Fembots, do you like cute boys or manly men?

Fembots, do you like cute boys or manly men?

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Cute, orogianaly

Manly men. I need a man who can kill for me.

10/10 chads of course

>tfw big, manly and ugly
>dead eyes and an angry neutral expression
>don't talk much
>also have a thing for petite girls
>tfw they think I'm going to kill them

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Cute and submissive for sure

What if I'm both? I look like a 16 year old but I'm also muscular.

All men are cute especially manly ones

Both. I want a big intimidating looking manly man who could snap my neck, but is actually an adorable soft boy who will let me cradle his head and tell him that he's good.

I know this feeling too well.

>Broad shoulders
>Square jaw
>Sunken eyes
>tfw would give ANYTHING to have been born as a cute twink but instead I am a massive lunky retard

You aren't real women

trans women are women sweaty

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Also I talk like a faggot

>I am a massive lunky retard
>tfw no massive lunky retard bf with the soul of a cute twink bf

I am dilating, using the biological mechanisms that are encoded in my DNA. Let a bitch be thirsty in peace.

I don't want to be shorter but God damn, what wouldn't I give to be handsome. I've been ghosted after showing my face. Posts like are the most hurtful. I could do exactly that for a girl but they wouldn't want me because my face just looks like hammered shit. I've known I was ugly for a long time and it never gets any easier.

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I mean, youre both mentally challenged, but women actually have a use while you dont

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Join the 41%
>I am dilating, using the biological mechanisms that are encoded in my DNA
What the fuck are you talking about, queermo? God, you trannies are as stupid as you are repulsive.

The post you're referring to is mine. Whenever people here say they're ugly, they're always at least average. I'm guessing why they ghosted you wasn't that you're ugly, but they likely had an image of you in their minds that wasn't the same as reality? People here will ghost at the drop of a hat.

How old are you user? Where are you from?

>What the fuck are you talking about, queermo? God, you trannies are as stupid as you are repulsive.
Have you never taken a basic biology class? Vaginal dilation and lubrication during arousal? No?

i'm not even a tranny just a troll

You have no vagina. And no, that knife wound is not a vagina.

>I'm guessing why they ghosted you wasn't that you're ugly
That's a nice sentiment but I rather doubt it. I'm 21 and from the east coast.

that's an awful thing to say to anyone

I've been called cute before. Any women in Germnay that might be interested?

some content for the content gods

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A mix of strong manly Chad and prettyboy.

Of course you're going to doubt me. Someday someone will make you not doubt it when they call you beautiful.

>nowhere near me
As expected.

>having the looks and physique of a fit 16 year old

>not being mistaken for a teenager

Just be a twink user.

Maybe. I'd like to believe that someday.
Are you in the same country even? I bet you're a euro but maybe we could talk anyway.

I am already being mistaken as a teenager even by Asians. My muscles don't help at all.

Trust, I'm always right. Just like my mom. :^)

Australia actually. But sure, why not?

manly men pls
