
Why do women want men to have hobbies/interests? I have about 30 hours of free time a week. Am I supposed to spend it on whittling or collecting stamps? Why can't I just spend it bonding with the person I love? It's almost like women don't even want men to pay attention to them once they're in a relationship.

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so they can better find someone they are compatible with? the obsession with having hobbies/interests is pretty inane, especially since people usually just make up hobbies/interests to try and make themselves look more interest, but theoretically it exists for a purpose.

Boring people are not attractive
My man's interests are mosly different from mine but we can often talk about art, politics, economics, psychology, anime, etc. It's fun

>Boring people are not attractive

quoted for truth

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It speaks about a man's character, it's not directly about the hobbies. A man who does nothing is weird. It's feminine behavior to be content with social activities and not need the practical.

People with interests are interesting.

So I can have hobbies/interests. I used to live with my boyfriend and there were times where I just wanted to watch Korean dramas, but he hated them.

It pays to be passionate about something. For instance, I love tabletop RPGs, but it's not anything I ever considered particularly attractive to women (quite the opposite, in fact), that was until I met my ex, who was deeply intrigued by it and loved what she saw as my "nerdy" passion for it, since she was significantly more normie than I am.

Obviously not every hobby is gonna be that interesting to women, but when you have "something", it's generally better than nothing.

Do you not know how boring women are? You'll go insane if all you've got is her. You know that meme from movies and TV shows where the married man always wants to get away from her? It's based in reality.

Since when do our (((fellow) modern (trash) women want men with hobbies/interests? All they literally care about is about their future bf looking handsome and having an ego, albeit it being empty. They want men who show "power" , ie macho men basically, thats why they are more attracted to the so called chad meme , instead of actually decent men. There is no big science behind this.

>All they literally care about is about their future bf looking handsome and having an ego, albeit it being empty

As if you would know what women want

Can confirm. Women are kinda trash interest wise, but they're very malleable and are always up to learn about shit if they like you.


... and when they reach the age of around 34-38, they hit the wall, which makes them reevaluate their goals when looking out for men ; Money, or materialistic wealth takes over the first priority while looks take the second place.

As if it is difficult to find out

I don't see why having a productive hobby is a hard thing to do and people don't flow naturally into it. I code and write. What else am I supposed to do with all this time?

It requires effort so yeah it's difficult for some people

>Why can't I just spend it bonding with the person I love?
How are you bonding with the person you love, if not over shared hobbies/interests? What do you think to do, just like, cuddle, and say you love each other over and over? I mean that sounds okay-tier, but it sounds like it'd get boring real quick.

I want a man who will hunt wild turkeys and teach me how to pluck and clean the carcasses when he brings them back, and discuss how we're going to spice and cook them so the meat isn't gamey and tough. I suspect brining will be involved, and slow smoking. I want a guy who will tell me about his ideas for our next OSR campaign while cleaning and oiling his deer rifle, because he's both a gamer and avid hunter, like based God Lord Gary Gygax.

Hobbies and interests are cool. Particularly if they complement my own hobbies of cooking and autistically playing D&D and Pathfinder.

i bet 5 dollars that you are a larping male

Sounds like you should date

I'm passionate about my job but apparently that's not a legitimate thing to enjoy?

Well that's a good place to start, but work can sometimes be a little dry to speak about. Even if it IS quite interesting, having something strictly recreational leaves a different psychological effect on women. It's maybe even something that they feel like THEY can get into.

>Well that's a good place to start
No, it's not a good place to start, it's a good place to be. My passions are my passions, what I care about is what motivates me, not what's chosen on some sort of analytic "most attractive things to be into" formula.

OP here.

I see a lot of people saying it's so we have things to talk about. I don't really understand that. I make tons of walls of text on Yas Forums and I used to have long conversations with my cousins about pretty much anything: philosophy, politics, human biodiversity, whatever book I was reading, anime/manga, game design, science (one cousin and I had an argument about teleportation and I claimed cloning across distances would be easier, but he disagreed; I later felt validated when Michio Kaku came to the same conclusion).

The problem is (1) these things are abstract, most women want you to have a physical interest like a craft, they specifically don't count anime or video games, and (2) I'm not that serious about them. I can't really understand why people get so passionate about those things. They're all interesting in their own right, but I just can't ses myself being "the politics guys" or "the color theory guy", you know? That just seems bizarre to me. I can't think of one thing that I would care about that much.

yo, which dbz game is she playing? cause i swear to god i've played that one before but i can't remember the name of it cause there are so fucking many of them

You know, I get that a lot. I actually try to encourage it, I use my experience RPing male characters to write with male speech patterns to fuck with anons' heads. It's kinda cruel to baffle you like that, but it's funny and it passes the time while I'm in lockdown and can't play Pathfinder except over Roll20 because of social distancing.

Can you tell me user, what kind of man do you think I am? I'm farming you guys for character ideas for future CoC, nWoD, and Nemesis characters. What is my profession, what are my skills, and what are my personality traits?
Good call, user.
Hey guy. You, uh, anywhere near Iowa? Do you attend RPGA meetings?

I don't think cuddling, talking, watching stuff or listening to music would ever get boring. It's everything else that I think gets boring fast.

I always wanted to get into ttrpgs, but the 70s/80s fantasy artwork and a lack of friends with a similar interest put me off. That is until I saw some Acquisitions Inc. and Critical Role, then I got interested. I actually transcribed an hour of dialogue for CR and became a regular on /tg/; my computer and phone are full of text files of characters I've made and PC stat conversions of monster races, as well as magic items and even a subclass I tried several times to get working.

I've never played, though. Not really. That requires going out and finding people, and I'm not sure I'm that interested. See my problem? I haven't watched/read/written anything ttrpg related in months and I left /tg/ because they kept calling me an election tourist.

It's on 360 so it's probably Burst Limit. Very generic as far as DBZ games have gone, tried to go back to the 2.5 Budokai way of doing things, didn't quite work out.

Well have you actually had women give you shit for not having much in the way of recreational hobbies? If you are passionate about your job and it's an interesting or unique job, that will shine through. I'm just saying that it pays off to have more than that. It's reassuring to women that you have something a little more unique or interesting in your pocket, even if it's just a HINT of something.
Sorry friend, I'm not in the US. What's worse is the area I'm in is pretty non-existent, roleplaying wise. Not that I've ever been particularly good at roleplaying with randomers, I mostly run games for friends (and once in a blue moon, I get to be a player). How long have you been roleplaying, out of interest?

This. I had a similar experience, I am *very* into RuneScape and I thought my ex would cringe when I told her about it, but she thought it was cute and wanted to know more. Things didnt work out when she realized how busy my schedule is and how sperg I really am. Managed to keep her around for a solid 9 months though.

user, you should totally play! There's Roll20, and looking for group threads on /tg/ and reddit, you don't really have to go out and find people, people are looking for you. And don't mind what /tg/ said, at that time, /tg/ got really weird around the election, they're pretty much back to normal now. It's all pdf share threads and system generals, the way god intended.

Ttrpgs are super fun and a great way to meet people. You should play online and then join the RPGA to meet people in person. Then you ask the homely-cute autistic girl out for a date at a pizzeria or a taco place, and she says yes, and in the fullness of time you wife her up. That is the way to go. Roll dice, user, it's good. D20 roll it faggot.

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this matches her mousemat

I just have a history of being overwhelmed by how passionate other people are. I say, "I like x," and they start busting out all these dilemmas and theories and stats and model numbers, and it's just...I don't like anything THAT much. I always feel like I don't belong in the conversation. I don't want to mislead anyone.