unintended pregnancy and its outcomes from 1990 to 2014: estimates from a Bayesian hierarchical model". The Lancet. Global Health.