
Proper women hate thread, since the last one is currently under attack by a spambot and the jannies let it rot. Post all you got to make us despise women.

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reposting what was in the old thread before it gets auto saged

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confirmed bot

All you suckers do is complain
If you want to do something about it do it already

Just don't let them walk all over you and don't give her everything she wants
Doing that is addictive because she will smile, she will send you pictures and she will suck your dick and because there are a million guys out there willing to take your place
However if you stand up and don't let her get away she will call you every name under the sun but then she will call you crying and apologizing because you just showed her that you care
You have no idea how many women are desperate for this and have never experienced it once in their life
So you want some magic way to set you appart from any other guy? You got it and don't think oh that's what Chad does, Chad doesn't stand up to women because he doesn't need to, no woman gets a chance to pull any bullshit on him because he is gone by then
There will be some sad cunts who are so far gone and so crazy that will react to this by breaking your shit or calling your mother or some other insane shit, that's just how it is, thats a person who has never experienced love in her life, doesn't know how to react to it and takes it as a threat, there is nothing you can do for women like that

The real bigger problem is more that there's no way to actually meet women anymore that isn't online dating, which, surprise to nobody, is all just Chads that women swipe on endlessly

that nigs rape and murder and that gullible propaganda-lobotomized white women with bad or no father figures make easy victims?

At least the poor bastard got a bittersweet ending

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ok its going to sound really stupid to you but you can try learning something
i have been to several drawing classes and workshops, there is plenty of women there, im currently attending onne taught by a paintor and the average student is 60 years old and a doctor for some reason but i have also gone to one where 50% where 20 slutty year old girls who went out to party, did drugs and fucked around plenty
you can find a class for almost anything you would like to learn, cooking? singing? writing? playing music? sports? acting? (acting is fucking great, i had acting lessons and you get to be real handsy with the girls) plus you can be totally retaded and nobody cares since you at least aren scared of moving or talking, you can even go to one of those fancy strechy things at the park, its like dancing really slowly
you can always learn something useful instead
classes are a great way to meet people, people taking them tend to be higly sociable too plus knowing things makes you attractive

Last thread before all the BBC shit was really good, actually saw some new content

Why don't you robots try dating a fembot so you stop hating women as a whole and just only hate Stacey? I'm single. Tell me about yourselves.

I simply just never have the time or energy for that, or the money, for that matter. I work 35 hours a week at a minimum wage job, all evening shifts except for weekends which are 10-6:30. I had Wednesday off but I was always so drained and exhausted, not to mention broke as fuck. How do people find the time or money to go to things like cooking classes or whatever?

bittersweet? dudes a champ, he will find someone else

Unironically fembots have been some of the worse beings I've ever interacted with.
The only good ones don't post to Yas Forums.
Hope you find what you're looking for.
Who knows maybe you aren't like the others, how many times have we all heard that?

classes can be really cheap but im not going to lie to you, if you want to meet cute girls you are going to have to spend money
if you dont have the energy or a couple of hours a week to take a class then how do you expect to keep a girlfiend in the first place?
if you earn a minimum wage, it seems like you have bigger problems
why dont you get a license to operate a forklift and get a job at a warehouse? its not ideal but you will be earning more money, not working on weekends and you can get certified pretty quick

because ugly girls are worse

Well let's be honest
>concerned girl asks you to open up
>she listens, gives you advice, encouragement and wishes you well
>you now think your life solution is to only have a woman to complain to
>not doing anything yourself to change your life
>just complaining to her
>decide to bitch at her about all your insecurities 24/7
>think doing this makes your friendship with her special or a relationship
>one time she decides to do something besides enable your whining
>you flip your shit because you expected her to be there to baby you
>you fall back into bad habits
>you blame her for your relapse
>you resent her for bothering in the first place
>you blame all women for not wanting to be selflessly nice to you all the time until the end of time

Honestly, guys who get mad about this stuff do this kind of shit being an emotional drain on people, never giving back, being appreciative or being of any value or support yourselves. Just feeling entitled to somebody else's free therapy. The way men don't do anything for women unless it's in trade for sex, it's not wonder women are tired of it.

to be fair, I was weeks away from starting college for the first time (at 30 lmao kill me) before all the corona shit happened so I at least had life plans set up

the issue is more how my old schedule was, working evenings made it really hard for me to ever do or enjoy anything in the morning without stressing constantly if I would have enough time to get to work afterwards

spotted the roastie

you literally can't open up about anything ever with women or they'll eat you alive. i had a relationship go cold and distant because i cried in front of her when i found out my dad just died

I'm not so sure. Women do NOT like a man who has thwarted other women in the past. Kind of like banks don't want to give loans to people who have successfully sued someone for absurd interest rates. Always remember that women value a man for his money above all else, at least until his money becomes hers.

>assuming all women should be the same free therapists

You know not all women are equipped to be supportive and sympathetic just like not all you men know how to be strong and protective. And you know how you guys get pissy about "all" women expecting "all" men to be Chad.

Men have a really bad habit of blaming their poor choices on everyone but themselves. You got yourself to blame if you want a girl who can be an emotional support and you choose to date one who can't or won't.

Women are not entirely people.
They're shallow shells into which you pour money and attention and she may provide offpspring in return.
If you expect fidelity, a sense of responsibility or a genuine sense of caring for your well-being, you're doing it wrong. Women will not provide that.
Get a guy friend for discussions and honest conversation. Get a woman to provide babies.

yeah 10-6:30 is a shitty schelude, you could do better. Even as an overnight stocker, do you work retail or something?
i went to art school when i was 20, we were all in our 20s except fr one guy who was 30. The kind of shit he did was amazing, i could tell he busted his ass, proffessors were impresseed and we were all always looking fowards to seeing what he worked on
looking back the guy wasnt all that talented, he knew basic perspective and did an arts and craft animation using a candle and some cardboard cut outs (wich he 100% took from some tutorial).
Kids in their early 20s are really stupid, you have to work really hard but make it seem like its super easy for you and you will win them over

I agree when it comes to the extreme cases of whining non stop. but can you really tell that user is wrong for feeling mad about being dumped just because he felt vulnerable about his father dying? Do you think a decent human being would treat someone like that?

>a decent human being
Women SAY they want men to open up. What they actually mean is that they want men to validate them emotionall and tell them that they're right about something or that they're beautiful when they're feeling vulnerable.
Just like women SAY they want a sensitive man with a sense of humor and shit. What they really want is someone who will agree with them and has a lot of money.
Never take a women at her word.

What a wholesome ending

>Open up

I speak from experience, nothing dries up pussy faster than opening up. It's a classic example of woman not knowing what they want. You guys need to get something off your chest? Confide in one of your Bros, NOT a woman.. it's literally a trap.

Haha, based (originale)

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We need to ban all heterosexual men from this site

lgnore the white knight

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lmfao what a dumb bitch
>asks a whorish question to gauge a new "sex worker" venue she can exploit while she titty streams
>community votes with disapproval because she's a whore
>"don't think this is disingenuous attempt to whore out. it was a joke by a vapid titcow, cant you take a joke Stinky incels"

Can't wait till onlyfans taint more whore's social media presences, they are near impossible to erase. That shit will stick and it will bar them from getting actual jobs when onlyfans dries up. I remember there being a female mechanic getting recently fired because she was crying sexual harassment since other employees were telling others about her onlyfans. But she took onlyfan pics in uniform and in the company bathrooms

Because fembots do not want me. I don't hate women in the first place, stacy or otherwise. Maybe that's why fembots don't want me? I dunno.


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