>Love is back
Love is back
Love was a user back like maybe 5 or 6 years ago at this point? She used to host a Youth groupchat for all the sub 25 age people here.
She just came back to her old account!!!! She's a staple of Yas Forums
who.ru and why do you want to know
i am lonely senior and want to find servers to find people to talk to who are probably interested in the same things i am
server links?
pop tags or fuck off
There's no way the real Love is back
Love = Prince Whoever the fuck
Right? It's been like 3 years how the fuck can I remember this
Ah shit I remember that server. Was actually very comfy except for Prince being a huge fucking narcissist. Is it even still active? I'm 20 now
pop your account
Respond you fucking cunt
What was your name back in Youth?
So that's what happened when I left r9k :^)
fuckin elmao
whoa, what the fuck?
Was this Youth2? Got anymore?
Either that or kernelcornstalk. I probably wasn't there for more than a few months I just think I have a good memory
if you're looking for newfriends lmk
don't really know what you wanna see, don't really know what to show either because i never actually bothered interacting much on it. i just joined once when they were advertising on here but then never really posted in there since i wasn't the type to be using discord 24/7.
Ohhh I know that underage faggot, he's a prissyboy who does drugs then lies to his rich parents about it, they basically wipe his ass for him. The last I heard he was fucking some woman a decade older than he was and his mom had no idea, shit was wild.
Can't believe he was the one to end up with Youth, total mess.
Have anymore? Youth lore is so fascinatingly intricate
Some discord drama shit again?
don't really have anything else, those were the only major announcements, rest is just talking between members that i don't really care about, meme posting and whatever else, nothing that interesting
The eternal tl;dr of Youth
>someone calling themselves Love and avatarfagging with Mabel Pines starts making a thread a day about "getting to know" the people on Yas Forums, more or less asking for their entire life story to be submitted to their email or through Discord
>they apparently get such an overwhelming response from young people on here to make a server to host them all in, Youthv1 (just called Youth)
>allegedly (I wasn't in the first server) Love was literally on 24/7 and would always respond to people regardless of timezone or reason, they simultaneously kept up correspondence with several dozen people per day, everyday
>Love themselves were autistic, they would never reveal a single fact about themselves, not age, name, occupation, they essentially spent their entire entire life just talking to other people without ever even referencing themselves with the noun "I"
I should pause to state that this was really fucking creepy. I wrote Love a couple times during the course of the second half of this post and they remain the single weirdest person I've ever talked to off Yas Forums.
>Love deletes Youth after a single month, despite it being one of the chillest servers around (they had no mods, no rules, just a firm "don't be a dick" policy that people actually listened to)
>Said it was all a social experiment to prove that Yas Forums had a very sizeable underage population
>Egotistical members immediately create Youthv2, which instantly devolved the concept from "Unique ARG" to "just another fucking r9k sever"
>Powertools is the new admin, 15 year old retard with a LDR Canadian girlfriend he cheated on multiple times with, she also admins
>The only noteworthy events from this server are as follows:
>Love joined after about 2 weeks, maintained their perpetual online status, apparently drunkposted multiple times and we learned they were some female in Europe working high up in education
>She had a son who died
I'll continue in another post, too long
>Love was apparently very close and defensive of a user called Emma, who was 12 at the time, outright banning people on the spot for anything said about or against them
>Pedophilia is a massive issue, it's suspected many users were targeted due to the server allowing as young as 11 to join
>Meppz and others are forever labeled and banned as pedophiles
>About 6 months after Youthv2 is made user named Prince Royal joins, many suspect him to actually have been Love the whole time but I personally don't subscribe to it (worth the mention though because he was a right cunt)
>Love deletes her account about a year after Youth2 was created, multiple users fuck off to follow Prince Royal to Youthv3, the screenshots above are from the death gasp of Youthv2
>Prince Royal and Emma run Youthv3 until they delete the server after a few months because Royal got addicted to crack and Emma was literally 13
to this day there are still splinter servers trying to be the newest version of Youth, shit is bananas. All signs point to Love actually being Emma because
A) Who else has that much freetime
B) Love would enact anything Emma wanted and the two were unusually close
In any case it is such a strange fucking footnote of Yas Forums history. The initial "Getting to know you" threads had the weirdest air about them due to Love's autistic writing style, the entire datamining operation that took place, and if Love is to be believed she gathered upwards of 500 complete life stories of people who were here.
Technically Discord drama, yeah, but a weirdly elaborate series of events that were probably illegal somewhere.
If Love is actually back though this place should get a whole lot weirder real fast
Sounds like a comfy group.
Too bad those kind of very special servers of that type fall victim to burnout. That's what happened there.
Wish there was a consistent r9k server.
>Wish there was a consistent r9k server.
From my observation, there never can be one, it'll always evolve into some e-drama server
Unless someone will actually make an effort to make the server high quality. I think just letting people into the server isn't good, there should be some sort of system set in
I have a server from here, things are really comfy, I dont mod at all, but I would never open invites ever again cause it just leads to drama. All we do is talk about lifting and manga its pre chill
If your server isn't full of anime pfp's and faggotery, I'd appreciate an invite.
I would love to make a server as I have had my fair share with running (very large) anime communities in other games.
Not really an anime guy but just like the people aspect.
The issue however is one, I don't think it would be a long term gig for me, and two, I would have no idea how to even advertise it.
Sounds mega comfy, how and how often do you let people inside?
I got pretty interested, email me if you want
[email protected]
I might give it a shot actually if I think about it. Might create a bio channel as the only viewable/postable channel new members. Where I would pretty much have to go through and just auto sort applications until I could find others to rely on.
I don't like the idea of having my inbox filled or having others read life stories so I'd make it write only and not readable, with a bit moving all text to another application channel for a moderation team to go over.
Would probably want to make the discord general centric as well, so I'll lock most channels behind tags for people to opt into. (Hate being forced to go through every channel to mute channels idc for) This would also help stop some lolcow drama bullshit as cliques could for and propagate individually of each other in the discord. Making it so moderation is only general.
Voice would be a completely other beast. I hate bots, but wouldn't mind having a single music bot.
I'll start working on it when I wake up. For now I'll sleep then post progress once I get the technicals worked out.
Checked, keep us updated