Heloo anyone wants to chatu? I woke up at 3 30 pm today...

Heloo anyone wants to chatu? I woke up at 3 30 pm today. I'm feeling so much worse mentally and that's why I tried to remember everything important in my life which could conclude why I am like me even though I knew trying to remember will make me feel even worse. Now I know the reasons which just shows how lazy and stoopid psychs are. How are you feeling user? How was/is your day?

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why do you partake in the things that you do?

eat shit and die, but originally

Boredom desu. It's interesting and I get a lot better at it everytime.
No u.

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I'm fine I guess. I slept for a few hours which is better than not sleeping at all. I am starting to feel really tired from not eating and my weight has dropped some more. Still though, things could always be worse.

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That's nice that you slept for a few hours. Ya not eating is a problem which you really should try to fix. Eating will just take a few minutes.

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> Eating will just take a few minutes.
I would eat more but I have an eating disorder so its not that easy for me. Any time I eat I feel like being sick so I just tend not to eat.

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Is this that one german girl?

I hope you're near the top of the list when the day of the rope comes.

he is an evil pedophile

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I feel sick when eating too. Your sickness is probably worse but you should force yourself to eatu anyway.
No u.
How does this picu prove I'm pedo? I'm not a pedo.

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You are right and I try to make myself eat but its just getting harder every time I try. Even eating a rice cake or something makes me feel ill.

Please put a shotgun through your throat and pull the trigger, it will bring joy to r9k

hmm and what are the important things in your life?








pedo thread at the robotniethousand ye

pedo thread at the robotninethousand yeah

I hope the feds take away this guys internet

mmmm mister interwebz police officer yes op is a pedo

this may be the pedophile thread, but you don't need to repeat the fact six times over. he says that he enjoys what he does, and he can spend his time doing as he wishes, even if what he does is absolutely disgusting.

Not that user he can do what he wishes far away from this board.

The pedophile enjoys what he does,
and he can spend his time doing as he wishes, even if what he does is absolutely disgusting.


then report and ignore it, simple. I honestly do not know why the janitors keep threads like these up whilst getting rid of certain other ones.

op is a pedo
what you do

op is pedo yuh

op and janny

pedophiles in love

That's oke just ry your best.
Kek I won't tell so I can't get hurtu.
Why are you so obsessed?

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dont worry i wont tell anyone!

shhh dont snitch on the pedophile

today huh whats wrong you in a good mood for once?
btw did you shower?

Are you actually bigudigu?

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