Did you almost fall for the tranny meme user...

Did you almost fall for the tranny meme user? What made you realize that it's actually something that would fuck up your life?

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I realised that I looked cute without needing hormones and that it was a bad idea in general to begin messing with body for aesthetic purposes.

Yeah, I think most people fall into this trap wanting to look "better" rather than to be a woman

nah, not even close. I am not delusional enough to believe that taking estrogen is going to turn people into 'girls'. in my vision, the reason as to why people become trans in the first place is because being feminine as a man is stigmatized, and some people come to the conclusion that they need to become girls if they want to fit into society. of course this path is a downward spiral into hell, its honestly pretty sad.

yup, and literally just that. didn't want it to fuck up my life and make me a permanent outcast, even more so than I already am. I thought for a while after that if I had the choice id still be born a girl, but I don't think that anymore. it's not even repression. it's just a meme. I bet 90% of trans people aren't genuinely trans.

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yes, speaking from experience, when I was around trans people so much of what they say is "i wish i was cute" etc or "i wish i was a CUTE girl". I think they just want to look better more than anything

It is sad, what is sadder is that it is becoming more and more encouraged, do you think that in some years or so society will look back and see the fact that it was a mistake?

I looked at my face and realized im monstrous and disgusting even for a male

this. wearing a dress or make up doesn't make you a woman. if you like doing those things just do them and dont ruin your body with hormones and surgery.

A person transitions so people will treat them more like a woman. People already step on me, ignore me, misinterpret me, and think I'm useful only for my body. I'm already there.

That was the case for me, eventually I figured out that if I get a few years of looking cute its enough. Its better than permanently altering my body to look feminine for a few more years

I think it's wonderful if a man wants to be feminine, let him be a trap, whatever. but once pills or fucking genital mutation comes into play it becomes beyond fucked

>do you think that in some years or so society will look back and see the fact that is was a mistake?
the only reason this kind of stuff is encouraged is because of the mainstream cultural tides prevalent in western society. society changed a lot after the late 60s 'hippie' period, where the emergence of the new left was already teetering in the direction of an end to racial segregation, end to 'gay oppression', whatever. what results is this sort of 'snowflake' culture you see today taking itself way too far, the acceptance of transsexuals being the optimal example. in terms of what I think for the future, I think that western society is unfortunately going to move into the direction that you see Yas Forums espousing, whats happening now is just the opening stages to something much worse. the future looks bleak, but I guess it is pretty cool to be born in a fascinating time.

I guess, I cannot see things going in any other way, Twitter is a nice display of how scary things are lately.
I consider myself fairly left-wing, but these trannies are fucking nuts

I literally ordered the pills and the payment failed. Was going to spend the last of my money on it and then the coronavirus made prices go up. I had a dream where I was a girl last night. I am not afraid of killing myself instead. That's what I hold onto mostly. It's too late to pass, don't look in the mirror and live in a permanent dissociation. It's actually not that bad. There's worse feelings. Just giving up and letting go. Life is short. I can keep it up until my body creaks and cracks and fades.

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I've been considering going down your road, I am not sure if I would be happy
I know my parents won't let me anyway and I would be too scared to disappoint them, it is perhaps for the best

I gave up but I still wish I was born a girl

>itt: repressors that will realize they've made a huge mistake at 40 and proceed to become absolute turbohons

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Judging by that picture you posted user, you are still in danger of cutting of your dick.

I've honestly never felt the inclination to be a tranny. Not once. I may be pathetic in many different ways, but I literally cannot understand the mentality. I've never gotten it, and what's particularly bad is my best friend was into this shit at one point. I just can't imagine having SUCH a deep loathing of yourself that you've even come to hate your own gender, your own based maleness, your own deep voice, your upper body strength, your height, your male desire to sow your seed. I dunno, man.

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People on here are too self aware for that.

>People on here are too self aware for that.
that's the funniest thing I've fucking heard

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Trannies don't actually like anime, they think it's for pedos

Ever been to Fediverse?

No, I have never used it, I didn't even know of this website's existence until you told me.

it was the same for me too. i always have my daydreams so im cool with existence now

Kill faggots and trannies is a national sport where I live.

Where do you live?

muted for being original

>tfw no transphobic bf to put me in my place

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probably in the middle east. It's too bad the whole region is a cesspit of shit

My best friend transitioned, over a period of 5 years. The ultimate redpill was going to that hospital as he got the op, and seeing those hideous, broken things lying in their beds
They looked so dead. Just completely numb and hollow, and it scared me.
I realised that I had helped my friend become a monster, and I could only watch helplessly as I realised how far he had truly gone, and that I had lost my best friend and never mourned for him
Then, when my other buddy tells me he thinks he may be trans, I went nuclear and got rid of all of them

that is a good picture i like it

I fell for the tranny meme, not that I transitioned, but that I fucked them
Yeah even the ones who looked good were so fucked up in other ways it was impossible for them to lead actually normal lives