Small titties are unbelievably cute and from henceforth all small titty femanons are not allowed to hate their cute...

small titties are unbelievably cute and from henceforth all small titty femanons are not allowed to hate their cute small titties

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also this is that girls butthole, just thought you would want to see it

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They're not just cute though. They are also sexy.

flat is justice, bros

More than a handful is wasted

Aesthetic and feminine as fuck.
This + petite + a nice ass its such a nice combo. Would love to have a gf with that kind of body.

You are a pedo and/or faggot.

Fuck off pedos
chestlets remind yourselves that the vast majority of men prefer average to above average sized boobs and will always see you as deficient

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Disgusting dirty looking asshole and roast beef.

i'd like a small boobed gf
but only if she doesn't shave any of her body hair

>small tits are for pedos
>also if her vag looks she's gone through puberty it's disgusting

> children
> having ass

You are the pedo my friend

Flat girls always get cheated on or their bf loses interest quickly. Think of Gwen Stefani and how her curry bf dumped her, also her husband was a serial cheater who was into trannies.

>you will never get to hug a smol titty femanon and tell her how much you love her

Cuteness is literally child-likeness, that's what it is at an evolutionary level. It doesn't make you a pedo if you like cute things, otherwise everyone is a pedo

i thought gwen stafani had fake tits though

>I see children where there are none.

t. oId hag

I like both big titties and small titties
and medium

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you can keep loving hags faggot

>C cup average
>B cup preferred over D cup

Cup size literally means nothing and a D cup can be smaller than a C cup depending on your band size

no shit retard chestlet you actually think the preferred band size is any different? men do not like chestlets unless they are pedophiles

creepy boob fetishist

I literally came to this thread to look for some guy calling OP a pedo. Thank you. I can leave this thread in peace now.

You know what's even cutter?
When a chestlet feels jealously of a genetically superior big tiddie queen.

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>Fuck off pedos
Picture literally proves that men prefer small.

What's it like being retarded?

Veronica Rodriguez is the perfect example of how small tits should look imo

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Yeah they aree

>implying men can even tell cup sizes

drown yourself in lard you obese piece of shit

>coping chestlets pretending to be male

are you a chestlet and if so will you be my cute wife

but user I'm a very original boy

you fucking pile of old chinese food dumpster filled with needles and cum

I would think I was in heaven if I ever got to have any of that in my face.

I have huge breasts and this thread is hurtful to me.

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No you dont, now give me your cute smol titties please.

Theres always breast reduction or suicide

moobs != boobs