cis men can't be robots because trans girls will always settle for them. we could make you happy if you just let us, trannies are the only real robots
Cis men can't be robots because trans girls will always settle for them. we could make you happy if you just let us...
I would date a girl taking testosterone
Trannies are freaks. Your sheer existence spites me. I would rather fuck a man than a tranny, atleast the man knows he's a man.
Bro, even though no one wants to make me happy, i just can't be happy with anyone.
I'll be the judge of that. Post boipussy.
I would date a transgirl as long as she passed. However, if they looked like a man, I would have to say no.
you have options and are therfore not a robot, leave normalfag
too bad, cuntoids dont want you, even the transmen ones
my bussy used to be good but no one would be my bf so now im a fat tranny and not very attractive at all
I don't believe any of this.
I would date any trans girl as long as (s)he is a lovable person. Also, not a man, but an actual trans girl.
yeah im sure your standards for "lovable" and "actual trans girl" are very reasonable...
I can't even be friends with trans women they take everything personally like if you call them dude without thinking about it. You're waking on eggshells
yeah they're fragile, but honestly it's no worse than talking with roastiods, just be concious of your speech or find a trans girl who doesn't give a fuck about that stuff
I have no options but I'd rather be alone then date a man.
then leave normalfag, you're not a real robot
Passable trannies are very rare and if they really pass then there's plenty of competition so they don't need to settle for robots
No thanks, I think I'd rather stay.
maybe if you trannies actually looked like the ones i jack off to and not just a creepy lad with dyed balding hair and stubble then i'd consider it
There are no such thing as a "trans" girl. They are just guys with mental illness. There is no disputing this.
picky picky, you have people out there who will gladly wear a bag over their head if you just let them be your wife and you tell them they're not good enough- sound familiar? its because transgirls are real robots and YOU are the MANSTACY
mtf trannies are like 80% 'transbian'
there is no one for me you disgusting freak
yes, gender dysphoria is a mental illness, no one is disputing this. Transitioning is a TREATMENT not a CURE- you understand? they're not out to get you, they're TREATING their MENTAL ILLNESS that you constantly berate them for having
transbians are not robots, only hsts can be robots. my fucking transbian friend has like a fucking harrem of 50 transgirls and is constantly like "ur such an incel just get a bf lol its ez"
im trans. i fucking despise most trans people, its so easy to pass as a real girl yet they'd rather blame everything but themselves, voice is super easy to change, and yes they are super fucking sensitive and need to shut the fuck up. this is why i don't openly show trans pride or tell people i'm trans unless its relevant or they ask.
>no one is disputing this
most trans communities do dispute the fact that trannies are mentally ill though, they believe gender dysphoria is a mental illness but that you don't need to have it in order to be trans
sjws are retarded and dont represent hsts trannies
Artificially raising hormones, cutting your dick off, and cross dressing doesn't make you a woman, anymore than me putting on cat ears, eating cat food, and meowing makes me a cat.
No, my friend, they are exacerbating their mental illness, not treating it, hence why half of them kill themselves
they represent the majority of trans people though, they're mostly what problem have a problem with, truscum are a minority
Not at all user
Just not a beard and doesn't mind hugs
I'm not gay so it wouldn't be much of a relationship
passing doesn't get you a bf, it just gets you pumped and dumped by fetishists
i didnt say trannies are women, i know what i am, and i dont care as long as i dont suffer too much from my mental illness. all i want is a bf who wont dump me for stacy
honestly, it doesn't matter how fucked in the head they are, everyone deserves love dont they?
>Technically you could be having gay sex with the most pathetic and desperate type of man so you can't be an incel
I'd take a bottom of the barrel natural born woman, but I'll never be able to be attracted to trans women. I'm not a faggot and I can't just choose to be gay.
you wouldn't even let a trans woman with a bag over their head suck you off while you watch porn of cis women?
Only interested in transmen or really cute males sorry bud.
yeah of course you are, anything with a pussy gets to pick whatever bf they want no matter how disfigured they are but trans women are stuck here taking fifty prozac a day trying not to think about >tfw no bf
if you trannies are just lads then why dont you share my fucking interests
if you look even slightly passable and like the things i like that makes you more wife material than the average roastie
nope, I appreciate the offer though, I hope you never run out of bfs, but I only like chicks a la naturale.
I'd be too scared of paper cuts.
i only ever had one bf and he cheated on me and emotionally abused me constantly, eventually some roastoids with their roastie tricks tricked me into breaking up with him saying shit like "u deserve better than him gurrrrlll"
its been something like 8 years since then, and i honestly regret it, id rather be abused and cheated on than be alone with >no bf
i'd mention the rape but honestly i didnt mind, i was just glad that he chose me