

stupid tranny deaf faggot here

nobody cares, but i come here on Yas Forums sometimes to talk about death and suicide. Pills is not the way, like i've tried before.

I am cutting rather heavily. Here's to hoping that i cut deep enough one day to pass out and bleed to death.

my roommate sucks. Debt's piling up.

i want out i want out i want out i want out i want out i want out i want out i want out

Attached: e94c027158352e59b56c2482492e279d.jpg (1400x935, 163.16K)

hope you find peace user

You will find the person who will love you and even if I don't know you I want you to know user that you are important and there is a reason why you're still here.

thanks me too

its hard and i feel unimportant

op here

i am diagonised with dysthymia and borderline personality disorder

Hope you get out soon OP

If you are a cute little trap femboy I'll take you in and cuddle you all the time and you can be my clingy little pampered NEET bf (gf). But you're probably ugly so good luck on your suicide.

im the opposite of ugly, but thanks i guess

Want to be my tranny NEET pet then?

The opposite of ugly? So...very attractive?

the opposite of being happy is sad :)

youd have to tell me more about yourself before i bleed out.

Post pictures or you are just larping don't bs me about the rules do it

youd have to tell me more about yourself before i bleed out.

for example i am 145 at 5'10"

But here we are! All in this thread before you, even if some may not respond, hundreds are still reading and witnessing, lurking with the same confusion and wonder!

You may cut yourself to distract yourself from other pains, or it may bring understanding to what you feel you don't know or don't like, but you are unique and amazing in your own way. There is no one else like you, and your mixture of attributes give you the charm that you have. I rejoice knowing there's so many different people in the world with dreams, hopes, ambitions, happiness, wonder, and wanderlust.

Knowing all the memories, happiness, joy, and innocence still left inside you, leaving forever is just is crushing for me to even think about. It's crushing to even think about all the other lost and scared people who never got the chance to go on to enjoy life.

Please don't let that little flame die out, it's kindling may be weak, but it still wants to burn. Flames are still burning here beside you. ^^

I'm a fat, creepy, hairy guy like the type you see in doujins.

im not really comfortable with sharing pics but here you go

its kindling is definitely very weak.

Attached: 75226407_409068273338183_2593264952261214208_n.jpg (708x706, 69.2K)

And this is when the thread dies

Literal 0 wtf

Attached: f4c.jpg (380x380, 61.49K)

yeah thanks for hastening my death

cute/10 but clearly shy

more or less, mr doujin man

Were you born deaf or did something happen?

i was born 2 months too early. wish i wasn't a NICU baby, but here we are

getting cochlear implans soon-ish

but despite it all i still want to disappear

Nobody is gonna care unless you post cute penis and bussy dude.

Yeah me too.
Why did you go down this route? Did you fall for the pinkpill meme? I almost did, but thankfully had the time to think it over, as well as lack of privacy to keep me from going through with it. You need to learn to accept yourself, I mean embrace your masculinity.
That sucks, did you know there's a deaf community in VRchat? I recommend finding friends there if you haven't already.
>I am cutting
That's pretty cringy and gay, OP. I advise you to stop it.
>my roommate sucks
>Debt's piling up
No family to turn to?
What the fuck kind of expression are you trying to convey with your mouth in this image?
You can't tell us you did not expect to receive criticism for posting your face on Yas Forums of all places.

post yours first


if i could kill your mother, i would

Useless dumb tranny, who will attend your funeral?

oh im sorry i didnt know that Yas Forums wasn't a shit hole for anyone to fall down and die

dont want a furneal

You'll have a funeral. Your mother will cry, but your father will be relieved.

>oh im sorry i didnt know that Yas Forums wasn't a shit hole for anyone to fall down and die
You did say you're stupid, so I forgive you. Thanks for answering all of my questions, nigger.

you got it wrong

my father will mourn, but my mother and i hate each other because im a tranny faggot that can't and won't accept masculinity :)