How do I beat him?
inb4 git gud
How do I beat him?
inb4 git gud
Don't get hit
Hit him
just run around until you learn his moveset, then realize that its actually pretty random and hes a bullshit boss that you have to get sorta lucky on
he is pretty easy desu
first phase you should be able to dodge everything but the fire breath, just aim for head
second phase you cant be too greedy, you should be able to anticipate his attacks. I would recommend rolling into him most of the time
and just trade 1 hit after like every 3 attacks of his
Its not that hard u fag
Just lvl up str and he goes dong
No shield, two hand Zweihander
The camera is absolute garbage in the first phase, honestly if it wasn't for it I should have beat him by now
Who uses shields in ds3?
Plenty of casul fagits do
You sound like a dex fag
lol i actually forgot about that
turn lock off for that desu
actually if you play with keyboard and mouse dont use auto lock at all
>he doesnt keep a grass crest shield on his back for the free stam gain
I mean ds3 was on sale and i invaded some newfags on lotric and i didnt see anybody with a shield
I usually don't use them in bosses, but I even tried Havel greatshield for this fight
Nope, I'm using Claymore +10/36 STR
Ok man up and use Great Club
Git gud or learn how to cheese faggot.
His attacks are just super delayed, he feels like a DaS1 boss in BB.
Learn that in from software games the camera will always be against you. Play like a pussy and you will win.
Just use Great Club/Morne's Great Hammer/Any greatsword
And hes ez as fuck
Man up u fucking casul
>learn his moveset really well. His MO is to make chains of attacks in seemingly random order and of random composition
>many attacks have a delay, designed to punish panic rolling. Don't panic roll
>get a decent weapon, make sure you can deal good damage in 1 or 2 swings
>If you get greedy he'll probably stick his swordspear in your boipussy
>If you have magic attacks you can run away and cast one; both he and the dragon are weak to magic
>if you're having trouble with the attack where he calls down lightning on your head, just turn the camera so you can't see him anymore and it'll auto-miss
>don't be afraid to put him off until later in the game. If you can't beat King of the Storm without taking damage, you're probably too weak/need to git gud
Circle around very close and you can run dodge a lot of his shit. Keep close even when healing. When roll doging, roll a bit later than you feel like. He has a lot of delay to his attacks.
Hit him with like 5 Doryhs' Gnawings and he ded
>free stam gain
>literally adds the weight of a shield to you
>for nothing but a chlor ring bonus or less
Truly pleb tier.
Just use a trainer, this guy has infinite stamina so it's fair to cheat back.
go int magic build and just shoot him from safety, never breaking a sweat?
int sucks early game but the pay off is you destroy all the bosses.
i only got him with severe luck by using pyromancies i.e. moslty black fireball thingy
in darksouls 3 weight is laughable tho
Circle strafe. If you can beat a boss by circle strafing, try strafing the other way.
try and work on your dodge timing, and also don't get greedy
but still
lol at being stuck on nameless king
Someone already said it but his whole gimmick is his attacks have delays, once you know about the delay it's impossible to get roll caught and then he's a pushover since he gives you a second before each attack
I found him and manus to both be easy first time.