I am in literal awe of how much selfpity you robots have for your self

I am in literal awe of how much selfpity you robots have for your self.
"boohoo il never have a gf" nigga so what? Life isnt all about girls, family or connection its just some bullshit the state has put in your head to keep you toiling as a working class wage slave and make sure you produce offspring to do the same. You think theres actually anything inherently moral about bringing a life into this world? You think just because its the biological purpose of life that its something you HAVE to do? You think you owe anything to your ancestors and do you really think you are under any pressure to continue your bloodline? Your life is yours to do whatever you want to do with. If you want to kill yourself at 25 then fucking do it but dont do it cause you were too autistic to get a girlfriend.
It blows my mind just how absolutely obsessed with intimacy you people are, no doubt because you lacked it as a child, how obsessed you are with feeling loved when it in the end doesnt matter. You live and then you die, who cares what your kids do after youre gone, at that point you dont have any responsibilities anymore, if you did good they will be good people, if not then not, who cares?

At any point il come to this board and see 5 diffirent threads exuding so much patheticness and self pity it makes me puke.
>how do you cope with never having a gf
>how do you cope with the fact that once you get a gf she will already have had more sex than you ever will have
>how do you cope with the fact that your wife will already have had her sexual wild phase by the time you meet
>why are women so terrible
>females will only date you if youre atleast 6'2, if youre under that then she will cheat on you with a chad

Not only are you obsessed with women, youre obsessed with their sexuality too. The amount of insecurity on this board is amazing. Honestly have you people tried to focus on yourselves and not peoples perception of you?

Diogenes was right, you people are self centered.

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>Truth that stings: 3 replies.
>Tfw my projection of life is surreal: 200 replies.

The universe is a joke isn't it OP (:

do you really need to be reminded?

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Im not saying you shouldnt care about these things but the fact that you people care so much to the point that it makes you depressed is retarded.

You spend so much time thinking about these things that you lose sight of reality and end up with nothing more than thoughts about reality.

When talking to a girl, stop thinking about her as a potential partner, in fact stop thinking about her as any person you would want to hang around solely based on the fact that shes female, being a female does not ineherently make her any more valuable, funny or a better person.

You all need to get out of this shitty mindset you have where you think youre only worth something once another person can see some worth in you.

You exists right here right now, through your eyes you can see the universe, the very same universe you are a part of, without your eyes there would be noone to see the universe and the universe wouldnt be able to see itself through your eyes. You call forth existence by simply being here, you create the beauty of life by simply seeing or hearing.

Shut the fuck up about girls and go to the gym, buy some new clothes, get a hobby, stop being so self concious for no reason and stop being so stressed.

God Damn

>it's the episode where the normalfag who has never been lonely in a day of their l lives whines at us for being sad for being lonely even though humans are social creatures and one of our main objectives is finding a mate and reproducing

are you honestly going to take for granted that this is an accurate model that applies in all cases?

Go out into life without assuming anything, stop basing your worldview on what others have told you.

Have a shred of doubt about everything, you form your view of the world based on the tiny bits of information others give you when you should be basing your view depending on what the world looks like.

>ignore the fact the pyramid was created in the first place
>ignore the fact it's been a staple of sociology ever since
Sure thing user, sex and intimacy aren't a vital part of the human experience, only a complete loser would think that. I'll take your word over the hundreds and thouands of experts that agree with the triangle.

i have never had a girlfriend
never have i considered myself normal and never would anybody around me consider me "normal".

i was the weird kid
my surroundings were so negative you wouldnt believe. My dad died when i was 11. my mom was emotionally abusive. i could not in any way relate to people around me.

i spent summer indoors playing runescape.

i am more of a robot than you can imagine but jesus christ man its a choice, not something we're forced to be. you can choose to be something else but youre so convinced you'l never be anything else the point that you're willing to reject my entire statement without any proof of whether or not i am a normie.

While it is important to become content in oneself, humans are social creatures who need love, connections and physical touch. Without it they go mad or become depressed from loneliness and touch starvation. Some people live their lives in solitary confinement and it is a tragedy.

im not saying you should take my word for it.
im saying you shouldnt believe 100% that that pyramid is true.
by believing that pyramid is completely and utterly true you base your framework in which you see the world on it.

Mazlow may have been right, he may have been wrong. But what im saying is you yourself should go out and test it for yourself. See if that pyramid fits in on you.

>see if the pyramid fits you
How exactly? The only way I could do that would be to get a gf.

the robots here already do, why dwell on it. If youre in rock bottom youre in rock bottom it doesnt mean you have to stay there.

if you cant physically get out into the world and change your situation then i say that one should atleast change their mentality about being in rock bottom.

why is belonging and social connection need to directly equate to a girlfriend my guy?

Many people live happy and fullfilling lives without ever having a significant other. Why do you just simply assume you cant be the same.

OK then, where am I supposed to get my belonging and social connection from? Fyi sex is a physiological need but we'll ignore that for now

Literally anywhere you want my guy.
The world may not conform to your needs but if you can change the lens in which you see the world it can become a paradise.

If you so choose to see the beauty and stop focusing on the negatives and the "what ifs" of life, youl see that you in all honesty only really need one good friend in life.
Shit some NPC's are content with simply being well regarded by their coworkes and family and dont need their significant other.

dont get caught up in the mindset that you NEED to have a girlfriend or wife or whatever. its your brain playing tricks on you.

Normalfags are literally killing themselves over spending a few weeks alone, robots are just unhappy after spending years and years alone, I'd say you should be in awe over normalfag self pity before getting upset about robots.

>anywhere you want
Nice copout. Examples would be nice.

>dont get caught up in the mindset that you NEED to have a girlfriend or wife or whatever. its your brain playing tricks on you.

i dont care about the normalfags
i care about the people on this board

the fact that normalfags cant take it as much as robots can does not in any way excuse the amount of self pity on this board.

stop comparing yourself to others.

retard did i not state coworkes and family?
shit get a fucking pet if you want.
get a dog
get 2 dogs

and once again, social connection and belonging does not equate to girlriend/wife
stop assuming it does.
who told you specifically that it needs to be gf/wife.
Why do you assume they know for a fact that that happens to be true.
also stop assuming Mazlows theory to be infallible, it cant predict everything, outliers will always exist and its foolish to assume you cant be one of them.

The amount of self-pity on this board is next to nothing





>j,..just get a dog bro
useless. Absolutely useless you are



i dont give a single fuck about normalfags
let them do whatever it is theyre doing

yeah please just take one line out of my entire statement and ignore the rest

why are you so quick to jump back into the spiral of negativity and self pity?
does it scare you to know that you could actually be happy and the only thing in your way is actually your mindset?

Anyway since you're appently a little too dense to understand, the point is that MOST EXPERTS believe that sex and relationships are vital to human happiness. Saying incels, robots or whatever are uniquely pathetic in some way is disengenuous and about as helpful as telling poor people they'd be happier if they stopped caring about having money.
>just eat from a bin bro
lmao, the delusion

what other points did you make, the rest of your post was just filler

Look at this guy trying to be a guru. Go sit in a forest and work on dislodging your head from your asshole.

And I don't give a single fuck about your whining, go post on Yas Forums or something.

You want to talk about expertise? Lets do it
If outside stimuli are vital to giving us our happy hormones lets delve into that.

Psychology is dependant on biology
Biology is dependant on chemistry
Chemistry is dependant on Physics
Physics is dependant on Maths
and Maths just exists. It just is.
We have no idea why 2+2 equals 4 just know it does. We can prove why it does but we cant explain why the laws of logic are the way they are or why certain things just add up.

Physicists are constantly talking about how we barely understand anything on the quantum level and how we dont understand anything on a macrocosmic level.

Literally no matter where you go, our knowledge, once you delve deep enough, is based on nothing but smoke and mirrors. The underlying sediment upon which our entire existence stands upon is completely unknown.

Somehow we've observed and built ourselves this far on those tricks that existence plays and somehow youre willing to believe that SEX+RELATIONSHIP= HAPPY despite countless examples proving they can cause the exact opposite.
Everything is relative deep down. Im not saying you should go out and rape somebody just cause, but what i am saying is that fundamentally speaking, nobody knows whats going on, everyone is just trying their best in life, and really noone knows whats happening.

Is sex and relationships vital to ones happiness? Probably. 100% certainly? No.
You can find happyness in other ways.
You just need to try and look.

schizoposting on r9k isn't expertise

>just filler
just cause you cant get your head out of ass and realise what im saying doesnt mean its not worth considering.

You're actually, literaIIy, mentally retarded. That is one of the dumbest posts I have ever read in the entire history of Yas Forums.

OK maybe you could rephrase what you think was the most important part of your post for me, asides from just telling me to get a dog

i never claimed to be an expert
Youre so fixated on pragmatism

Wow it all makes sense now, everything's so easy if I just ignore reality

And i feel sorry for you being so unable to understand anything outside of your comfort zone.

Jesus fuck the autism is through the roof.

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not ignore reality
but understanding reality in the way you see it isnt the objective reality that everyone else sees. And not only do you need to understand that but you need to realize it too. You can change the way you react to certain things and that can change your entire world.

so you're saying I just need to pretend I have a gf?

And yet im happy and content with life.

OP doesn't know about instincts

oh for fucks sakes man why do you even want a girlfriend?
you actually think for one second its going to solve any problems you have?
you realise thats an entire person with luggage and bullshit you have to deal with?
How fucking irrational women can be for no reason whatsoever?
You think its going to be like in the movies where you both go out to the beach and its romantic as shit and then you make love and hold eachother?

Wake up call my guy it aint like that.

Not OP, but this unironically works for me. Real women are suffering, so I just love some anime girls instead.

Yes that works user. Pick your waifu and join us. It is totally different than the guy who fucks his car

OP says you can learn to ignore instincts.
Not remove them, but ignore them and disassociate from them. Learn to gain controll over your human condition.

OK so the solution to needing a gf, is to pretend I don't want one in the first place?

>You think its going to be like in the movies where you both go out to the beach and its romantic as shit and then you make love and hold eachother?
At it's best a relationship will literally be like this, and it will feel amazing. You will wish you could freeze time and stay there, but you can't. Then comes the pain.

I want to live in your world. I have had three relationships and this is total and utter bull rap.

realize that you actually dont need a gf to be happy and content.

that this game you've been playing with yourself where you think you need anybody else to be happy is just that, a game.

Zen comes from the inside man. Why do you even need a gf? Cause some pyramid told you you need one to be happy?
You dont.
It helps but you dont need it.
The problem with psychology is it mainly originated in the west and completely ignored eastern philosophy. The reason you have a hard time understanding me is cause im trying to undermine an entire lifetime worth fo social programming

>You think just because its the biological purpose of life that its something you HAVE to do?
No, the fact that it's the "biological purpose" controls their mind and makes them want to do it

>realize that you don't need a gf to be happy and content
Have you seen this post?

It's easier to wallow in self pity than to do anything hard, stop giving ua advice
t. wallows in self pity

I have the answer just don't need a gf just have sex lol idiots

>dude just like stop wanting a girlfriend