>eats intelligent animals every day
>gets mad at Chinese for eating heckin pupperino
Explain yourself.
Eats intelligent animals every day
Other urls found in this thread:
Well me eating didn't cause a global pandemic
We're mad at them for eating heckin baterinos now
Heckin pupperino is cute tho
There is no logical argument. Eat what you want to eat and let people do what they want to do. Unless it they are intentionally harming other life then you have no right to control them. They are eating these animals and using their life just as that cow gave its life just so you can eat a cheeseburger.
A lot of animals we eat are cute, especially as babies.
Pigs are at least as intelligent as dogs, possibly a bit more.
>people getting mad at eating other animals
I went to china once and ate dog I don't give a FUCK
It tasted like shit anyways
I don't care what the bug anthropomorphs eat I just hate how they eat animals alive or kill them in the dumbest way.
>eat animals alive
How the fuck would you do that?
>or kill them in the dumbest way
For example?
Good thing I am Jewish :DDD
generally, carnivorous and omnivorous animals taste gamey and have a stringy texture
Mainly fish and other mollusk. They happen to boil animals alive when preparing it(dogs are common). This does nothing but ruin the meat and add needles torture for the animal.
>BACON, heh, get fucked vegans
>an arbitrary point in the intelligence spectrum justifies enslavement and killing
does that make it okay for doctors to kill their patients, because doctors are smarter?
does that make it okay for normal humans to kill the mentally retarded?
fucking retard
>does that make it okay for normal humans to kill the mentally retarded?
Yes of course.
I don't know why we don't, there would certainly be a lot less depression on this board if we did.
cool, so you wouldnt mind if someone more intelligent than you had the legal right to kill you and members of your family?
>Killing dumb animals is the same as killing dumb humans.
>Reddit spacing
Go back you don't belong here.
how are they not the same? they are both sentient, conscious, and can experience suffering and pain just as deeply
whats the difference between a animal and a human that makes it okay to enslave and kill animals for meat, but not with humans?
We aren't saying its ok to kill people "less intelligent" the line is at "not intelligent"
Like cows, and yourself.
>how are they not the same? they are both sentient, conscious, and can experience suffering and pain just as deeply
because that's wrong you fucking retard
>the line is at "not intelligent"
but cows pigs and chickens demonstrate some degree of intelligent. they can reason to some degree, which requires intelligence. they can communicate with eachother, which requires intelligence. they understand how to walk, how to eat food, how to fight, which requires some degree of intelligence
fucking moron. a pig has the intellectual capacity of a 3 year old human child
heres proof that animals are sentient and conscious. scientific proof. please provide me evidence that animals are not sentient, or shut ur dumbass up, fucking moron
again ? i think the premise is that dogs being scared because they've been completely cultivated into selfless human animals not only that but they should technically be someones pets the argument is western people would die with there loved one the dog before they would betray them and eat them. this is just a nobal idea that alot of people subscribe to but most people arnt trying to move forward ethicly and dont care a bout animal welfare that not only are cruel to there dogs but if there was dog meat on the market they wouldn't care. i like the idea tho of a moral breed and if we knew we were eating say bad pigs and the good ones got to live longer would be a similar approach so yeah currently no one is really making an acceptable claim on life but is it possible do animals revert to good nature if not pressed ?
Are you okay with this? Imagine if it was mother or father reincarnated into this camel.
I suppose you can consider people as intelligent animals, so perhaps I am a hypocrite
I don't get it either but I take it one step further and argue that killing and eating an 'intelligent' animal isn't really any difference from killing and eating an animal which is not very 'intelligent'; in death and in suffering all souls are equals. There's little reason to believe that the amount of suffering you are capable of correlates to your level of intelligence. You could make the case that intelligence is more valuable than non-intelligence but that's "problematic" to say the least, and I'm sure you can see why that line of reasoning ends in genocide.
All in all I think the things which annoys me about the position in OP's post isn't that it's logically inconsistent but more that it's a blatant flight from the reality of living as a part of nature. There's no inherent morality to it all. The chinks eat the dogs because they can, we eat the pig because we can and the bear will eat you because it can and no higher power will hold a wake for the loss of the beautiful, intelligent light that bear snuffed out. You ought not feel shame for being a part of this world.
is sage even allowed on this board? doesn't even make sense with the robot monitoring posts and stuff. testing
>so perhaps I am a hypocrite
>meat eater being honest
what is this, my fantasy or something?!
i do think its hypocritical to eat meat. but the question is do you even care about being a hypocrite
im sure you'd think its hypocritical to bully and abuse the weak when you have the power to do so, but would you still do it and not care?
im sure you'd think its hypocritical to rape and pillage when you have the power to do so, but would you still do it and not care?
most people dont really care, truth be told. its either that or they are beyond delusional. heres a good article on just how delusional most meat eaters are
its especially hypocritical coming from the robots of r9k, because most of this board is whining about being abused and boolied, yet they abuse and bully animals much worse
you know like "waaa i dont have a gf ;_;", yet they pay for animals to live their entire lives as virgins and be killed for their taste pleasure
not to mention a vegan diet is arguably healthier. you should try it, id highly recommend a "whole foods plant based diet"
most people go vegan for the health reasons pic related, and later develop empathy. theres studies showing veganism increases your empathy towards suffering, i can link if u ask
heres a true basedboy showing you how to transition to this diet. its literally what i eat
try it!
Factory farming, and even farming in general are not fair to the animals.
They never stood a chance.
However, humans need meat to survive in the long run, and to stay healthy.
You can hit me up with any vegan mumbo jumbo you want, but all you need to do is take a look at a handful of people who have been vegans for multiple years.
That speaks for itself, stronger than any argument.
I feel for people who want to stop this, and who become vegans.
I get it. I see how someone would come to accept that worldview and become an activist.
However, being a human herbivore is just not in the cards.
The best you can hope for is the collapse of civilisation, so that humans go back to a more primitive lifestyle, which will include very little farming, or no farming at all.
Still, as long as humans exist, they will kill animals.
And of course, countless other animals will kill other animals.
The world is a cruel arena of survival.
Sheltered humans in civilisation forget this, and are shocked when they see blood.
Why sage my thread, faggots?
I am not that vegan nutjob, I am pro pupperino eating.
So fuck you.
Also, announcing sage is against the rules.
Who cares? If the thread dies just wait ten minutes for the same exact thread to be made.
Alright, good point.
I dont really like the taste of pupperinos
>Reddit spacing
Slit your wrists newnigger