I've never cared about studying and getting a career like most people. I just never take life seriously, and I finally realized why.
It's because I will never have a gf, which is the cornerstone of a social life for males. Why is this so crucial then? It's loneliness that makes me feel like my life has no context. I'm not connected to society and the human realm. This makes it natural for me to not care about human society requirements such as getting a degree. I mean I don't have a horse in the race so why should I stress about the race?
I didn't go to uni until my very late 20's and people are so surprised about this. It's not that big of a deal though. I'm 10 years late. But late from what exactly? I'll never have any kind of rewarding social life, nobody will know me or what I'm doing, so I can spend the rest of my life graduating if I want to. Nobody cares. People who race to graduate early do it so they can have a family life. If graduating is the last and only achievement I'll ever do, why not graduate at 80?